CNU Day ’24: Celebrating a decade of Captains Pride! - Christopher Newport University


Students walking on campus. A blue translucent hue is over the picture with the white CNU Day logo in the foreground.

CNU Day ’24: Celebrating a decade of Captains Pride!

Make a difference on this day by sharing your time, talent or treasure

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Celebrate your pride as a Captain — past, present, or future — on Wednesday, March 13th on CNU Day! Reflect on how your time at CNU has shaped you, and consider how you can ensure future Captains have the same opportunity.

You can show your Captains pride by sporting your CNU gear, attending one of the parties at Cities of Celebration across the country, or supporting future generations of Captains through your generosity.

If you are making a gift, these are the key priorities:

  • Scholarships: Help us ensure that no student is denied the opportunity to become a Captain due to financial hardship.
  • Athletics: Support the hard work of our student-athletes both on and off the field, helping cover costs for equipment, facilities, and travel to competitions.</li
  • The Arts: Contribute to our thriving arts programs by supporting the Ferguson Center for the Arts, or the Torggler Fine Arts Center.
  • Center for Community Engagement: Empower our Captains to make a meaningful impact in our local community and beyond through scholarships, internships, and service opportunities.
  • Area of Greatest Need: Your gift here allows us to address emerging and unforeseen opportunities for our students, faculty, and staff.

CNU Day celebrates how we collectively give of our time, talent and treasure. In a message to the community, President William Kelly noted that CNU Day is a chance for you to help provide crucial funding for scholarships and other oportunities that provide life-changing opportunities.

“CNU Day enhances our ability to supply all the margin of excellence opportunities that make a big difference in our academic, athletics, and arts programs, in our facilities, and in our sports, cultural, and social organizations,” said President William Kelly.

“CNU Day also benefits those quiet programs that help Captains. For example, faculty and staff can designate gifts for the Lighthouse Fund, a confidential resource to support employees with critical and immediate needs. There is also a Lighthouse Fund for students. If you are a student, think how empowering and generous if would be to donate a few dollars to that fund, knowing it would be there for one of your fellow Captains if they hit a rought patch.”

President Kelly added that CNU Day is about more than just financial gifts. It’s also a day to celebrate Captains who are generous with their time and talent, and says he hopes to hear from faculty, staff and alumni who are "ALL IN" with Christopher Newport. Whether you volunteer, attend campus events, mentor students/alumni, or bring your talent to work every day, we appreciate all that you do!

Please consider going "ALL IN" on CNU Day, March 13. Your support really makes a difference!

Don't miss out on the CNU Day Cities of Celebration tradition, with 24 locations across the United States and one in the UK. Join us at the location closest to you on March 13 at 6:30 p.m. to celebrate CNU Day! Alums, faculty, staff, friends, and family are all welcome to join us as we show our spirit, reminisce, make gifts, and raise a glass to CNU!

Help us spread the word about CNU Day by changing your profile picture on social media. Download the profile image for each platform using the links below. Join us on March 13 for a day of celebration, giving, and Captains pride!

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