International Collegiate Programming Contest - Christopher Newport University

School of Engineering and Computing

International Collegiate Programming Contest

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest provides college students with an opportunity to demonstrate and sharpen their problem-solving and programming skills.

The School of Engineering and Computing hosts one of the competition sites in the Mid-Atlantic region. Teams from Christopher Newport and other universities will participate.

Contest Details

Saturday, November 16, 2024
Luter Hall 121

Time Activity Location
9:15-10 a.m. Registration Luter Hall Lobby
9:15-10 a.m. Light breakfast Luter 322
10-11 a.m. Welcoming remarks Luter 121
11 a.m.-noon Practice problems Luter 121
noon-1:10 p.m. Lunch Luter 322
1:30-6:30 p.m. Competition Luter 121
6:30-7:15 p.m. Dinner Luter 322
7-7:15 p.m. Awards presentation Luter 322

For more information, contact Dr. Roberto Flores at

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