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Christopher Newport is attracting an increasing number of sibling Captains – children who follow in the footsteps of an older brother or sister.
The Kemptons, though, are unique. The three brothers from Yorktown share a last name, a university and even a department. Benjamin, the oldest, is a master’s of applied physics and computer science candidate. Liam is a senior in information science. Harrison (Harry) is a freshman in electrical engineering. All are in the Department of Physics, Computer Science and Engineering at Christopher Newport.
Coming from a big family, they’re used to sharing so they cheerfully shared answers to our questions.
Are there advantages to having your brothers not only at the same university but also in the same academic department?
Liam: It has definitely been a unique experience. Our schedules conflict somewhat, but we usually find time in the week to meet in Luter Hall and talk to one another. Another great thing about all being at CNU is that we can meet in my Rappahannock apartment and have dinner together. Being in the same department also means that we have shared classes and professors, and can help each other out on assignments.
Ben, did you encourage Liam to come to CNU?
Ben: Not intentionally – I probably influenced him through general exposure to the college environment.
Liam, how did you recruit Harry?
Liam: Like Ben, I think my influence on Harry was mostly passive. I have enjoyed my time at CNU, and my positive attitude was visible to him. For me, I chose CNU because I was very familiar with the school because of Ben, and liked what I saw.
Harry, why did you go to CNU?
Harry: I chose CNU because of the quality of education I saw my brothers receiving, and because the school seemed suited to put me on a successful path following graduation.
What are you going to do after graduation? Will you go separate ways or stick together?
Liam: We’ll definitely keep in touch after graduation. As for sticking together, we would like that, but there are so many unknown variables in the future. It would be nice to live near one another, and we plan on trying to do that.