Mike Levine
Department of Performing Arts - Music

Assistant Professor
Ferguson Ctr A117
- Ph D in Musicology, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
- MA in Musicology, City of University of New York - Brooklyn College
- MA in Music Technology, New York University - Steinhardt School of Education
- BA in Music Performance, Rutgers University - Livingston College
Cuban Music / Internet Music / Popular Music / Caribbean and Latin American Popular Musics
Cuban Music / Internet Studies / Popular Music
Mike Levine works as assistant professor of musicology at Christopher Newport University and received his Ph.D. in musicology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2022. His research utilizes ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Havana, Miami, and through digital platforms to investigate “el paquete semanal” (a popular USB-based internet platform in Cuba) and its relationship to improvised modes of music sharing and Cuban reparto music. He has written for online sound studies publication "Sounding Out!", independent Cuban arts and literature magazine Hypermedia, a dossier on el paquete semanal published in the journal Cuban Studies, and published on the role of music in Cuba's J-11 protests in the journal Twentieth Century Music.
He is currently drafting a monograph on reparto music and Cuba's underground trade of USB sticks for University Press of Florida.