The Captains Kids Club is Back in Action! - Christopher Newport University


CNU Captains Kids Club logo sits on top of a blurred image of the football field.

The Captains Kids Club is Back in Action!

Club seeks to inspire the next generation of fans and athletes.

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Two young boys pose with a member of Christopher Newport's football team.

“I remember going to football games as a kid and getting to meet the players and giving them high-fives,” said Aaron Maxie, ‘27. “I recall getting a T-shirt and thinking it was the coolest thing in the world.”

That was back in 2010, when at the age of six, Aaron Maxie’s parents signed him up to be an inaugural member of the original Captains Kids Club. Aaron credits that initial exposure to Christopher Newport athletics with sparking a dream he would spend many years chasing. “It's been my goal since childhood to eventually become one of those players I looked up to on the field.” Fast forward 13 years: Aaron is back at Christopher Newport as a member of the class of ’27 and a baseball team recruit. His arrival at Christopher Newport coincides with the revival of the Captain Kids Club. Now, young athletes can come watch Aaron, and dream, as he did, of one day competing as a Captain.

Young Aaron Moxie as a batboy

Joining the Kids Club created the initial connection that inspired Aaron to go from a young fan in the stands to an athlete on the field. For a few years, he became a batboy for Christopher Newport’s baseball team (pictured left) and later went on to play football and baseball in high school. He was heavily recruited by schools from all divisions for both sports. Aaron chose Christopher Newport because it “felt like home.” He now hopes to pay it forward by serving as a role model to future Captains.

“The thought that kids will watch me and hopefully think the way I did at the same age keeps me dedicated to what I do here, both on and off the field,” he said. 

The Captains Kids Club offers a window into CNU athletics for youngsters up to the eighth grade. Membership benefits include a T-shirt, complimentary game tickets, autograph cards, game day experiences at select events and more. The cost is only $25, and the revived Captains Kids Club is presented through the generosity of Emily Krikorian Realtor and the Jimmy Fay Insurance Agency.

“It is such an honor to work with Emily Krikorian and Jimmy Fay to make the Captains Kids Club a reality,” said Director of Athletics Kyle McMullin. “Christopher Newport has a special responsibility to the campus and Virginia Peninsula communities to ensure we welcome fans of all ages to cheer on the captains, and thanks to Emily and Jimmy, this year will offer new and exciting opportunities for our youngest fans.”

Senior Jaya Daniel, a member of the soccer team, has spent months working with Athletic Department staff to pilot the revival of the Captains Kids Club. She grew up watching high-level athletes play and wants other kids to have the same opportunity.

“My hope is that the Captains Kids Club will inspire others to follow their dreams and fall in love with CNU, as I have,” she said. “I am grateful for the opportunity to work on this project, and I look forward to captaining the charge going forward!”

Register for the Captains Kids Club on the CNU Athletics website.

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