Margarita Marinova - Christopher Newport University


Margarita D. Marinova

Honors Program - Department of English

Margarita Marinova


McMurran Hall 223
(757) 594-7032


  • Ph D in Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin
  • MA in Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin
  • MA in English, Stephen F. Austin State University
  • BA in English Philology, Sofia University (Bulgaria)


Literary Theory, World Literature, Russian and Eastern European Literature, the Balkans.


Russian and Eastern European Literature and Culture, Cultural Studies, Travel Literature, Mikhail Bakhtin, Mikhail Bulgakov, Soviet literature and Culture, Bulgarian Literature, World Literature.


Margarita Marinova is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Christopher Newport University, Virginia. She has published five books: Transnational Russian-American Travel Writing (Routledge, 2011, 2019); Mikhail Bulgakov’s Don Quixote (MLA, 2014); Mikhail Bakhtin: The Duvakin Interviews, 1973 (Bucknell University Press, 2019), Russian Modernism in the Memories of Survivors (Toronto University Press, 2021), and The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtinian Re-accentuation (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022), as well as many articles about Russian and Soviet literature and culture, Cervantes and Mark Twain in Russia and Bulgaria, contemporary Bulgarian literature, women’s literature, and travel studies in scholarly collections and journals

Selected Accomplishments

  • Alumni Society Award for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Recipient, CNU Alumni Society. (2023)
  • SCHEV VA Outstanding Faculty Award, The State of VA. (2023)
  • CNU Annual Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship, CNU. (2022)
  • The Hook Award (for an exemplary commitment to educational excellence), The Society of the Severed Hand. (2020)
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2024). Olga Tokarczuk’s (Female) Odysseys. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. Volume, 43. Issue, 2. Pages, 35 pages.
  • Book Review
    (2024). Review of Alexander Etkind's Tolkovanie Puteshetvii (2nd edition). Slavic Review. Volume, 83. Issue, 1. Pages, 196-97.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2024). “Bibikhin’s Task of the Translator”. Reading in Translation.
  • Translation or Transcription
    “On the Problem of Determining the Essence of Translation” by Vladimir Bibikhin. Reading in Translation.
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    (2022). The Art of Translation in Light of Bakhtinian Re-accentuation. Bloomsbury Academic. Pages, 345.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2021). "Huck Finn’s Adventures in the Land of the Soviet People". Journal of Transnational American Studies. Volume, 12, no. 2. Issue, Special Forum: Global Huck. Pages, 119-47.
  • Translation or Transcription
    (2021). Russian Modernism in the Memories of Survivors: The Duvakin Interviews, 1967-1974.. Toronto University Press. Pages, 234.
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    (2020). “Malevich’s ‘Ule Elye Lel’: A Suprematist’s Avant-Garde Poetic Experimentations”. Lexington Books.
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    (2020). “Don Quixote in Bulgaria: Perception and Interpretation”. Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs. Pages, 143-170.
  • Book, Scholarly-Revised
    (2019). Transnational Russian-American Travel Writing. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Issue, Second Edition. Pages, 190.
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    (2019). M. M. Bakhtin: The Duvakin Interviews, 1973. Bucknell University Press. Issue, 1st. Pages, 332 pp..
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    (2018). "The Art and Answerability of Bakhtin’s Poetics”. Pages, pp. 41-62.
  • Book, Scholarly-Revised
    (2017). The Spanish Knight Among the Soviet People: Dramatic Re-accentuations of Don Quixote as a Doomed Performer; You do not have access to modify this field.The Spanish Knight Among the Soviet People: Dramatic Re-accentuations of Don Quixote as a Doomed Performer. Bucknell University Press. Pages, pp. 221-36..
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2017). "The Author’s Heroes: Bulgakov’s Molière, and Other Deployments of World Literature Classics". The Comparatist. Volume, Fall 2017. Issue, November 2017. Pages, pp. 197-213.
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    The Spanish Knight Among the Soviet People: Dramatic Re-accentuations of Don Quixote as a Doomed Performer.
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    (2016). Bulgarian Women Write the New European Subject. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. Volume, Volume 34.. Issue, Number 2. Pages, pp.379-401..
  • Book, Scholarly-New
    (2014). Don Kikhot: A Dramatic Adaptation. Modern Language Association. Volume, 1. Issue, 1. Pages, 132.
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-Revised
    (2011). "With Friends Like These...Soviet Travel Writing About Czechoslovakia During the Khrushchev's Era". Routledge. Pages, 128-140.
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