Sponsors - Gardening Symposium - Christopher Newport University

Gardening Symposium


Corporate Sponsors

Individual Sponsors

  • Bob Goodhart

Sponsor Levels

  • Conference entry fee and lunch for four people
  • Logo placement on sponsorship board displayed at conference
  • Acknowledgement in all marketing materials
  • Full-page advertisement in attendee packet
  • Two exhibit tables in premium location

  • Conference entry fee and lunch for three people
  • Logo placement on sponsorship board displayed at conference
  • Acknowledgement in all marketing materials
  • One half-page advertisement in attendee packet
  • One exhibit table

  • Conference entry fee and lunch for two people
  • Logo placement on sponsorship board displayed at conference
  • One quarter-page advertisement in attendee packet
  • Advertisement in all marketing materials

  • Conference entry fee and lunch for one person
  • Logo placement on sponsorship board displayed at conference
  • Acknowledgement in attendee packet

  • Conference entry fee and lunch for one person
  • Acknowledgement in attendee packet

For more information, please contact the CNU LifeLong Learning Society at (757) 269-4368 or lifelonglearning@cnu.edu.

Make checks payable to CNUEF and send to:
Christopher Newport University – Lifelong Learning Society
660 Hamilton Drive
Newport News, VA 23602

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