Research Spotlight: Ayesha Ferozpuri, Harris Franken and Isabelle Clough - Christopher Newport University


Research Spotlight: Ayesha Ferozpuri, Harris Franken and Isabelle Clough

Ayesha Ferozpuri, Harris Franken and Isabelle Clough presented a poster on Psychopathy Traits Predict Selective Attention at the Eastern Psychological Association.

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Ayesha Ferozpuri, Harris Franken and Isabelle Clough
Ayesha Ferozpuri, Harris Franken and Isabelle Clough

Ayesha Ferozpuri '19, Arlington, Virginia
Psychology and neuroscience

Robert "Harris" Franken '18, Alexandria, Virginia

Isabelle Clough '18, Crownsville, Maryland
Psychology and sociology

Faculty Mentor
Dr. Laurie S. Hunter, Psychology

Ayesha Ferozpuri, Harris Franken and Isabelle Clough traveled to Philadelphia to present a poster on Psychopathy Traits Predict Selective Attention at the Eastern Psychological Association. Their research found that individuals with higher scores on the psychopathy subscales of boldness, meanness and disinhibition make more errors when attempting to focus their attention on a specific task.

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