Information Literacy - Assessment - Christopher Newport University


Information Literacy

We define Information Literacy as the ability of students to be critical consumers of information/research.

What we expect our students to learn

Students will demonstrate the ability to evaluate information.

Sample: Who are we looking at?
  • 20% of the final student capstone projects, randomly selected each Spring; and 20% of the final student papers, randomly selected each Fall
Measure: How are we rating their performance?
  • Rubric evaluated Capstone and English 223 assignments
Target: What score did we expect?
  • 84% of Capstone projects will score 3 or greater on the Information Literacy rubric;
  • 92% of English 223 papers will score 3 or greater on the Information Literacy rubric

Students will demonstrate the ability to synthesize information.

Sample: Who are we looking at?
  • 20% of the final student capstone projects, randomly selected each Spring; and 20% of the final student papers, randomly selected each Fall
Measure: How are we rating their performance?
  • Rubric evaluated Capstone and English 223 assignments
Target: What score did we expect?
  • 84% of Capstone projects will score 3 or greater on the Information Literacy rubric;
  • 92% of English 223 papers will score 3 or greater on the Information Literacy rubric
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