Bradley Buszard
Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures

McMurran Hall 159F
(757) 594-7084
- Ph D in Classical Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- MA in Classical Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- BA in Classical Studies, University of Michigan
Classical antiquity and the U.S. constitution; Athenian culture; Roman culture; epic poetry; mythology; ancient sexuality; Latin; Attic Greek.
The translation of Latin vocabulary into Greek (the GRETL project, accessible at; ancient biography and historiography, particularly under the Roman Empire.
Dr. Buszard is interested in the intersections of cultures, be they ancient or modern. His earliest research was devoted to the parallel Lives by Plutarch. He is currently researching and publishing on the translations of Latin concepts in ancient Greek historiography (the GRETL project, accessible at In addition to the ancient languages and surveys of Classical culture, his classes examine Roman attitudes towards Greek literature (CLST 202), Greek attitudes towards Roman political hegemony (CLST 415), and the Greek, Macedonian, and Roman views of each other’s gender norms and sexual practices (CLST 313). In Dictators, Demagogues, and Decline (CLST 414), he examines the interplay of various constitutional systems in Classical antiquity and their later influence on the founders and the constitution of the United States.
Selected Accomplishments
Book, Scholarly-New
Greek Translations of Roman Magistracies. De Gruyter / E.J. Brill. -
(2025). Greek Translations of Latin Database ( -
Book, Scholarly-New
(2023). Greek Translations of Roman Gods. De Gruyter. Pages, 324. -
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2020). Plutarch's Theseus-Romulus and the Murder of Remus. E.J. Brill. Pages, 201-211. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2018). The Greek Transliteration and Pronunciation of the Latin Consonant U. Glotta. Volume, 2018. Issue, 94. Pages, 109-126. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2015). The Nature and Provenance of the Greek Translations of Fabius Pictor. Classical Philology. Volume, 110. Issue, 1. Pages, 22-51. -
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2011). Translating Rome: Plutarch's Skeptical Etymology in Romulus and Numa. St. Jerome Publishing. Pages, 146-158. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2010). A Plutarchan Parallal to Arrian Anabasis 7.1. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies. Volume, 50. Issue, 4. Pages, 565-585. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2010). The Speech of Greek and Roman Women in Plutarch's Lives. Classical Philology. Volume, 105. Issue, 1. Pages, 83-115. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2008). Caesar's Ambition: A Combined Reading of Plutarch's Alexander-Caesar and Pyrrhus-Marius. Transactions of the American Philological Association. Volume, 138. Issue, 1. Pages, 185-215. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2005). The Decline of Roman Statesmanship in Plutarch's Pyrrhus-Marius. The Classical Quarterly. Volume, 55. Issue, 2. Pages, 481-97. -
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2004). The Decline of the Roman Republic in Pyrrhus-Marius. E.J. Brill. Volume, 2. Pages, 281-96.