Enchanted April - Christopher Newport University

Department of Performing Arts - Theatre and Dance

Enchanted April

October 14-15 and 21-24

Elizabeth von Arnim’s 1922 romantic novel tells the story of four dissimilar women in 1920’s England who leave their rainy environs to go on holiday to a villa in Italy. Mrs. Rose Arnott and Mrs. Lottie Wilton - who belong to the same ladies’ club but have never spoken - become acquainted after reading an advertisement for villas for rent in a newspaper. They find common ground in that both are struggling to make the best of unhappy marriages. Having decided to seek other ladies to help share expenses, they reluctantly take on the waspish, elderly Mrs. Graves and the stunning, but aloof, Lady Caroline Bramble. The four women find rejuvenation in the tranquil beauty of their surroundings, rediscovering hope and love.

Enchanted April
Enchanted April
Enchanted April
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