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Life as a Captain
Travis Rocha

Goals for Next Semester

by Travis Rocha

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Academics, Service, Student Life

With the fall semester quickly drawing to a close, I can’t help but get excited for the spring! This semester, I worked very diligently to raise my GPA and continue to be active on campus. However, if I’m being honest, I didn’t set any specific goals or have a tangible plan in place. That’s something I definitely want to change for 2019 and these are some of the things I’ve come up with.


  • Apply for the Campus Activities Board (CAB): CAB is an organization on campus that hosts weekly events for the Christopher Newport community. They’re always around and are very knowledgeable of what goes on on campus and I’d love to be a part of their extremely helpful community. They’re also heavily involved in Homecoming, which is a huge weekend for us. Some of their other events include bingo, movies, games and even fully fledged festivals on the Great Lawn!
  • Create a Major Plan: At Christopher Newport, no one officially declares a major until the end of sophomore year. This is to ensure we all have enough time to carefully decide our academic and professional goals. Frankly, I’m not sure where I’d be if I had to declare my major during the first semester of my freshman year. I might have been a history major! Now, I’m focusing on pursuing communication and heavily considering a double major with theater. It’s a large undertaking as they don’t have much middle ground, so I want to make sure I’ve got everything in place so I can succeed and graduate on time.
  • Volunteer at the SPCA: I’m a member of the SPCA Club on campus, but I haven’t been very active at the actual SPCA animal shelter in our area. I’d love to start going on a regular basis and ensure that I’m doing my part to help the local animal community.


These are all such exciting opportunities. I can hardly wait for next semester when I can reach these goals and delve even deeper into the Christopher Newport community!

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