Stephen A. Strehle
Department of Philosophy and Religion
McMurran Hall 263
(757) 594-7272
- D Theol in Theology, Universität Basel (Switzerland)
- Th D in Systematic Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary
- STM in Systematic Theology, Dallas Theological Seminary
- M Div in Divinity, Columbia University
- BS in Chemical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
I enjoy teaching a wide-range of courses, but I have particular interests in the history of Christian thought, biblical studies, modern philosophy, and the relationship between church and state.
I was a Reformation scholar for years and wrote a couple books relating its thought to the Middle Ages. Today I am interested in church/state issues and have published five books in this area.
I have served as a professor of religion and philosophy for forty years and authored a number of books and articles on the Reformation and the relationship between church and state.
Selected Accomplishments
Book, Scholarly-New
Forces of Secularity in the Modern World, Vol. 2. Peter Lang. Volume, 2.