Laura Grace Godwin - Christopher Newport University


Laura Grace Godwin

Honors Program - Department of Performing Arts - Theatre and Dance

Laura Godwin

Associate Professor

Ferguson Ctr A121
(757) 594-9171


  • Ph D in Theatre History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • MA in Theatre History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


• Theatre History & Dramatic Literature
• Early Modern English Language & Drama
• Theory/Criticism
• Dramaturgy
• Bibliography & Publishing History
• Arts Administration & Museum Studies


• Christopher Marlowe
• Early Modern English Drama in Performance
• Experimental & Progressive Casting
• Theatrical Reviews & Reviewing Culture
• Dramaturgy & Collaboration
• Theatre Pedagogy


Laura Grace Godwin holds degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon (University of Birmingham, U.K.), & Ball State University. She has taught at Parkland College in Champaign, Illinois & at New Mexico State University. In addition to her work teaching Theatre History, Arts Administration, English, Medieval & Early Modern Studies, Museum Studies, & Honors courses at CNU, she spends summers in London teaching Shakespeare for MSU-Texas' British Studies program.

Dr. Godwin's scholarship & practice focus on Early Modern English plays in contemporary performance. She is a regular & featured scholarly reviewer for SHAKESPEARE BULLETIN & has published with Palgrave-Macmillan, the MLA, Adam Matthew Digital LTD, & Stylus Publishing (in collaboration with the American Association of Colleges & Universities & the Council on Undergraduate Research). Her work, often in collaboration with students &/or alumni, has been presented at the Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, the Marlowe Society of America International Conference, the Shakespeare Association of America International Conference, the Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, the Midwest Modern Language Association Annual Conference, the Pacific Ancient & Modern Languages Annual Conference, the Southeastern Theatre Conference Theatre Symposium, the Mid-America Theatre Conference, the SCAENA Conference, the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, & the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, & Gender Annual Conference.

As a practitioner, Dr. Godwin has extensive experience in dramaturgy, dramaturgically-informed directing, & stage management with a focus on promoting collaboration & intellectualism in theatre. She is the founding Dramaturg/Artistic Director of both the James River Shakespeare Company & H3 Company, which is dedicated to experiment in casting & interdisciplinarity in theatre.

Recently, Dr. Godwin dramaturg-directed Shakespeare's MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM for the James River Shakespeare Company & Pinter's DUMB WAITER for H3 Company as well as CARRIE: THE MUSICAL & Jeanie O'Hare's adaptation of Shakespeare's HENRY VI plays, QUEEN MARGARET, for Theatre CNU. She has also dramaturged/co-directed Shakespeare's COMEDY OF ERRORS & "A Virginia Company," a repertory of Aphra Behn's THE WIDOW RANTER & Robert Munford's THE CANDIDATES, for TheaterCNU.

Selected Accomplishments

  • Other
    (2023). "Calls for Company to Countenance Her": Women at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company. Adam Matthew Digital Limited.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2022). "My Two Ears Can Witness": Feminist Pedagogy from Rehearsal Hall to Classroom. Feminist Pedagogy/California Polytechnic State University. Volume, 2. Issue, 3.
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    (2022). "What we know must be": Undergraduate Research in an Online Shakespeare Course. Stylus Publishing. Pages, 151 - 165.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2017). Basquiat Cases: HAMLET, DOCTOR FAUSTUS, and THE ALCHEMIST by The Royal Shakespeare Company. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 35. Issue, 4. Pages, 675-686.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2016). Review of THE JEW OF MALTA and THE MERCHANT OF VENICE by The Royal Shakespeare Company. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 34. Issue, 3. Pages, 511 - 520.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2015). Review of THE ROARING GIRL, ARDEN OF FAVERSHAM, and THE WHITE DEVIL by The Royal Shakespeare Company. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 33. Issue, 2. Pages, 433 - 445.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2014). Review of HENRY VI PARTS 1, 2, and 3 at Shakespeare's Globe. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 32. Issue, 3. Pages, 483 - 493.
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    (2013). Reversing the Polarity: Teaching Textual Practices through THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. Modern Language Association. Pages, 76 - 83.
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    (2013). Fishing at the Swan: Swan Theatre Plays and the Shaping of an Interpretive Community. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2013). Review of TIMON OF ATHENS/HENRY V. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 31. Issue, 1. Pages, 141 - 152.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2012). Review of DOCTOR FAUSTUS/THE CITY MADAM. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 30. Issue, 2. Pages, 221 - 231.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2011). Review of HENRY IV, PART 1 AND HENRY IV, PART 2. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 29. Issue, 1. Pages, 102 - 111.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2009). "There is Nothin' like a Dame": Marlowe's Helen of Troy at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Johns Hopkins UP. Volume, 27. Issue, 1. Pages, 69 - 79.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2009). Review of EDWARD II/TAMBURLAINE. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 27. Issue, 1. Pages, 122 - 131.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2008). "Revenge Backwards, and in Heels": HAMLET and THE REVENGER'S TRAGEDY in England, Summer 2008.. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 26. Issue, 4. Pages, 155 - 131.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2008). Review of "The Glorious Moment: The Histories." Rev. of RICHARD II, 1 HENRY IV, 2 HENRY IV, HENRY V, 1 HENRY VI, 2 HENRY VI, 3 HENRY VI, and RICHARD III. Theatre Journal/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 60. Issue, 3. Pages, 484 - 489.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2008). The False Proscenium: KEAN, MACBETH, and MACBETT in England, Summer 2007. Shakespeare Bulletin/Johns Hopkins University Press. Volume, 26. Issue, 2. Pages, 174 - 182.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "CARRIE: THE MUSICAL". TheaterCNU. Ferguson Center for the Arts Peebles Theatre. Newport News, VA, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM". James River Shakespeare Company. Ferguson Center for the Arts' Studio Theatre and On Tour. Newport News, VA, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "THE DUMB WAITER". H3 Company. Gilmorehill Halls' Black Box Studio Theatre. Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "QUEEN MARGARET". TheaterCNU. Ferguson Center for the Arts Studio Theatre. Newport News, VA, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "THE DUMB WAITER". H3 Company. Ferguson Center for the Arts Rehearsal Hall. Newport News, VA, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "THE DUMB WAITER". H3 Company. Deadrise Hall. Hampton, VA, USA.
  • Other
    "BRUNDIBAR/TRIAL OF GOD". OperaCNU/TheaterCNU. Ferguson Center Peebles Theatre. Newport News, VA, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "COMEDY OF ERRORS". TheaterCNU. Studio Theater. Newport News, VA, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "A Virginia Company: Two Historical Plays in Repertory (Aphra Behn's THE WIDOW RANTER and Robert Munford's THE CANDIDATES)". TheaterCNU. Ferguson Center Studio Theatre. Newport News, VA.
  • Other
    "MY CASE IS ALTERED". Twenty-First Century Chorus. M. Lee Pelton Theatre. Willamette, Oregon, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "TAMING OF THE SHREW". American Southwest Theatre Company. Hershel Zohn Theatre. Las Cruces, NM, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM". Parkland College Theatre. Parkland College Theatre. Champaign, IL, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM". The Shakespeare Institute Players. The Shakespeare Institute. Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "TAMING OF THE SHREW". American Southwest Theatre Company. Hershel Zohn Theatre. Las Cruces, NM, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM". Parkland College Theatre. Parkland College Theatre. Champaign, IL, USA.
  • Theatre - Direct play
    "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM". The Shakespeare Institute Players. The Shakespeare Institute. Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
  • Laura Godwin, Ben Long, Noah Long, Colleen Pechin, Alexis Holland, Midwest Modern Language Association Convention, ""We Always Do it the Same Way, Don't We?": Experimenting with Pinter's DUMB WAITER in Performance," Cincinnati, OH. (2023)
  • Laura Godwin, Ben Long, Noah Long, Colleen Pechin, Alexis Holland, 120th Annual Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association Conference, ""How the World has Changed with You": Innovative Casting and Shifting Perspectives in COMEDY OF ERRORS," Portland, OR. (2023)
  • Laura Godwin, Ben Long, Noah Long, Colleen Pechin, Alexis Holland, 120th Annual Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association Conference, ""We're Not Staying Long": Shifting Perspectives in and with Pinter's DUMB WAITER in Performance," Portland, OR. (2023)
  • Laura Godwin, Ben Long, Noah Long, Colleen Pechin, Northeast Modern Language Association 53rd Annual Conference, ""Fixing our Eyes on Whom our Care was Fix'd": Pandemic as Catalyst to Care in COMEDY OF ERRORS," Baltimore, MD. (2022)
  • Laura Godwin, Ben Long, Noah Long, Colleen Pechin, 42nd Annual Mid-America Theatre Conference, ""There is no time for all things": Revolution and Rebooting in Shakespeare's COMEDY OF ERRORS," Cleveland, OH, USA. (2022)
  • Laura Godwin, Ben Long, Noah Long, Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender 44th Annual Conference, "'My Two Ears Can Witness': COMEDY OF ERRORS, Feminist Pedagogy, and the Rehearsal Room," Norfolk, VA. (2021)
  • Laura Godwin, Southeastern Theatre Conference Theatre Symposium, "'Then to Work with your Politicks': Using Plays from the Past to Shape the Political Present in TheaterCNU's 'A Virginia Co," Virtual Conference. (2021)
  • Laura Godwin, 41st Annual Mid-America Theatre Conference, ""The Product of Virginian Ground": Actor, Character, and Audience Identity as Catalyst in TheaterCNU's "A Virginia Company"," Chicago, IL, USA. (2020)
  • Julian Stetkevych, Kathleen Jaremski, Laura Godwin, Ann Mazzocca, 2018 Global Status of Women and Girls Conference, "Directing Antigone: Process of Protest," Newport News, VA, USA. (2018)
  • Laura Godwin, Marlowe Society of America Seventh International Conference, "'Strangers that do inhabit this land': Rendering the Other in TAMBERLAINE on Stage," Staunton, VA. (2013)
  • Laura Godwin, Shakespeare Association of America 40th Annual Meeting, "Marlowe our Contemporary: Redux," Boston, MA. (2012)
  • Laura Godwin, Marlowe Society of America Sixth International Conference, ""There is Nothin' like a dame": Marlowe’s Helen of Troy at the Royal Shakespeare Company," Cambridge, England. (2008)
  • Laura Godwin, Third International SCAENA Conference, ""sit tight and think of Orton": Author-izing a Farcical Tragedy of the Rich JEW OF MALTA at the Royal Shakespeare Company," Cambridge, England. (2008)
  • Laura Godwin, Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, ""the critical aspect of my terrible countenance": Christopher Marlowe’s Reputation with the "Critical Mass'"," Chicago, Illinois. (2007)
  • Laura Godwin, Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, "TAMBURLAINE the Great[est Show on Earth]: Marlowe’s TAMBURLAINE as Circus at the Royal Shakespeare Company," Boston, Massachusetts. (2007)
  • Laura Godwin, Marlowe Society of America Fifth International Conference, "Marlovian Spaces," Cambridge, England. (2003)
  • Laura Godwin, Shakespeare Association of America Annual Conference, ""It’s Going to be Naughty": Authorizing EDWARD II at the Royal Shakespeare Company," Victoria, British Columbia. (2003)
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