CNUPD’s Strategic Uniform Upgrade - Christopher Newport University


Two police officers showing their new uniforms

CNUPD’s Strategic Uniform Upgrade

University officers will now wear outer body armor for enhanced visibility and wellness

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The Christopher Newport Police Department’s uniforms are getting a makeover, and it’s all in the name of safety, visibility and officer health and wellness. The Department is transitioning from traditional body armor worn under the uniform shirt, to a modern, outer vest carrier that is worn over their shirt. The change aligns with the trend in law enforcement toward outer vest carriers, which have been shown to increase community visibility and enhance officer safety. Police Chief Daniel Woloszynowski said this new equipment uses advanced technology that is both lighter and more comfortable.

“By distributing the weight to the upper body, it will reduce the risk of fatigue and physical injuries, particularly back problems so often associated with the traditional duty belt,” Woloszynowski said.

No firearms will be attached to the vests, but other items such as an officer’s radio, flashlight, tourniquet, magazines will be affixed to it.

“The outer carrier will allow us to move some of the heavier and more frequently used pieces of equipment from the waist area and put them on the officer’s upper body, where the weight is evenly distributed,” the chief said. “It ultimately reduces injury and time off. But more importantly, we care about our people. We want to make sure they present a professional image but are still comfortable working long hours, performing shift work, responding to calls for service, and caring for the community.”

Chief Woloszynowski believes the outer body armor will also improve visibility, making it easier for our state and local law enforcement partners, students, and staff to instantly identify CNU police. “It’s critically important to enhance our visibility in the community. Clear visibility – that instant recognition that a guardian is close by makes people feel safer, and it can act as a force multiplier.”

In addition to the outer carriers, officers will be issued new pants made of more durable and lighter materials that feature cargo pockets on each side to hold critical equipment.

The uniforms were paid for through grant funding from Virginia Department of Criminal Justices Services (DCJS) made available by the U.S. Department of Criminal Justice, and secured by Christopher Newport Police.

The Christopher Newport University Police Department is a 24-hour, full-service, professional and forward leaning policing department, which oversees the safety and welfare of all community members and guests through a 21st Century Policing model. Since 2015, and continuing every three years since, the University has been designated a Certified Crime Prevention Campus by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services.

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