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Student leaders and several programs were honored for the impact they had on campus this year at the annual Student Leadership Awards ceremony in the David Student Union Ballroom. The awards are given in a variety of categories and recognize both students who make extraordinary contributions to the development of diversity on campus and also groups that go above and beyond in establishing a sustainable, valuable and productive organization.
“The talents and experiences displayed by our nominees have shaped this engaging and vibrant campus. A nomination for an award is truly an indication that your leadership has touched others and has had an impact at CNU,” says Katie Winstead Reichner, Associate Director of Student Activities.
The Exceptional Student Leader of the Year Award recognizes students who consistently demonstrate high academic achievement, seek out service to CNU and/or the local community and display outstanding leadership qualities. This year’s winner is Shannon McWilliams ‘19.
The Dean’s Service Awards recognize seniors who demonstrate a commitment to leadership and service to the CNU community, exemplify the values of CNU and represent the best of what it means to be a Captain. This award distinguishes and celebrates the outstanding efforts and achievements of remarkable students. This year’s award winners are: Briana Bouldin, Kenneth Kidd, Kari Martin, Katherine Scott and Rachel Whiteman.