John O. Hyland

McMurran Hall 319
(757) 594-7230
- Ph D in Ancient History, University of Chicago
- MA in Ancient History, University of Chicago
- BA in History, Cornell University
Ancient Greece; Achaemenid Persia; Ancient Rome; History of Warfare
Achaemenid Persia (6th-4th Centuries BCE); Classical Greece (5th-4th Centuries BCE); Ancient Anatolia (Lydia, Lycia, Caria); Ancient Warfare & Imperialism
John Hyland received his BA at Cornell and PhD at Chicago, and has taught at CNU since 2006. His research examines relations between the Achaemenid Persian Empire and the ancient Greeks. He is the author of Persian Interventions: the Achaemenid Empire, Athens, and Sparta 450-386 BCE (Johns Hopkins UP, 2018), and co-editor of Brill's Companion to War in the Ancient Iranian Empires (Brill, 2024).
Selected Accomplishments
- Faculty Excellence Award in Scholarship, CNU. (2018)
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2022). “Persia’s Lycian work force and the satrap of Sardis”. Arta (Achaemenid Research in Texts and Archaeology). Issue, 2022.002. Pages, 1-20. -
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2022). "Between Amorges and Tissaphernes: Lycia and Persia in the Xanthos Stele". Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Verlage (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis). Pages, 257-278. -
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2020). "Aršāma, Egyptian Trade, and the Peloponnesian War". Oxford University Press. Pages, 249-259. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2019). "The Aftermath of Aigospotamoi and the Decline of Spartan Naval Power". Ancient History Bulletin. Volume, 33. Issue, 1-2. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2019). “The Achaemenid Messenger Service and the Ionian Revolt: New Evidence from the Persepolis Fortification Archive”. Historia: Zeitschrift für antike Geschichte. Volume, 68. Issue, 2. Pages, 150-169. -
Book, Scholarly-New
(2017). Persian Interventions: the Achaemenid Empire, Athens, and Sparta 450-386 BC. Johns Hopkins University Press. Pages, 272 pages. -
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2017). "Achaemenid Soldiers, Alexander's Conquest and the Experience of Defeat". Brill Publishers. Pages, pp. 74-95.