Elaine M Miller
Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures

McMurran Hall 108
(757) 594-7489
- Ph D in Spanish, University of Maryland, College Park
- MA in Spanish, Pennsylvania State University
- BA in Spanish, Juniata College
All levels of Spanish language; Techniques of Translation and Interpretation; Latin American literature and culture; The Drama in English Translation
Contemporary Costa Rican theatre; Contemporary Latin American theatre
Dr. Miller joined CNU’s faculty in 2004. Her primary area of academic expertise is contemporary Latin American theatre, which she approaches theoretically via gender and cultural studies. She has published journal articles about Costa Rican and Mexican theatre. She currently serves on Latin American Theatre Review’s Editorial Board and the International Advisory Board of Escena: Revista de las Artes and is the contributing editor for Central American, Caribbean, and Mexican drama for the Library of Congress's Handbook of Latin American Studies.
Dr. Miller teaches broadly within the Spanish curriculum, offering language classes at the beginning and intermediate levels. At the advanced level, she teaches grammar and composition and translation and interpretation as well as content classes about Latin American film, literature, and culture. She has worked with students on service learning and undergraduate research projects. She and her students have translated documents and provided interpretation services for Newport News Public Schools and non-profit organizations. Dr. Miller has sponsored student conference presentations and publications. She also staged with her seminar students Costa Rican playwright Miguel Rojas’s Carnaval de manso rebaño salvaje, hosting the dramatist for for a two-week artistic residency on campus.
Selected Accomplishments
- Class of 2013 Faculty Development Fund Award, CNU's Class of 2013. (2017)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2022). Quique Avilés. Routledge. Pages, 33-37. -
Book, Scholarly-New
(2020). La osadía de ser personas: Diálogos dramatúrgicos Costa Rica - México. Preliminary essay “Paradigmas rotos en la dramaturgia del nuevo milenio: Costa Rica – México” and selection of three Costa Rican and three Mexican plays. México: Editorial Memoria en Movimiento, 2020. -
Encyclopedia Article
(2020). “Drama (Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America).” Handbook of Latin American Studies No. 74: A Selective and Annotated Guide to Recent Publications in the Art, History, Literature, Music, and Philosophy. 74 Humanities. University of Texas Press, 2020, pp. 559-71. -
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2018). “Intertextualidad, género y relaciones de pareja en dos obras teatrales de la costarricense Mabel Marín” in Innovación en las letras femeninas de Latinoamérica. Eds. Gisela P. Dieter and Natalia María Ramírez López. Cali, Colombia: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018. pp. 105-16. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2017). "Ley seca" by Angie Cervantes: The Ordeal of a Costa Rican Teenage Girl. Latin American Theatre Review. Volume, 51. Issue, 1. Pages, 101-116. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2016). Female Friendships and Feminism in Two Plays by Claudia Barrionuevo. Ixquic: Revista Hispánica Internacional de Análisis Literario y Cultural. Volume, 12. Issue, 1. Pages, 68-84. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2016). Contemporary Latin American Theatre from Page to Stage: An Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Seminar for Advanced Level Spanish Language Students. Journal of Performing Arts Leadership in Higher Education. Volume, 6. Issue, Fall 2015. Pages, 58-66. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2014). “Relaciones de pareja en el teatro costarricense emergente.” Revista Estudios 29, 2014, pp. 1-16.. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2011). Las contradicciones de ser mujer en Costa Rica en el siglo XXI en la dramaturgia emergente: El cuerpo femenino. Letras Femeninas. Volume, 37. Issue, 1. Pages, 125-37. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2010). La política como performance en el teatro costarricense de la presente década: El metateatro y la denuncia de la corrupción. Tramoya: Cuaderno de Teatro, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. Volume, 102. Issue, January/March 2010. Pages, 71-80. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2009). Staging Revolutionary France in Contemporary Costa Rica. Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures. Volume, 63. Issue, 4. Pages, 235-50. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2009). Acting Women: An Analysis of Gender Roles in Ana Istarú's Hombres en escabeche in Comparison with Elena Garro's La señora en su balcón and Carmen Boullossa's Cocinar hombres. Latin American Theatre Review. Volume, 42. Issue, 2. Pages, 103-119. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2009). “Tensiones y afinidades entre abuelas, madres e hijas en las obras teatrales de Claudia Barrionuevo y Ana Istarú.” ISTMO: Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos 18, 2009.. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2006). Códigos estéticos y culturales en el teatro de la Nueva Ola en Costa Rica. Istmo: Revista virtual de estudios literarios y culturales centroamericanos. Volume, 13.
- Elaine Miller, VII Congreso Centroamericano de Estudios Culturales, "Indigentes en la escena costarricense: El silencioso vuelo del búho de S. Masís y Delirio en el parque de M. Méndez," Liberia, Costa Rica. (2019)
- Elaine Miller, 49th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association, "A Second Chance at Love in Recent Costa Rican and Mexican Plays," Pittsburgh, PA. (2018)
- Elaine Miller, Vigésimas Segundas Jornadas Internacionales de Teatro Latinoamericano, "Identidades nacionales y masculinidades en la escena costarricense: Ollas de presión de Amadeo Cordero," Puebla, Mexico. (2014)
- Elaine Miller, IV Congreso Centroamericano de Estudios Culturales, "Relaciones de pareja en el teatro costarricense emergente," San José, Costa Rica. (2013)
- Elaine Miller, "Interinstitutional Research Project: "Towards a History of Central American Literatures" (HILCAS-CONARE)," Sponsored by University of Costa Rica / National University of Costa Rica / Costa Rican Technological Institute