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CPAs with Luter degrees are earning statewide recognition.
Three graduates of the Luter School of Business were recognized at the 2019 Virginia Society of CPAs (VSCPA) annual award ceremony.
J.J. Edmunds (‘10), was named in the Top 5 Under 35. Edmunds works at PBMares. According to the VSCPA website, the award “recognizes young VSCPA members who have shown excellence in one or more of the following:
- Professional achievement
- VSCPA chapter accomplishment
- Community contribution
- Dedication to the CPA profession
“To see one our students receiving this honor is fantastic,” says Gabriele Lingenfelter, an instructor in the Department of Accounting and Finance and a Virginia CPA.
Amber Criswell (‘17) and Kirstyn St. Pierre (‘17) received recognition for passing the CPA exam.
“Luter has a history of strong accounting students, and I’m not surprised to see these individuals go on to do great things,” Lingenfelter says.
Alan Witt (’76), a former member of the Board of Visitors, was also recognized for 40 years of membership with VSCPA.