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Christopher Newport University is pleased to announce the Dean's List for the spring 2020 semester. These students were enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, earned no final grade below C and earned a grade point average of at least 3.50 on a 4.0 scale.
First Name | Last Name | Major |
Jack | Aaron | Psychology |
Pamela | Abel | History |
Emily | Abrell | Music |
Taylor | Adams | Psychology |
Mary | Adams | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jill | Adams | Information Science |
Jessica | Adams | Mathematics |
Emily | Adams | Chemistry |
Samantha | Adams | Sociology |
Robert | Adams | Business-Undeclared |
Sabrina | Adleson | Integrative Biology |
Abigail | Agi | Neuroscience |
Joshua | Aguilar | Organismal Biology |
Ayesha | Ahmed | Political Science |
Jacob | Ahn | Marketing |
Alexa | Alatis | Communication Studies |
Cooper | Albright | Biology |
Alana | Allbritton | Computer Science |
Jaylen | Allen | Neuroscience |
Hannah | Allen | Computer Engineering |
Julia | Allen | Political Science |
Rachel | Allen | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Grace | Allen | Finance |
Rayan | Alzarqa | Computer Science |
Elijah | Anderson | American Studies |
Sean | Anderson | Economics-BA |
Elijah | Anderson | Information Systems |
Alex | Anderson | Management |
Taylor | Anderson | Marketing |
Isabel | Ansley | Psychology |
Sarah | Anstice | Biology |
Autumn | Anthony | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alexander | Anzick | Finance |
Nicole | Apai | Business-Undeclared |
Rachel | Applebach | English |
Lila | Araujo | Psychology |
Gregory | Arcand | Information Science |
Dominique | Ardis | English |
Kaitlyn | Ardrey | Communication Studies |
Itsail | Arellano | Economics-BA |
Elliott | Armstrong | Electrical Engineering |
Emily | Armstrong | Accounting |
Robert | Armstrong | Computer Science |
Parker | Armstrong | Marketing |
Riya | Arora | Computer Science |
Scott | Arrington | Political Science |
Ariana | Asefi | Political Science |
Abigail | Asuncion | Music |
Vivianna | Atkins | Accounting |
Katelyn | Atkins | Social Work |
Casey | Attallah | Environmental Biology |
Olivia | Aumais | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Coby | Auslander | Business-Undeclared |
Emma | Avelis | Theater |
Natalie | Avila | Management |
Kagen | Axsom | Business-Undeclared |
Emily | Aylor | Sociology |
Christopher | Baer | Political Science |
Olyvia | Bailey | Sociology |
Erin | Bailey | Fine Arts |
Morgan | Baines | Psychology |
Charles | Baird | Communication Studies |
Jacqlyn | Baker | Communication Studies |
Chloe | Baker | Communication Studies |
Cody | Baker | Computer Engineering |
Morgan | Balaban | Communication Studies |
Tyler | Baldwin | Computer Science |
Ethan | Bales | Management |
Finnigan | Balint | Psychology |
Mallory | Ballance | Psychology |
Emma | Ballantyne | Communication Studies |
Amanda | Ballou | Undeclared |
Jasmine | Banks | Music |
Amanda | Banks | Sociology |
Holly | Banta | Psychology |
Kyndal | Barber | Mathematics |
Mildred | Barcalow | Environmental Biology |
Brooke | Bare | Management |
Ashley | Barks | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Abigail | Barna | English |
Christopher | Barnes | Psychology |
Olivia | Barnes | Management |
Alyssa | Barnett | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
James | Baron | Computer Science |
Paul | Baron | Computer Science |
Samuel | Barrett | History |
Peter | Barrett | Political Science |
Blake | Barrus | Finance |
Kathryn | Barthelmes | Communication Studies |
Breanna | Barthlow | English |
Julia | Basauri | Social Work |
Jordan | Bass | Communication Studies |
Elijah | Basu | English |
Gretchen | Bates | Neuroscience |
Adam | Bates | Computer Science |
Aubrey | Bates | Political Science |
Emily | Bauer | Management |
Nicholas | Bauernfeind | Finance |
Olivia | Baugham | Marketing |
Courtney | Bauserman | English |
Patrick | Bauserman | Neuroscience |
Blake | Bauserman | Philosophy |
Caitlyn | Bauske | Psychology |
Sophia | Baxter | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Julian | Baxter | Business-Undeclared |
Logan | Beal | Psychology |
Kaitlyn | Beans | Economics-BA |
Kimberly | Beasley | Philosophy |
Joshua | Beck | Computer Science |
Camille | Beck | Undeclared |
Arielle | Becker | Psychology |
Desiree | Becker | Environmental Biology |
Christian | Beckmeyer | Finance |
Gabrielle | Beddard | Electrical Engineering |
Andrew | Bell | Computer Science |
Christopher | Bell | Mathematics |
Jenny | Belling | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sequoia | Benhart | Social Work |
Ray | Benjamin | Information Science |
Kaylie | Bennett | American Studies |
Natalie | Bennett | Political Science |
Kaylee | Bennett | Neuroscience |
Chandler | Benson | Communication Studies |
Sarah | Benton | Computer Science |
Celia | Berghoff | Business-Undeclared |
Abigail | Berglie | Mathematics |
Elizabeth | Bergman | Sociology |
Sydney | Berman | Psychology |
Kendall | Bernard | Communication Studies |
Daniel | Berry | Music |
Kylee | Berry | Biology |
Nazareth | Bertrand | Biology |
Christopher | Bethea | Marketing |
Davis | Bethke | Political Science |
Chelsea | Bhargava | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Inderjeet | Bhatia | Political Science |
Erika | Bilokon | Applied Physics |
Molly | Birken | Management |
Sarah | Bishop | Finance |
Cecilia | Bisk | Computer Science |
Caroline | Blair | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Cole | Blais | Psychology |
Johnna | Bland | Political Science |
Peyton | Blanding | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tyler | Blanks | Political Science |
Skyla | Blansett | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nathan | Blasdell | Computer Science |
Olivia | Blatt | Psychology |
Carissa | Blatt | Biology |
Peter | Bleicken | History |
Jessica | Blevins | Undeclared |
Kaitlynn | Blevins | Psychology |
Rachel | Blitt | Accounting |
Riley | Block | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Miah | Blockhus-Tortajada | American Studies |
Clara | Bloedorn | Philosophy |
Michael | Bloom | History |
Eric | Blosser | Political Science |
Madelyn | Blount | Music |
Sarah | Blusiewicz | Psychology |
Bryan | Boag | American Studies |
Alea | Boden | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Joshua | Bodie | Accounting |
Madison | Bodmer | Psychology |
Sarah | Bodoh | Neuroscience |
Shannon | Boerner | History |
Abigail | Bogin | Mathematics |
Mac Kenzie | Bohns | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Taylor | Bolinger | Psychology |
Jennifer | Bollinger | Management |
Gabrielle | Bollinger | Political Science |
Thomas | Bolton | Applied Physics |
Grayson | Bond | Management |
Leslie | Bond | Undeclared |
Christian | Bonnaire | Marketing |
Nicholas | Boone | Theater |
Tongase | Booth | Neuroscience |
Ashley | Booth-shoulders | Psychology |
Brooke | Borchardt | Social Work |
Ana | Borga | Management |
Nina | Borgeson | English |
Sarah | Borish | Finance |
Christina | Bosco | Communication Studies |
Jaclyn | Bosse | Political Science |
Eliza | Boulware | Accounting |
Cristina | Bournigal | Psychology |
Chester | Boutelle | Social Work |
Jeannine | Bowden | Psychology |
Mary | Bowers | Political Science |
Catherine | Bowling | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jacob | Bowman | Political Science |
Eliza | Bowman | Biology |
Christine | Bowser | Music |
Sierra | Boyce | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Elizabeth | Boycourt | Environmental Biology |
Kaylee | Boyd | English |
Trevor | Boynton | Theater |
Katherine | Bracken | Psychology |
Thomas | Brackett | Economics-BA |
Michael | Bradley | Political Science |
Hannah | Bradley | Political Science |
Brett | Bradshaw | Biology |
Samuel | Brady | Music |
Haley | Bragg | Mathematics |
Brittany | Branch | Communication Studies |
Georgia | Bransford | Social Work |
Grace | Brantes-Wherry | Fine Arts |
Alexander | Brendes | Management |
William | Brennan | Management |
Jared | Brennan | Management |
Alexandra | Brenner | Marketing |
Kevin | Brent | Marketing |
Maygan | Brewer | Computer Engineering |
Kathleen | Brewster | Biology |
Kalissa | Breyer | Accounting |
Lauren | Bridewell | Management |
Colin | Brinkley | History |
Hannah | Bristow | Management |
Asa | Britton-Jenkins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Logan | Brocklehurst | Communication Studies |
Elizabeth | Brockwell | Communication Studies |
Mitchell | Brody | Finance |
Ryan | Bronder | Business-Undeclared |
Haleigh | Brooks | Communication Studies |
Mary | Brooks | Management |
Alexandria | Brooks | Political Science |
Taylor | Broset | Integrative Biology |
Seth | Broughton | Information Science |
Allyson | Brown | Sociology |
Austin | Brown | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Dawson | Brown | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hannah | Brown | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jonelle | Brown | Spanish |
Kelly | Brown | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kendyll | Brown | Biology |
West | Brownlee | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Abigail | Bruce | Fine Arts |
Julia | Brunner | Political Science |
Leka | Bucaj | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
John | Buchanan | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kayla | Buchanan | Neuroscience |
Jacob | Buchanan | Applied Physics |
Samantha | Buchholz | Marketing |
Sydney | Buckner | Undeclared |
Camille | Bumbera | Psychology |
Colin | Bunn | Undeclared |
Allison | Burbach | Environmental Biology |
Margaret | Burch | Undeclared |
Bradley | Burgee | Sociology |
Ashley | Burgess | Political Science |
Kayla | Burke | Organismal Biology |
Colin | Burke | English |
Molly | Burke | English |
Lauren | Burkholder | Spanish |
Amelia | Burkley | Theater |
Jack | Burnap | Mathematics |
Owen | Burnett | Management |
Josephine | Burns | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Julia | Burns | Political Science |
Elizabeth | Burns | Classical Studies |
Campbell | Burton | Political Science |
Michael | Bush | Political Science |
Courtney | Butterworth | Environmental Studies |
Margaret | Byers | Political Science |
Raquel | Byrd | Sociology |
Meaghan | Byrne | Psychology |
Cristin | Cade | Integrative Biology |
Andrew | Cagle | Finance |
Ethan | Caldwell | Environmental Biology |
Haley | Caldwell | Mathematics |
Madison | Callan | Computer Engineering |
Emma | Callanan | History |
Samantha | Callejas | Political Science |
Matthew | Callihan | Undeclared |
Daniel | Calvano | Neuroscience |
Kelley | Calvin | Sociology |
Margaret | Cameron | Marketing |
John | Cameron | Music |
Charles | Camp | Communication Studies |
Hannah | Campbell | History |
Hayley | Cantolino | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lauren | Capozzi | Psychology |
Emily | Capriotti | Psychology |
Jake | Caracciolo | Environmental Studies |
Jordan | Caravas | Biology |
Savannah | Carawan | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kaylee | Carico | Environmental Studies |
Eliza | Carlson | Sociology |
Allene | Carlton | Accounting |
Katherine | Carnes | Psychology |
Brockton | Carnes | Computer Science |
Raymond | Carothers | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Elissa | Carpio | Fine Arts |
Justin | Carr | History |
Michael | Carrico | Communication Studies |
Elyse | Carrier | Communication Studies |
Nicholas | Carrig | Marketing |
Erin | Carroll | Accounting |
Samantha | Carroll | Business-Undeclared |
Francis | Carrow | Accounting |
Blake | Carson | Computer Science |
Katherine | Carter | Communication Studies |
Carlie | Carter | Psychology |
Madison | Carter | Information Science |
Samantha | Carter | Sociology |
Cameron | Carty | Psychology |
Sarah | Casey | Communication Studies |
William | Cashwell | English |
Maysie | Casper | Biology |
Erin | Cassidy | Communication Studies |
Carson | Castelli | American Studies |
Camille | Castleberry | Political Science |
Otso | Castren | Political Science |
Michael | Ceccarini | Environmental Biology |
Sean | Celli | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Andrew | Chafin | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Taylor | Chambers | English |
Olivia | Chan | Psychology |
Emily | Chandler | Fine Arts |
Wesley | Chang | Computer Science |
Christopher | Chapin | Theater |
Christina | Chapman | Organismal Biology |
Madelyn | Chapman | Environmental Studies |
Spencer | Charney | Computer Science |
Phyu | Chaw | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jasleen | Chawla | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emerald | Cheesbrew | Social Work |
Sierra | Chen | Marketing |
Jennifer | Chernoff | Management |
Kevin | Chesson | Psychology |
Madison | Chestnut | Psychology |
Tivoli | Chichester | Psychology |
Kayla | Childers | Marketing |
Jackson | Childress | Finance |
Christina | Chinowsky | Management |
Nathaniel | Cho | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Mary | Choi | Neuroscience |
Samith | Chowdhury | Electrical Engineering |
Ashley | Christenbury | Mathematics |
Sophia | Christian | Psychology |
William | Christian | Electrical Engineering |
Zachary | Chung | Marketing |
Dominic | Ciaverella | American Studies |
Nicole | Cico | Integrative Biology |
Elyssa | Cirillo | Mathematics |
Christopher | Clancy | Accounting |
Conner | Clark | Accounting |
Andrew | Clark | Finance |
Miles | Clark | Finance |
Kendall | Clark | Psychology |
Jordan | Clark | Sociology |
Annie | Clarke | Accounting |
Madison | Clarke | English |
Sydney | Claud | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Courtney | Clay | Computer Engineering |
Jodi | Cleaver | Sociology |
Max | Clemente | Undeclared |
Danielle | Cleveland | Neuroscience |
Anika | Clickener | Communication Studies |
Matthew | Coats | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Cade | Cobbs | Organismal Biology |
Caroline | Coburn | Undeclared |
Hayden | Cochran | Political Science |
Madison | Cochran | Marketing |
Annelise | Coffin | Marketing |
Trevor | Cogan | American Studies |
Vincent | Cohee | Management |
Lauren | Colarossi | History |
Emma | Colby | Finance |
Alyssa | Cole | Communication Studies |
Christiana | Cole | Biochemistry |
Destiny | Coleman | Management |
Lance | Coleman | Management |
Kathryn | Colletti | Business-Undeclared |
John | Collier | Computer Science |
Joshua | Collier | Electrical Engineering |
Chloe | Collins | Psychology |
Miles | Collins | Economics-BA |
William | Collins | Finance |
Sabrina | Collins | History |
Bailee | Comer | Political Science |
Alexis | Comer | Psychology |
Corbette | Condit-Fox | Theater |
Dane | Conley | Organismal Biology |
Colum | Conner | American Studies |
Lucas | Conner | History |
Alec | Conner | Computer Science |
Isabel | Contreras | Neuroscience |
Abigail | Contreras | Computer Science |
Courtney | Conway | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Derek | Cook | Finance |
Cameron | Cook | Finance |
Riley | Cook | Psychology |
Jonathan | Cook | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Savannah | Cook | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Rachel | Cooke | Economics-BA |
Sarah | Cooke | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kelly | Cooke | Environmental Biology |
Sarah | Coon | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Carson | Cooper | Management |
Claira | Cooper | Political Science |
Mitchell | Copeland | Accounting |
Grant | Cormany | Organismal Biology |
Jessica | Cornett | Sociology |
Reagan | Cosker | Sociology |
Eleanor | Costic | Communication Studies |
Zoe | Costley | Accounting |
Ciara | Coward | History |
Shelby | Cox | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Daniel | Crabill | Music |
Madelaine | Crabtree | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Landon | Crafton | Finance |
Shelby | Crahan | Political Science |
Nathanial | Craner | Accounting |
Emily | Crawford | Psychology |
Abby | Crawford | Biology |
Hannah | Crawley | Psychology |
Regan | Craze | Music |
Adam | Creason | History |
Rebecca | Creekmore | Political Science |
Brianna | Creger | Fine Arts |
Danielle | Cressman | Mathematics |
Daniel | Cretney | Information Science |
Luis | Crevoisier | Finance |
Jillian | Crews | Neuroscience |
Kristopher | Crickenberger | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Keely | Crittenden | Biology |
Peyton | Cromley | Psychology |
Megan | Crone | Management |
Jessica | Cropley | Biochemistry |
Raahkema | Cropper | Psychology |
Dylan | Crosson | Management |
Elizabeth | Crosson | Communication Studies |
Kaitlyn | Crouch | Psychology |
Molly | Croushore | Psychology |
Hannah | Croyle | Psychology |
Emma | Cumashot | Neuroscience |
John | Cumbie | Communication Studies |
Brandon | Cumbo | English |
Hayden | Cunningham | Applied Physics |
Kylie | Cunningham | Sociology |
Gabriel | Cuprill | Political Science |
Sara | Currin | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hannah | Curry | Political Science |
Rachael | Curtis | Finance |
Ieasa | Custer | Theater |
Kendall | Cutchins | History |
Tanner | Dail | Finance |
Andrew | Daisey | Political Science |
Juliana | Dalton | Psychology |
Anna | D'Amato | Marketing |
Makeisha | Dance | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Caroline | Daniels | Psychology |
Isabel | Danstrom | Neuroscience |
Khalil | Daoud | Computer Science |
Alesha | Darling | Psychology |
Charles | Darling | Management |
Kyle | Darmstead | Psychology |
Lydia | Davis | American Studies |
Cody | Davis | Theater |
Olivia | Davis | Communication Studies |
Riley | Davis | Psychology |
Lauren | Davis | Psychology |
William | Davis | Management |
Rachel | Davis | Biology |
Johnna | Davis | Neuroscience |
Brandon | Davis | Marketing |
Charlotte | Davis | Marketing |
Alex | Davis | Information Science |
Lucy | Davis | Psychology |
Taylor | Davis | Business-Undeclared |
Katelyn | Davis | Neuroscience |
Michael | Davis | Finance |
Kyndal | Dawson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Connor | Day | Communication Studies |
William | Dealey | American Studies |
Anna | Dean | Communication Studies |
Kayelon | Dean | Fine Arts |
Catherine | Deane | Communication Studies |
Kali | DeBorde | Psychology |
Grant | DeCastillia | Computational & Applied Math |
Tara | Deck | Social Work |
Jared | Decker | Information Science |
Brandon | Decker | Marketing |
Nicolette | DeFrank | English |
Kyle | DeGood | Management |
Kaitlyn | DeHarde | Psychology |
Natalie | DeHart | Sociology |
Allison | Dehoff | Neuroscience |
Nicholas | DeHoust | Philosophy |
Brianna | DeJesus | Biology |
Nicholas | Delaney | Communication Studies |
Tessa | Delano | Psychology |
Ali | Deloye | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Reagan | Delp | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Patrick | DeMatties | English |
Max | Dennard | Finance |
Alexis | Denson | Psychology |
Wyatt | DeProspero | Business-Undeclared |
Owen | DeRaps | Psychology |
Adrianna | DeSantis | Neuroscience |
Alexander | Detorie | Marketing |
Alese | Devin | Neuroscience |
Anna | Devries | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Adrienne | Dew | Biochemistry |
Delana | Dewitt Russell | Communication Studies |
Erica | Deyesu | Environmental Biology |
Isabella | Diaz | English |
Malik | Dickens | History |
Lindsey | Dickens | Mathematics |
Olivia | Dickens-Bowman | Sociology |
Samantha | Dickerson | Communication Studies |
Samuel | Dickinson | Environmental Biology |
Caitlin | Diehl | Marketing |
Elizabeth | Dillard | Psychology |
Graycen | Dillard | Mathematics |
Alexandra | Dilley | Neuroscience |
Nathaniel | Dillow | Communication Studies |
Kaylin | Dinsmore | Theater |
Michael | DiRoberto | Finance |
Julia | DiSilvestre | Psychology |
Matthew | Dittmer | Management |
Emma | Dixon | Communication Studies |
Isabella | Diz | Accounting |
Viviane | Doan | Sociology |
Kala | Dobrick | Political Science |
Megan | Dodson | Management |
Grace | Doebler | Neuroscience |
Blake | Doeren | Mathematics |
Shaye | Doherty | Accounting |
Connor | Dolan | Computer Engineering |
Paolina | Doleva | Computer Science |
Lillian | Domalik | Marketing |
Kane | Donaghy | Psychology |
Desiree | Doody | Fine Arts |
Amy | Doody | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
James | Doppee | Computer Science |
Anna | Dorl | Communication Studies |
Jared | Dorman | Accounting |
Ian | Dors | Management |
Taylor | Dorsey | History |
David | Dougherty | Accounting |
Sarah | Dowell | Psychology |
Jonah | Downer | Undeclared |
Kyle | Doyle | Information Science |
Caitlin | Doyle | Communication Studies |
Zoey | Doyle | Psychology |
Madison | Dozier | Psychology |
Jacob | Drayer | Management |
Thomas | Driscoll | Business-Undeclared |
Timothy | Dronfield | Organismal Biology |
Brian | Drummond | Biology |
Emma | Dryden | Organismal Biology |
Isabelle | D'Souza | Psychology |
David | Dube | Political Science |
Matthew | Dubuque | Finance |
Nicole | Duenke | Sociology |
Caroline | Duffett | Organismal Biology |
James | Duffy | Environmental Studies |
Regan | DuHadway | Environmental Biology |
Christopher | Duncan | Psychology |
Emmalyn | Dunnavant | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hannah | Duston | Psychology |
Alex | Dutt | Finance |
Ella | Dutt | Finance |
Lila | Duvall | Spanish |
Ashley | DuVall | Social Work |
Zoe | Dyer | Communication Studies |
William | Dzubak | Information Science |
Daniel | Eads | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ryan | Eakins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kendal | Earley | Environmental Biology |
Owen | Early | Management |
Brandon | Edmond | Information Science |
Sarah | Edmonds | Environmental Biology |
John | Edmunds | Management |
Paul | Edmunds | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Megan | Ednie | Marketing |
Taylor | Edwards | Applied Physics |
Ashlyn | Edwards | Chemistry |
Clark | Edwards | Marketing |
Karli | Edwards | Biology |
Jonathan | Egelhofer | Political Science |
Charles | Egress | Accounting |
Haley | Eiser | Mathematics |
Hannah | Elford | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tatiana | Elizarova | Biochemistry |
Adalynn | Eller | Music |
Sophia | Ellia | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Elizabeth | Ellis | Neuroscience |
Christopher | Ellis | Biochemistry |
Charles | Ellis | Management |
Forrest | Ellis | Political Science |
Samantha | Ellis | Psychology |
Connor | Elsbernd | Neuroscience |
William | Elvgren | Finance |
Ahmed | Elzamzami | Biochemistry |
Mara | Engels | Psychology |
Carter | Eppley | Management |
Madison | Erb | Finance |
Stephanie | Erdmann | Fine Arts |
Madelynn | Erickson | Psychology |
Caroline | Ernst | English |
Jannis | Ernst | Political Science |
Andrea | Errico | Environmental Studies |
Diana | Eshun | Neuroscience |
Chandler | Eskey | Computer Engineering |
Enjhalika | Esmena | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Julian | Esquer-Perez | Management |
Samuel | Essex | Communication Studies |
Casey | Estep | Information Systems |
Aaron | Eubanks | Information Science |
Spencer | Evans | Information Science |
Lindsey | Evans | Biology |
Madeline | Evans | Undeclared |
Ryan | Evans | Management |
Markos | Eyob | Finance |
Elizabeth | Fabiano | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Rana | Fadah | Biochemistry |
Owen | Fagerli | Information Science |
Corinne | Fair | Computer Engineering |
Nic | Falcione | Computer Science |
Lauren | Fallon | Business-Undeclared |
Ashlynn | Falls | English |
Sondra | Fan | Finance |
Jessica | Farhan | Psychology |
Aaron | Farkas | Communication Studies |
Asia | Farmer | Psychology |
Emma | Farrar | Fine Arts |
Mikaela | Farrugia | Computational & Applied Math |
Braelin | Fauber | Neuroscience |
Mark | Faulcon | Organismal Biology |
Liana | Favale | Psychology |
Gabrielle | Fay-O'Hara | Neuroscience |
Hannah | Feeken | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ian | Fein | History |
Luke | Ferguson | Political Science |
Haley | Ferguson | Environmental Biology |
Luke | Fernandez | Biochemistry |
Kara | Ferner | Applied Physics |
Allison | Ferris | History |
Madison | Ferris | Theater |
Gabriela | Ferrone | Business-Undeclared |
Payton | Fiel | Undeclared |
Courtney | Fiest | Communication Studies |
Julia | Filacchione | Psychology |
Jacob | Filipponi | Sociology |
Jaiquan | Findley | Accounting |
Samantha | Firesheets | Accounting |
Nicholas | Fischer | Political Science |
Jack | Fisher | Economics-BA |
Sarah | Fistner | Management |
Holly | Fitzgerald | Sociology |
Allison | Fitzwater | Psychology |
Lyric | Flamm | Sociology |
Kayla | Flanagan | Psychology |
Evan | Flatt | Communication Studies |
Melody | Fleming | Psychology |
Elena | Flester | Neuroscience |
Alexandra | Fletcher | Psychology |
Regan | Flieg | Philosophy |
Daniel | Flood | Business-Undeclared |
Angelica | Florendo | Neuroscience |
Claire | Flores | Political Science |
Caitlyn | Floyd | Chemistry |
Emily | Flynn | History |
Forest | Flynn | Political Science |
Danielle | Forand | Political Science |
Scott | Forbes | Economics-BA |
Abbey | Forde | Communication Studies |
Elizabeth | Forget | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kayla | Forosisky | Neuroscience |
Olivia | Forry | Communication Studies |
Holly | Foster | Economics-BA |
Jessica | Foster | Marketing |
Zoe | Fowler | Classical Studies |
Elijah | Fox | American Studies |
Jamie | Fox | Psychology |
Gabrielle | Fox | Accounting |
Brian | Fox | Business-Undeclared |
Joshua | Foye | Communication Studies |
Natalie | Frampton | Psychology |
Ashley | Francis | Psychology |
Lilleen Rochelle | Franck | Biochemistry |
Isabel | Franks | Undeclared |
Laura | Frazee | English |
Melissa | Frazier | Psychology |
Keegan | Fredrick | Political Science |
Sawyer | Freeland | Computer Engineering |
Alexander | Freeman | Finance |
Danielle | Freeman | Management |
Abigail | Freidline | Organismal Biology |
Ahmad | Frej | Management |
Rebecca | Frey | Psychology |
Lorenz Joseph | Frias | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Stephanie | Friedman | Marketing |
Emma | Friedmann | Psychology |
Hunter | Frields | Computer Science |
Evan | Frischkorn | Political Science |
Nicole | Fritz | Classical Studies |
Dana | Fulcher | Psychology |
Hannah | Fulk | Communication Studies |
Logan | Funk | Finance |
Dayana | Fyulep | Political Science |
Anna | Gaegler | Communication Studies |
Lauren | Gagliardone | Political Science |
Nicole | Galang | Psychology |
Christina | Galbraith | Psychology |
Marissa | Gallagher | Biology |
Cole | Gallaudet | Psychology |
Madison | Gant | Psychology |
Breeana | Gant | Information Science |
Shreya | Ganta | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katherine | Gaouette | Accounting |
Alexis | Gaouette | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Susannah | Garber | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Akira | Garcia | Computational & Applied Math |
Isabella | Garcia | Psychology |
Kimberly | Garlem | History |
MacKenzie | Garner | Psychology |
Whitney | Garrett | Spanish |
Rachel | Garrett | Biology |
Shanyla | Garris | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Riley | Garrison | Psychology |
Carter | Garrison | Finance |
Ashby | Garst | Communication Studies |
Claire | Garster | Psychology |
Jordan | Garza | Psychology |
Sarah | Gaston | Psychology |
Gwendolyn | Gattermeir | Chemistry |
Sloan | Gearhart | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Davis | Gee | Political Science |
Brock | Geiman | Accounting |
William | Geisler | Neuroscience |
Kayla | Geller | Psychology |
Benjamin | Gendell | Electrical Engineering |
Caylie | Gendreau | English |
Mallory | Gentry | Psychology |
Olivia | Georgi | English |
Emily | Gfrerer | Psychology |
Tyler | Giarratana | Finance |
Daniel | Gibson | American Studies |
Hannah | Gilbertson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tyler | Gillespie | Management |
Sabrina | Gillis | Fine Arts |
Nathan | Gillispie | Management |
Noah | Gillispie | Accounting |
Graciela | Gimpel | Psychology |
Kara | Giuliani | Psychology |
Katie | Glemzu | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Peter | Glenn | Computer Science |
Jenell | Glover | Integrative Biology |
Katie | Glover | Political Science |
Emily | Goddin | Chemistry |
Anna | Goehner | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jillian | Goff | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katherine | Goida | Neuroscience |
Molly | Goldberg | Psychology |
Sarah | Goldsmith | Neuroscience |
Lauren | Goldsmith | Accounting |
David | Gonzalez | History |
Cesar | Gonzalez Engelhard | Chemistry |
Eric | Good | History |
Grace | Goode | Marketing |
Grace | Goodley | Communication Studies |
Colin | Goodpasture | English |
Bently | Goodwin | Business-Undeclared |
Olivia | Gookin | Neuroscience |
Eli | Goossens | Philosophy |
Srinidhi | Gopal | Biology |
Arianna | Gordon | Marketing |
Makena | Gormley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
David | Grace | Biology |
Ramon | Graham | Fine Arts |
Caroline | Grass | Theater |
Sara | Gravely | Communication Studies |
Gabriel | Gravini | Music |
Molly | Gray | Biology |
Kirsten | Gray | Biochemistry |
Brian | Greeley | Computer Science |
Kiana | Green | Theater |
Shannon | Green | Psychology |
Ashley | Green | Finance |
Trevaun | Green | Business-Undeclared |
Angel | Gregory | Neuroscience |
Alyssa | Gregory | Psychology |
McLeary | Grey | Finance |
Christiana | Grgurovich | Biochemistry |
Lindsey | Gries | English |
Evan | Grimsley | Undeclared |
Victoria | Grissom | Communication Studies |
Jessica | Grohler | Marketing |
Hayley | Groover | Neuroscience |
Hunter | Grubb | Business-Undeclared |
Jillian | Gruta | Undeclared |
Nihal | Guennouni | Environmental Biology |
Hannah | Guinther | Political Science |
Noah | Guion | Psychology |
Yimin | Guo | Finance |
Anna | Gustavus | Psychology |
Brynna | Gyuricsko | Organismal Biology |
Marguerite | Haas | Psychology |
Qirsten | Hagans | Social Work |
Angela | Haggard | History |
Natalie | Hairfield | Accounting |
Bryce | Hairston | French |
Emilia | Hajec | Theater |
Anne | Hajost | Communication Studies |
Rachel | Haley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Anne | Haley | Computer Science |
Meegan | Hall | Communication Studies |
Savannah | Hall | Biology |
Catherine | Hall | Neuroscience |
Alma | Hall | Psychology |
Katie | Hall | Political Science |
Anna | Hall | Social Work |
Samuel | Hallaren | Management |
Kristin | Halter | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Mariam | Hammad | Neuroscience |
Raleigh | Hampson | English |
Rachel | Hanback | Social Work |
Joseph | Hancock | Computer Science |
Callie | Hancock | Biology |
Noah | Haney | Applied Physics |
Makayla | Hanna | Neuroscience |
Taryn | Hannam-Zatz | Communication Studies |
Jasmine | Hanson | Accounting |
Zachary | Hanway | Business-Undeclared |
Jessica | Haravay | Psychology |
Rebecca | Hardesty | Biology |
MacKenzie | Hardesty | Sociology |
Ashley | Hardin | Psychology |
Katelyn | Hark | Psychology |
Emery | Harlan | Neuroscience |
Brittany | Harmon | Psychology |
Hannah | Harrelson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Shemar | Harrington | Information Science |
Liam | Harrington | Accounting |
Reece | Harris | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hanna | Harris | Psychology |
Ebony | Harris | Psychology |
Nathaniel | Harris | Political Science |
William | Harris | Finance |
Kaylee | Harris | Psychology |
Nehemiah | Harris | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Monica | Harris | Accounting |
Lynae | Harris | Philosophy |
Rhyan | Harrison | Philosophy |
Anna | Harrison | Social Work |
Talia | Harrison | Biology |
Benjamin | Harrison | Marketing |
David | Harrop | Economics-BA |
Kayli | Harshbarger | Spanish |
Nicholas | Hart | Finance |
Hannah | Hart | Psychology |
Emily | Hart | Political Science |
Lauren | Hart | Undeclared |
Carly | Hartel | Political Science |
Christian | Harter | Communication Studies |
Kyle | Hartigan | Environmental Studies |
Mary | Hartnett | Communication Studies |
Duncan | Harvey | Economics-BA |
Tanner | Hawk | Applied Physics |
Sydney | Hawk | Psychology |
Danielle | Hawkins | Psychology |
William | Hayden | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
William | Hayden | Fine Arts |
Lucas | Hayes | History |
Caroline | Hayes | Mathematics |
Timothy | Haynal | Finance |
Jessica | Hazlett | Biology |
Kelly | Hazzard | Political Science |
Kayla | Hearl | Psychology |
Madison | Heath | Biology |
Maria | Hedspeth | Communication Studies |
Riley | Heerbrandt | Neuroscience |
Brianna | Heflin | English |
Elizabeth | Heier | Social Work |
Abigail | Heimbach | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ian | Heinle | Psychology |
Lauryn | Heistrom | Psychology |
Marilyn | Hekrdle | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Marylee | Helbling | Marketing |
Isabella | Heller | Sociology |
Caroline | Helmer | Management |
Michael | Hemmer | Neuroscience |
Kyra | Hemrich | English |
Ryan | Henderson | Computer Science |
Shannon | Hendricks | Organismal Biology |
Scott | Hendricks | Management |
Shane | Hendricks | Electrical Engineering |
Erin | Hendrix | Communication Studies |
Aidan | Henning | Business-Undeclared |
Shaun | Henry | Theater |
Mary | Hensley | Theater |
Ashley | Herbig | Undeclared |
Alicia | Herget | Management |
Amanda | Herget | Psychology |
Zachary | Herink | Psychology |
Ryan | Hermosilla | Electrical Engineering |
Samantha | Hernandez | Fine Arts |
David | Herold | Communication Studies |
John | Herrmann | Environmental Biology |
Victoria | Herrold | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jake | Herzog | Sociology |
Victoria | Hester | Management |
Anna | Hester | Psychology |
Emily | Hewett | Social Work |
Kyle | Hicken | Accounting |
Katherine | Hicks | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kaitlyn | Higgins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kyra | Higgins | Management |
William | High | Marketing |
Janessa | Hill | Psychology |
Ashley | Hiltabrand | Biochemistry |
Atkinson | Hilton | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Morgan | Hines | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jordan | Hines | Computational & Applied Math |
Carson | Hines | Management |
Garrett | Hines | Biochemistry |
Alexandra | Hinkey | Mathematics |
Alissa | Hinz | Political Science |
Sabrina | Ho | Neuroscience |
Duncan | Hoag | English |
Yen Nhi | Hoang | Biology |
Sarah | Hobbs | English |
Micaelah | Hodge | Sociology |
Bailey | Hodges | Management |
Elizabeth | Hodges | Spanish |
Katherine | Hodges | Management |
Daniel | Hodges | History |
Brayden | Hodges | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Whitney | Hodges | Accounting |
Alexandra | Hoebeke | Management |
Madison | Hoecker | Computational & Applied Math |
Bruce | Hoffman | Political Science |
Caleb | Hoffman | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Theodore | Hoffmann | Political Science |
Hallie | Hofherr | Philosophy |
Hannah | Hogan | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Isabel | Hogg | Political Science |
Cory | Hogge | Finance |
Kyle | Hohmann | History |
Jason | Holder | Communication Studies |
Madeline | Holladay | Psychology |
Benjamin | Hollar | History |
Lillian | Holley | Neuroscience |
Jack | Holmes | Finance |
Meredith | Holt | Organismal Biology |
Morgan | Hood | Accounting |
Olivia | Hooe | Management |
Madison | Hool | Communication Studies |
Jasmine | Hopkins | Marketing |
Lucas | Hoppenjans | Business-Undeclared |
Alexandra | Horan | Communication Studies |
Madeline | Horstman | Fine Arts |
Julia | Horton | Undeclared |
Kyan | HoSang | Psychology |
Nathan | Hotes | American Studies |
Brandi | Houck | Psychology |
Shiloh | Houseworth | Accounting |
Hannah | Howerton | Integrative Biology |
Caitlyn | Hoy | Sociology |
Melina | Hoyos | Psychology |
Johanna | Huber | English |
Nathan | Hubinger | Mathematics |
Lauren | Hudgins | Sociology |
Alexandria | Huffer | English |
Margaret | Hughes | Psychology |
Chelsea | Hughes | Sociology |
Daniel | Hulett | Finance |
Mary | Humes | Communication Studies |
Hannah | Humphries | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tyler | Huneycutt | Political Science |
Virginia | Hunter | English |
Hope | Hunter | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Joseph | Hunter | Psychology |
Earl | Hurley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Joshua | Husby | Political Science |
Kelsey | Hutchison | Communication Studies |
Danyale | Hutson | Psychology |
Charis | Hutton | Marketing |
Cynthia | Huynh | Psychology |
David | Hyatt | Management |
Kellie | Hyde | Management |
Christina | Hyland | Management |
Julia | Iapicca | Undeclared |
Ryan | Ibarguen | Management |
Sebastian | Ilagan | Finance |
Ilmina | Ilyar | Accounting |
Amanda | Imthurn | Management |
Kathryn | Ingalls | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emily | Ingledue | Fine Arts |
William | Ingram | Business-Undeclared |
Michael | Innacelli | Communication Studies |
Jessica | Irving | English |
Ashley | Irving | Sociology |
Riley | Isom | Psychology |
Elise | Ivory | Sociology |
Katherine | Iwanski | Environmental Studies |
Valencia | Izquierdo | Psychology |
Hannah | Jackson | American Studies |
Zatyra | Jackson | Communication Studies |
Sarah | Jackson | English |
Devin | Jackson | Management |
Clara | Jacobson | Psychology |
Veronika | Jacobson | Psychology |
Holly | Jacobson | Psychology |
Kyle | Jacoby | Information Science |
Ryan | Jaekle | Finance |
Natalee | Jamerson | Psychology |
Benjamin | James | Psychology |
Jordan | James | Sociology |
Danielle | Jansen | Theater |
Austin | Jarvis | Music |
Taylor | Jarvis | Computer Science |
Krista | Jasak | Neuroscience |
Alexander | Jedlick | Business-Undeclared |
Sheena | Jegar | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Thomas | Jenkins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nikole | Jenkins | Communication Studies |
Michael | Jenkins | Political Science |
Nina | Jenkins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madeleine | Jenkins | Neuroscience |
Mikayla | Jenkins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kyla | Jenkins | Biology |
Angelica | Jennings | Management |
Eric | Jennings | Computer Science |
Alexa | Jeremiah | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Rachel | Jett | Marketing |
Caleb | Jett | Business-Undeclared |
Mary | Jobe | Psychology |
Amanda | Johnson | Organismal Biology |
Cooper | Johnson | Finance |
Bridgit | Johnson | English |
Braden | Johnson | Political Science |
John | Johnson | Computer Science |
Kyle | Johnson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Bryan | Johnson | Psychology |
Anna | Johnson | Social Work |
Emma | Johnson | Undeclared |
Leah | Johnson | Chemistry |
Kaylee | Johnson | Sociology |
Miranda | Johnson | Undeclared |
Creid | Johnson | Electrical Engineering |
Madison | Johnson | Computer Engineering |
Sophia | Johnston | Computer Science |
Annamarie | Jones | Communication Studies |
Cydnee | Jones | Political Science |
Mackenzi | Jones | Psychology |
Kaylee | Jones | English |
Stephanie | Jones | Integrative Biology |
Colin | Jones | English |
Cassandra | Jones | Political Science |
Sarah | Jones | Neuroscience |
Maria | Jones | Theater |
Kimberly | Jordan | Communication Studies |
John | Jordan | Computer Engineering |
Caitlyn | Joseph | Psychology |
Michael | Josephson | Finance |
Emily | Judson | Environmental Studies |
Tyler | Jumper | Computer Science |
Anna | Junkins | Social Work |
Alexa | Jury | Fine Arts |
Camille | Kaiser | English |
Gabrielle | Kaiser | Neuroscience |
Nitya | Kalidindi | Theater |
Dahria | Kalmbach | Environmental Biology |
Kayla | Kamper | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lauren | Kane | Psychology |
Hannah | Kane | Management |
Yuhka | Kaneda | Business-Undeclared |
Benjamin | Kann | Marketing |
Lin | Karam | Economics-BA |
Emily | Karn | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Brad | Karner | Communication Studies |
Tyler | Karol | Computer Science |
Nicholas | Karpiak | Psychology |
Amber | Kasaci | American Studies |
Daniel | Kasrai | Information Science |
Alexis | Kasuda | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Claire | Kauffman | Sociology |
Jonathan | Kaufman | Information Systems |
Gabriella | Kayal | Neuroscience |
Christiane | Kayal | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Claire | Kearney | Political Science |
Shane | Kearney | Management |
Paul | Kearney | Accounting |
Evan | Kearney | Business-Undeclared |
Kaiya | Keckler | Music |
Tucker | Keener | Political Science |
Sydney | Keesee | Marketing |
Robert | Kelleher | English |
Julian Robert | Kelly | Political Science |
Morgan | Kelso | Music |
Shelby | Kemeny | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Noah | Kennedy | Communication Studies |
Benjamin | Kennell | Biochemistry |
Benjamin | Kerns | Management |
Kira | Kerr | Theater |
William | Kessler | Music |
Aidan | Keverline | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emily | Key | Communication Studies |
Alexis | Khuu | Neuroscience |
Abigael | Khuu | Psychology |
Matthew | Kidd | Business-Undeclared |
Emmylou | Kidder | Integrative Biology |
Kinsey | Kidder | Social Work |
Cassidy | Kiel | Finance |
Alyse | Kiersey | Communication Studies |
Michael | Kilcoyne | History |
Ryan | Kilduff | Political Science |
Riley | Killian | Environmental Biology |
Jessica | Kilmer | Neuroscience |
Judiclaire | Kinerney | Communication Studies |
Sydney | King | Philosophy |
Jasmine | King | Management |
Max | King | Business-Undeclared |
Jessica | King | Sociology |
Ashlyn | Kinnaman | Neuroscience |
Austin | Kirby | Finance |
Robert | Kirby | Marketing |
Kiana | Kirkland Wanzer | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Amanda | Kirkpatrick | Management |
Margaret | Kirkpatrick | Sociology |
Connor | Kirley | Management |
Rebecca | Kiser | Communication Studies |
Christopher | Kiser | Economics-BA |
Kaitlyn | Kitchen | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Avery | Kitchens | Computer Engineering |
Alexis | Kittelstad | Undeclared |
Ja'Cori | Kittrell | Finance |
Timothy | Klimchock | Finance |
Luke | Kline | Accounting |
Erin | Kline | Mathematics |
Megan | Kloppman | Marketing |
Emma | Klubertanz | Business-Undeclared |
Kyle | Knachel | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emily | Knode | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Walker | Knott | Business-Undeclared |
Emily | Knowles | Social Work |
Taylor | Knowles | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Maxwell | Knowlton | Political Science |
Esther | Kocka | Sociology |
Alexandra | Koehler | Management |
Jared | Koenig | Computer Science |
Dakota | Koenig | Accounting |
Spencer | Koger | Communication Studies |
Joshua | Kolba | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madison | Koller | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nathan | Kolling | Mathematics |
Mason | Kolls | Finance |
Joshitha | Kongari | Biochemistry |
Sara | Koochagian | Mathematics |
Caroline | Koon | Neuroscience |
Ariana | Kopf | Spanish |
Elizabeth | Koses | Psychology |
Kyleigh | Koster | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katie | Kozlowski | Psychology |
Lauren | Kratzer | Psychology |
Kendall | Krause | Marketing |
Joseph | Kriviski | Information Science |
Zachary | Krygiel | Political Science |
Thomas | Kueser | Computer Science |
Caden | La Duke | Political Science |
Sophia | LaBell | Psychology |
Dominic | Lacombe | Accounting |
Panagiotis | Lagos | Management |
Alexandra | Lagos | Theater |
Taylor | Lambert | Psychology |
Samantha | Lambiase | Sociology |
Allison | Landergan | Political Science |
Hunter | Lang | Political Science |
Levi | Langolf | Music |
Nicholas | Lanham | Information Systems |
Monica | Lannen | Management |
Javonna | Lansdown | Psychology |
Brett | LaPlante | American Studies |
Alexis | Laplante | Integrative Biology |
Sean | LaRochelle | Computer Science |
James | Larsen | Finance |
Benjamin | Larsen | Undeclared |
Ethan | Larson | History |
Paula | Latham | Mathematics |
Megan | Lau | Neuroscience |
Madison | Laughlin | Business-Undeclared |
Brenna | Lawrence | Finance |
Logan | Lawson | Computational & Applied Math |
Audrey | Lawton | Computer Science |
Elizabeth | Laxton | Sociology |
Leah | Laycock | Fine Arts |
Janet | Lazewski | Marketing |
Lamson | Le | Biochemistry |
Emily | Learn | Psychology |
Sean | Leary | History |
Nathan | Leas | Economics-BA |
David | Leavitt | Political Science |
Kristina | Lee | Psychology |
Caroline | Lee | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sydney | Lee | Management |
Jessica | Lee | Sociology |
Justin | Lee | Sociology |
Michelle | Legan | Psychology |
James | Lehman | Music |
Charles | Leich | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Gretchen | Leich | Spanish |
Sophia | Leichtentritt | Management |
Shane | Leigh | Computer Science |
Catherine | Leighty | Communication Studies |
Adam | LeKang | Theater |
Rebecca | Leman | Psychology |
Lauren | Lemelin | Communication Studies |
Stephanie | LeRoy | Psychology |
Oliver | Lesjak | Finance |
Madison | Lester | Chemistry |
Katrina | Letter | Management |
Nyla | Lewis | American Studies |
Elizabeth | Lewis | Psychology |
Rebecca | Lewis | Undeclared |
Zoe | Light | Political Science |
Elizabeth | Lilliston | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tisha | Lim | Management |
Kisha | Lim | Social Work |
Vanessa | Lin | Biochemistry |
Katherine | Lindahl | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Evelyn | Lindeman | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hannah | Lindenblad | Spanish |
Brannon | Linder | Theater |
Jacob | Lindner | English |
Destiny | Lindsay | Sociology |
Eric | Lingebach | Marketing |
Arianna | Lipton | Neuroscience |
Jack | Little | Theater |
David | Livermon | American Studies |
Tatiana | Loarca | History |
Christina | Lobosco | Communication Studies |
Rachel | Locke | History |
Camerin | Lockey | Accounting |
Kyra | Locklear | Psychology |
Skylar | Lockleay | Neuroscience |
Nafeesa | Lodi | Neuroscience |
Anna | Lombardo | Psychology |
Noah | Long | Theater |
Joshua | Long | Economics-BA |
Morgan | Long | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Chloe | Long | Environmental Biology |
Leah | Longo | Marketing |
Emily | Louis | Music |
Gillian | Love | Biochemistry |
Amanda | Lovelace | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Coleman | Lowder | Biochemistry |
Jessica | Lowe | Sociology |
Anna | Lowery | History |
Colin | Lowrance | Marketing |
Anh | Lu | Accounting |
Taylor | Lucas | Communication Studies |
Corinne | Lucas | Psychology |
Nicolas | Luciano-Carson | Accounting |
Kelly | Luetkenhaus | Political Science |
Adam | Luncher | Business-Undeclared |
Harper | Lurie | Management |
Mark | Luther | American Studies |
Rylea | Lutz | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Roger | Lutz | Electrical Engineering |
Zachary | Luyo | Neuroscience |
Jack | Lynam | Computer Engineering |
Peyton | Lynch | Social Work |
Marlee | Lynn | Psychology |
Nicole | Lynskey | Management |
Emily | Lyon | Applied Physics |
Brendan | Lyons | Finance |
Bradley | Lytle | Electrical Engineering |
Joel | Mabalot | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Justin | Mabry | Marketing |
John | MacEwen | Environmental Biology |
Zachary | Mackenzie | American Studies |
Ryan | Macy | Accounting |
Kathryn | Madison | Sociology |
Steven | Maggiolo | Economics-BA |
Niall | Mahaney | Finance |
Jane | Mahler | Biochemistry |
Erin | Mahoney | History |
Emily | Majchrowitz | Communication Studies |
Madeline | Malnight | Psychology |
Christopher | Maly | Economics-BA |
Pramod | Mamillapalli | Computer Science |
Nicholas | Mangano | Management |
Alexi | Manley | Psychology |
Nicole | Mann | Psychology |
Kyle | Mann | Management |
Benjamin | Manon | Accounting |
Rachel | Many | Neuroscience |
Robert | Marchetti | Business-Undeclared |
Elaina | Marcucci | Neuroscience |
Ashley | Marino | Accounting |
Sofia | Marino | Biology |
Thomas | Mark | Finance |
Nathaniel | Markee | Computer Science |
Margret | Markley | Environmental Studies |
Austin | Marks | Electrical Engineering |
Matthew | Marois | Finance |
Anthony | Marovelli | English |
William | Mars | Computer Science |
Kirsten | Marsell | Management |
Carson | Marshall | Finance |
James | Marshall | Mathematics |
Emma | Marston | Sociology |
Victoria | Martin | Spanish |
Gabrielle | Martin | Psychology |
Ethan | Martin | Accounting |
Lauren | Martin | Management |
Alec | Martin | Spanish |
Steven | Martin | Philosophy |
Marissa | Martin | Management |
Eleanor | Martin | Accounting |
Jean | Martin | Social Work |
Meghan | Martin | English |
Sarah | Martin | Biology |
Mikaela | Martinez Dettinger | Philosophy |
Michael | Martorano | Management |
Reagan | Mason | Organismal Biology |
Amaya | Mason | English |
William | Mason | Political Science |
Jessica | Masterson | Mathematics |
Kristen | Mathews | Political Science |
Patrick | Matsko | Communication Studies |
Liesl | Mattar | Communication Studies |
Elias | Mattar | Accounting |
Malory | Matty | Psychology |
Evangelia | Maurakis | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alyssa | May | Marketing |
Hannah | Mayr | Management |
Elizabeth | Mazzello | Psychology |
Serena | Mazzurco | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Liam | McAllister | Finance |
Robyn | McArthur | Psychology |
Laura | McAuliffe | Psychology |
Laura | McAvoy | Psychology |
Emily | McCaffrey | Marketing |
William | McCain | Finance |
David | McClaugherty | Finance |
Cameron | McClenahan | Political Science |
Peyton | McClure | Political Science |
Daniel | McCollum | English |
Emma | McConnell | Psychology |
Nicholas | McCormick | Biochemistry |
Megan | McCoy | Theater |
Hanna | McCune | Political Science |
Bryson | McDaniel | Finance |
Jillian | McDonald | Psychology |
Olivia | McDowell | Political Science |
Mara | McFadden | Psychology |
Emily | McGinness | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Joellyn | McGlamery | English |
Erin | McGovern | Neuroscience |
Ashley | McHenry | Psychology |
Allison | McIntyre | Psychology |
Jeffrey | McKaig | Computational & Applied Math |
Grace | McKane | Management |
Lauren | McKeel | Accounting |
Matthew | McKeon | Political Science |
Mitchell | McKeon | Political Science |
Kelly | McKinney | Communication Studies |
John | McKisson | Computer Engineering |
Sydney | McKnight | Biochemistry |
Liam | McKnight | Computer Science |
Timothy | McLaughlin | Communication Studies |
Liam | McLaurin | English |
Kiley | McLeroy | Political Science |
Ashley | McMillan | Communication Studies |
Joshua | McMillan | Communication Studies |
Andrew | McNeill | Computer Science |
Megan | McNutt | Political Science |
Maria | McQuade | Management |
Chance | McQuaid | Electrical Engineering |
Alexander | Meade | Environmental Biology |
Julianne | Meader | Computational & Applied Math |
Jenna | Meadows | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kathryn | Meadows | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sean | Meehan | Marketing |
Carlos | Mendoza-Rivera | Biochemistry |
Vir | Menon | History |
Ashley | Mentz | Marketing |
Julia | Merritt | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Noah | Mertes | Management |
Maura | Meservey | Political Science |
Joy | Messina | Sociology |
Carol | Metten | Accounting |
Sarah | Mettille | Psychology |
Margaret | Metts | Music |
Ella | Metzger | Integrative Biology |
Meredith | Meyer | Psychology |
Alyssa | Meyer | Accounting |
Logan | Meyers | Marketing |
Savanna | Meyers | Management |
Mariah | Michael | Mathematics |
Jessica | Michaels | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madison | Michalec | Psychology |
Johnathan | Middleton | Computer Science |
Jenna | Miladin | Environmental Biology |
Kali | Milazzo | English |
Rachael | Milburn | Organismal Biology |
Samantha | Milchenski | Psychology |
Hannah | Miles | Music |
Eleanor | Miley | Information Science |
Madalyn | Millen | Computer Science |
Noel | Miller | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Calvin | Miller | Accounting |
Eric | Miller | Environmental Biology |
Jackson | Miller | Computational & Applied Math |
Jonathan | Miller | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emily | Miller | Social Work |
Emma | Miller | Social Work |
Anna | Miller | Biochemistry |
Andrew | Miller | Finance |
Davidson | Miller | Psychology |
Erica | Miller | Management |
Cierra | Miller Wilson | Psychology |
Erin | Mills | Psychology |
Trinity | Mills | Environmental Studies |
Leslie | Mills | Psychology |
Samantha-Lynn | Miner | Finance |
Olivia | Minnick | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
George | Minnigerode | Computer Science |
Erika | Mirkay | Organismal Biology |
Victoria | Miro | Psychology |
Audrey | Mishler | Psychology |
Benjamin | Mitchell | Mathematics |
Caroline | Mitchell | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lara | Mitchell | Sociology |
Bethany | Mizelle | Environmental Biology |
Ashleigh | Mock | Integrative Biology |
Kara | Modecki | History |
Colston | Moder | Accounting |
Nicole | Molnar | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Mark | Molnar | Information Science |
John | Monelly | Neuroscience |
Stephen | Monick | History |
Daniel | Monroe | Psychology |
Lee Ann | Monteiro | Theater |
Logan | Montel | Communication Studies |
Lindsay | Montgomery | Business-Undeclared |
Meghan | Moon | Communication Studies |
Wyatt | Moon | Economics-BA |
Cedar | Moore | Theater |
Andrew | Moore | Marketing |
Meagan | Moore | Biology |
Erica | Moore | Biochemistry |
Russell | Moore | Information Science |
Jordan | Moore | Social Work |
Rachel | Moore | Chemistry |
Sydney | Moore | Business-Undeclared |
Micaela | Moran | Communication Studies |
Marielena | Moran | Neuroscience |
Connor | Moran | Computer Science |
Malcolm | Morgan | Finance |
Melanie | Morgan | English |
Matthew | Morhiser | English |
Sophie | Morley | Political Science |
Nicholas | Morris | Environmental Biology |
Brooke | Morris | Finance |
Julia | Morris | Marketing |
Rachel | Morrison | History |
April | Morrison | Information Systems |
Meagan | Morrison | Theater |
Tanisha | Morton | Political Science |
Laura | Moss | Psychology |
Wren | Moss | Undeclared |
Megan | Moulton | English |
Elizabeth | Moyer | Environmental Biology |
Anthony | Muldoon | History |
Abigail | Muller | Psychology |
Noah | Mulligan | History |
Charlotte | Mullins | Psychology |
Ryo | Murasaki | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katie | Murphy | Theater |
Meghan | Murphy | Finance |
Mackenzie | Murray | Management |
Shannon | Musante | Psychology |
Christopher | Myers | History |
Michaela | Nadeau | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Avery | Naperala | Environmental Biology |
Rose | Napolitano | Organismal Biology |
Katrina | Napora | Environmental Biology |
Nicholas | Napora | Computer Science |
Kimberly | Nardi | Neuroscience |
Lindsey | Narney | Communication Studies |
Taylor | Nattress | Psychology |
Saiarjun | Nekkanti | Neuroscience |
Charles | Nelson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Grace | Nelson | Mathematics |
Lillian | Nelson | Biology |
Cecelia | Nerantzis | Marketing |
Sarah | Newell | English |
Samuel | Newfield | Computer Science |
Sophie | Newhouse | Neuroscience |
Margrete | Newman | Psychology |
Rebecca | Newman | Music |
Austin | Newman | Political Science |
Graham | Newman | Chemistry |
Jennifer | Newton | Psychology |
Julia | Ng | Finance |
Tien | Ngo-Tran | Neuroscience |
Zenith | Nguon | Marketing |
Andrew | Nguyen | Computer Science |
Kevin | Nguyen | Information Systems |
Ryan | Nicol | History |
Andrew | Nicolaus | Marketing |
Dejah | Niles-Bogger | Psychology |
Nicolette | Nitis | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Andrew | Nix | Political Science |
Anna | Nix | Political Science |
Brooke | Nixon | Information Science |
Joelle | Nkwantchoa Toundji | Finance |
Adelyn | Noble | Mathematics |
Kailyn | Noble | Neuroscience |
Zoe | Nonnemacker | Psychology |
Stephen | Noone | Business-Undeclared |
Taylor | Nordike | English |
Emily | Norman | Mathematics |
Nicholas | Norman | Management |
Jasmine | Norman | Psychology |
Connor | Norris | Information Systems |
Mackenzie | Nowak | Communication Studies |
Andrew | Noyes | Environmental Studies |
Alexander | Nyikos | Chemistry |
Zaria | Oates | Communication Studies |
Patrick | Ocheltree | Computer Science |
Carly | O'Connor | Psychology |
Kathryn | O'Connor | Undeclared |
Conor | O'Dea | Political Science |
Thomas | O'Dell | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alexa | O'Donnell Jones | Political Science |
Jordan | Oglesby | Marketing |
Cameron | Ogren | Economics-BA |
Patricia | Ohanian | Economics-BA |
Emily | Ohrmund | Marketing |
Logan | O'Leary | Computer Engineering |
Aubrey | Olsen | Neuroscience |
Nicholas | Olsen | Information Science |
Hayden | Olsen | Applied Physics |
Gabrielle | O'Neal | Neuroscience |
Leah | O'Neill | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madden | O'Neill | Marketing |
Amanda | Onofrio | Communication Studies |
Kiya | Opstrup | Environmental Studies |
McKayla | Opstrup | Biology |
Abigail | Oren | Accounting |
Nathan | Ormsby | Applied Physics |
Liam | Orr | Political Science |
Morgan | Orr | Social Work |
Katherine | Orrison | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Naijani | Ortiz Medina | English |
Sydney | Osborne | Psychology |
Jamie | Oulton | Information Science |
Andrew | Ours | Management |
Ayanna | Outing | Management |
Grace | Overman | Neuroscience |
Jaron | Overton | Fine Arts |
Duncan | Owen | Communication Studies |
Brian | Owens | Marketing |
Noah | Owens | Marketing |
Clara | Page | English |
Zoe | Page | Finance |
Clifton | Painter | Economics-BA |
Madeline | Painter | Marketing |
Sierra | Palian | Undeclared |
Nicole | Palmieri | American Studies |
Celina | Paoletta | Chemistry |
Emily | Pappalardo | Neuroscience |
Adam | Paquette | Economics-BA |
Thomas | Parisi | Finance |
Jessica | Parker | Neuroscience |
Emma | Parker | Communication Studies |
William | Parker | Finance |
Ariel | Parks | Neuroscience |
Nicolaus | Parks | Neuroscience |
Taylor | Parks | Management |
Victoria-Jessica | Partin | Biology |
Allison | Pasmanik | Marketing |
Michael | Patel | Applied Physics |
Jada | Patterson | Psychology |
Anna | Patterson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alexandria | Patterson | Mathematics |
Kayla | Pauley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katherine | Paulikonis | Psychology |
Kristine | Paulikonis | Biology |
Rachel | Pavel | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Adam | Paymer | Biology |
Madison | Payne | Undeclared |
Mariah | Payne | Psychology |
Kihalani | Payton | Management |
Leah | Pazda | Psychology |
Patrick | Pearce | Neuroscience |
Jordan | Pearson | Communication Studies |
Colleen | Pechin | Theater |
Allan | Pedin | Computer Science |
Hannah | Pell | Psychology |
Lydia | Perez-Reyes | Psychology |
Channing | Perkins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jonah | Peters | Fine Arts |
Hunter | Petrakis | Business-Undeclared |
Gabrielle | Petrone | Undeclared |
Zachary | Petruso | Marketing |
Chandler | Pettus | Theater |
Spencer | Petty-Kane | Finance |
Elaina | Pfannkuch | Psychology |
Stephanie | Pham | Sociology |
Thinh | Phan | Computer Science |
Erin | Phillips | Chemistry |
Lance | Phillips | Information Systems |
Nicklas | Phillips | Neuroscience |
Joshua | Phillips | Psychology |
Alyssa | Phipps | Political Science |
Erika | Picard | Psychology |
Casey | Picard | Psychology |
Kelsey | Picchianti | Neuroscience |
Stephen | Pierce | English |
Justin | Piercy | Information Systems |
Grant | Pierson | Computer Science |
Natalie | Pietro | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Mark | Pilipczuk | Finance |
Jonathan | Pilsch | Mathematics |
Laila | Pirnazar | Management |
Scott | Pisarcik | Information Science |
Madison | Pittman | Psychology |
Benjamin | Pitts | Finance |
Rachel | Pitts | Psychology |
Libby | Piver | Applied Physics |
Anna | Plaia | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Samantha | Plesce | Electrical Engineering |
Shea | Plocharczyk | Information Science |
Alicia | Plumlee | Psychology |
Sarah | Poarch | Psychology |
Kristina | Poff | Psychology |
Thomas | Pogreba | Accounting |
Abigail | Pogreba | Undeclared |
Moriah | Poliakoff | American Studies |
Thomas | Pollack | Neuroscience |
James | Pollard | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Julia | Pond | Undeclared |
Daniel | Ponton | Communication Studies |
Sarah | Poole | Theater |
Nicole | Pope | Marketing |
Liam | Porter | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Joshua | Porter | Integrative Biology |
Lauren | Porter | Biochemistry |
Medelly | Post | Theater |
Kiersten | Potter | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sarah | Potter | Psychology |
Zachary | Potts | Computer Engineering |
Katie | Powell | History |
Seth | Powers | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Vanessa | Powers | Fine Arts |
Jordan | Powers | Psychology |
Campbell | Pozin | Finance |
Madison | Pozner | Social Work |
Samantha | Prestia | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Graham | Price | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Morgan | Pridgen | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Skyler | Prieto | History |
Sarah | Prince | Marketing |
Mary | Pritchard | Undeclared |
Sarah | Proctor | Communication Studies |
Nicholas | Prokos | History |
Lauren | Proulx | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Dylan | Pruitt | Computer Science |
Natalie | Prye | Psychology |
Abigail | Puckett | Political Science |
Evan | Pugh | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jordyn | Pugh | Biochemistry |
Maya | Purcell | Environmental Biology |
Sophia | Qreitem | Business-Undeclared |
Nii-Boi | Quartey | Applied Physics |
Nii-Kwartei | Quartey | Computer Science |
Logan | Quinn | Business-Undeclared |
Jacqueline | Quint | Psychology |
Anna | Quinto | Environmental Biology |
Naomi | Rader | Psychology |
Kathryn | Rader | Undeclared |
Colin | Rae | Biochemistry |
Riley | Rafterry-Lee | Political Science |
Magdalena | Ralston | Psychology |
Jonathan | Ramey | Computer Science |
Andrew | Ramseur | Undeclared |
Kellee | Ramsey | Psychology |
Rachel | Rangel | Psychology |
Alexandria | Rangel | Fine Arts |
Emily | Ransone | Fine Arts |
Johanna | Ranta-aho | Biochemistry |
Brisa | Rasmussen | Neuroscience |
Stephanie | Razavi | Neuroscience |
Colleen | Real | Fine Arts |
William | Reames | Computer Science |
Barrett | Redington | Undeclared |
Lauren | Reece | English |
Olivia | Reed | History |
Abigail | Reed | Biology |
Krista | Reed | Environmental Biology |
Samson | Reed | Neuroscience |
Natalie | Rees | Accounting |
Spencer | Reeves | History |
Mackenzie | Regen | Communication Studies |
Scott | Reid | Applied Physics |
Teagan | Reilly | Psychology |
Alec | Reilly | Business-Undeclared |
Shelby | Reist | Psychology |
Alessi | Reiter | Computational & Applied Math |
Emma | Reitzel | Communication Studies |
Joseph | Rekus | Economics-BA |
Tess | Rens | Marketing |
Julia | Rest | Social Work |
Cecil | Reyes | Fine Arts |
Sierra | Reyes | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Brooke | Reynolds | Psychology |
Megan | Reynolds | Psychology |
Taylor | Rhame | Organismal Biology |
Alexander | Rhodes | Computer Science |
Matthew | Rhodes | Accounting |
Virginia | Rhodes | Psychology |
Rachel | Ricard | Political Science |
Cameron | Rice | Marketing |
Dylan | Rice | Finance |
Matthew | Rice | Accounting |
Isabel | Rice-Martorell | Psychology |
Sarah | Rich | Sociology |
Bruin | Richardson | Finance |
Dane | Richardson | Information Systems |
Abigail | Ridderhoff | Social Work |
Noelle | Riddle | English |
Meghan | Ries | Communication Studies |
Chelsea | Riggs | Neuroscience |
Victoria | Rines | Psychology |
Alexander | Risko | Finance |
Leslie | Ritchie | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kailey | Ritchie | History |
Skylor | Ritchie | Undeclared |
Faith | Ritenour | Marketing |
Christopher | Ritter | Computer Science |
Luis | Rivera | Political Science |
Kyara | Rivera | Political Science |
Cecilia | Rivera | Political Science |
Chelsea | Rivera-Morales | Electrical Engineering |
Jacob | Roach | Management |
Jessica | Roberson | Psychology |
Sarah | Robertson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ethan | Robertson | Sociology |
Gwen | Robins | Accounting |
Kathryn | Robins | Sociology |
Elijah | Robinson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emma | Robinson | Theater |
Autumn | Robinson | Social Work |
Mary | Robinson | Psychology |
Olivia | Robinson | Psychology |
Simon | Robson | Communication Studies |
Travis | Rocha | Communication Studies |
Gabriela | Rocha | Psychology |
Christopher | Rockey | Psychology |
Jacob | Rodgers | Information Science |
Samantha | Rodgerson | Undeclared |
Brandon | Rodriguez Hernandez | Biochemistry |
Alexis | Roe | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Addison | Roeschley | Accounting |
Benjamin | Roger | Business-Undeclared |
Nathan | Rogers | History |
Abigail | Rogers | Psychology |
Chloe | Rogers | Theater |
Carleigh | Rollins | Psychology |
Victoria | Roman | Psychology |
Claire | Rooney | Management |
Celine | Rosario | Business-Undeclared |
Neyshmarie | Rosario Cabrera | Political Science |
Emily | Rosa-Wood | Marketing |
Hannah | Roscher | Fine Arts |
Benjamin | Rose | Communication Studies |
Emily | Rose | Psychology |
Jack | Rosenberg | Business-Undeclared |
Dylan | Rosnick | Political Science |
Cara | Ross | Marketing |
Christian | Ross | Computer Science |
Gabriel | Ross | Computer Science |
Angelo | Rosso | Applied Physics |
Neelie | Rosson | Psychology |
Mathew | Roth | Management |
Katherine | Routon | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Carlena | Routzon | Organismal Biology |
Erin | Rowe | Psychology |
Cristina | Rowe | History |
Liam | Rowell | Computational & Applied Math |
Ryann | Rowland | Finance |
Ryan | Royal | Management |
Amaya | Royster | Music |
Christine | Rubeiz | Sociology |
Mary | Rueger | Communication Studies |
Kyrah | Runner | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Caitlyn | Russ | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Teresa | Russell | Communication Studies |
Anthony | Russell | Computer Science |
Madison | Russell | Psychology |
Andrea | Russotti | Chemistry |
Thomas | Ryerse | Accounting |
Samuel | Rzonca | Communication Studies |
Ryan | Saal | Biochemistry |
Opal | Sadler | Sociology |
Tara | Sadler | Computer Science |
Matthew | Sadosuk | Finance |
Sara | Safford | Biochemistry |
Samuel | Safford | Business-Undeclared |
Madelyn | Sager | Psychology |
Sumeet | Saini | Political Science |
Ana Maria | Salazar | Biochemistry |
Hannah | Salmon | Management |
Owen | Salyer | Psychology |
Jubran | Samra | Marketing |
Abigail | Sams | Political Science |
David | Sandborn | Accounting |
Gracie | Sanders | Psychology |
Lauren | Sanger | Communication Studies |
Brandon | Sanger | Psychology |
Dominick | Sangiuliano | Communication Studies |
Mackenzie | Sanner | English |
Joy | Santiago | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madison | Santomauro | Theater |
Erin | Sanza | English |
Aarya | Sapre | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nash | Saravanan | Neuroscience |
Nicholas | Sarvella | Biochemistry |
Holly | Satterfield | Psychology |
Carder | Saul | Communication Studies |
William | Saunders | Political Science |
Madeleine | Sauter | Communication Studies |
Katelyn | Savell | Theater |
Clarice | Savereux | Mathematics |
Brennen | Savi | Psychology |
Maegan | Savoie | Organismal Biology |
Brenon | Sawdy | Information Science |
Marissa | Sawh | Social Work |
Felicity | Saylor | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Mara | Scally | Environmental Studies |
Lauren | Scheels | Mathematics |
Matthew | Scherger | Communication Studies |
Peri | Schiavone | Undeclared |
Gia | Schiavone | Sociology |
Jillian | Schmid | Psychology |
Jillian | Schmidt | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Isabel | Schnaidt | Communication Studies |
Emily | Schoka | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jacob | Schor | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Allison | Schurr | Social Work |
Owen | Schwab | Sociology |
Kacey | Schwenzer | Accounting |
Mary | Sciortino | Marketing |
Daniel | Scofield | Mathematics |
Justin | Scola | Mathematics |
Alexander | Sebold | Finance |
Nathaniel | Sebring | Information Science |
Jake | Seddon | Communication Studies |
Emily | Sedgwick | Political Science |
Emma | Seguin | Spanish |
Benjamin | Selby | Organismal Biology |
Sarah | Sellers | Social Work |
Christopher | Senf | Communication Studies |
Cody | Sessions | Neuroscience |
Mackena | Settles | History |
Peyton | Sewell | Psychology |
Joseph | Shaffer | Information Science |
Ekaterina | Shaltaeva | Management |
Trisha | Shank | Political Science |
Sierra | Shannon | Fine Arts |
Brittany | Sharabi | Psychology |
Ashley | Sharabi | Sociology |
Grace | Sharlun | Political Science |
Alyson | Sharp | Marketing |
Lucas | Sharrett | Environmental Biology |
Alora | Sharron | Marketing |
Sydney | Shaw | Communication Studies |
Jennifer | Shaw | Mathematics |
Mollie | Shaw | Psychology |
Brooke | Shaw | Sociology |
Abby | Shaw | Sociology |
Samuel | Shear | Political Science |
Lydia | Shearin | Theater |
Amber | Shearin | Neuroscience |
Andrew | Sheehan | Accounting |
Jacob | Sheffield | Music |
Hannah | Shelton | Marketing |
Caroline | Shenenberger | Information Science |
Kenneth | Sheppard | Computer Science |
Kenneth | Sherrod | Undeclared |
Katelyn | Shinault | Management |
Kristen | Shipman | Mathematics |
Emily | Shirai | Psychology |
Mason | Shockley | Computer Science |
Ashley | Shonk | Marketing |
Kyle | Shope | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Amanda | Short | Communication Studies |
Lydia | Showalter | Communication Studies |
Ahmad | Shujah | Computer Science |
Noah | Sieck | Computer Science |
Lorraine | Siefke | Social Work |
Jakira | Silas | Sociology |
Lindsey | Silk | Sociology |
Timothy | Siltz | Computer Science |
Ann | Silva | Political Science |
Morgan | Simmons | Economics-BA |
Robert | Simmons | Finance |
Colleen | Simpson | Political Science |
Michele | Simpson | Social Work |
Jason | Singarayer | Marketing |
Noah | Singer | Political Science |
Micah | Singer | Mathematics |
Kayla | Singleton | Business-Undeclared |
Emily | Sinniger | Environmental Biology |
Ke'alani | Sison | Environmental Biology |
Jacob | Sivak | Chemistry |
Ryan | Sivak | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Elizabeth | Six | Social Work |
Laura | Slayton | Computer Science |
Erin | Slupe | Communication Studies |
Monica | Smallwood | History |
Erin | Smith | Biology |
Ann | Smith | Accounting |
Alyson | Smith | Marketing |
Kelsie | Smith | Integrative Biology |
Sarah | Smith | Communication Studies |
Hunter | Smith | Political Science |
Shannon | Smith | Political Science |
Joseph | Smith | Biochemistry |
Alexis | Smith | English |
Sawyer | Smith | Music |
Samuel | Smith | Psychology |
Taylor | Smith | Neuroscience |
Alyssa | Smith | Environmental Biology |
Patricia | Smith | Music |
Alexandria | Smith | History |
Jackson | Smith | History |
Quinn | Smith-Perry | Psychology |
Carly | Smittle | Spanish |
Caitlyn | Snead | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Talley | Snider | Marketing |
Jack | Snowdon | History |
Abigail | Snyder | Psychology |
William | Snyder | Accounting |
Emma | Snyder | Social Work |
Jenna | Snyder | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Erin | Solloway | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Edward | Sonnie | Communication Studies |
William | Soos | Finance |
Cooper | Sorvig | Marketing |
Sydney | Sowers | Communication Studies |
Michael | Sparks | Economics-BA |
Samantha | Spata | Biochemistry |
Lucas | Spelsberg | Sociology |
Jamal | Spence | Information Science |
Chase | Spencer | Political Science |
Grace | Spencer | Biochemistry |
Caleb | Spink | Neuroscience |
Joao | Splett | Finance |
Rachel | Spradlin | Psychology |
Leah | Spradlin | Business-Undeclared |
Kristen | Springer | Psychology |
Kayleigh | Sprouse | Music |
Hannah | Stadelmyer | Music-BA |
Jack | Stafford | Finance |
Tianna | Stajkowski | Music-BA |
Emma | Stanich | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emily | Stanisha | Electrical Engineering |
Trent | Staniszewski | Computer Engineering |
Bryce | Stanley | History |
Carter | Stanton | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kathleen | Stanton | English |
Jaycie | Staples | Accounting |
Claire | Stargell-Ouellette | Political Science |
Haidyn | Stark | Neuroscience |
Michelle | Staron | Psychology |
Kirsten | Starr | Fine Arts |
Naomi | Starr | Environmental Biology |
Theodore | Stathopoulos | Biochemistry |
Zoe | Stauffer | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Julia | Steele | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hannah | Steelman | Social Work |
Peter | Steidler | Marketing |
Brianna | Stein | Psychology |
Natalia | Stencavage | Undeclared |
Julie | Stephens | Communication Studies |
Rachel | Stephens | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicholas | Stern | Finance |
Paige | Stevens | Communication Studies |
Joely | Stevens | Marketing |
Anna | Stewart | Marketing |
Benjamin | Sties | Psychology |
Adam | Stillabower | Computer Science |
Kaitlyn | Stine | English |
Lindsey | Stirling | Business-Undeclared |
Erin | Stitt | Psychology |
William | Stockhausen | Accounting |
Kara | Stokke | American Studies |
Ella | Stolz | History |
Chloe | Stone | Communication Studies |
Megan | Stone | Sociology |
Ethan | Stowe | Accounting |
Morgan | Strack | Marketing |
Carter | Strain | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Carli | Strandberg | Theater |
Thomas | Stratton | Finance |
Elliana | Stratton | Environmental Biology |
Carley | Strausser | Communication Studies |
Madison | Strecker | Political Science |
Jordan | Strickland | Environmental Biology |
Olivia | Strittmatter | Organismal Biology |
Bradley | Strobel | Political Science |
Kennedy | Struck | Psychology |
Miriam | Stump | Social Work |
Dominic | Stumpo | Business-Undeclared |
Emma | Sturgeon | Political Science |
Maria | Sturges | Management |
Cristina | Sturniolo | Psychology |
Margaret | Styers | English |
Mary | Style | History |
Sarah | Sullivan | Communication Studies |
Kelton | Sullivan | History |
Chloe | Sullivan | History |
Ethan | Suminski | Marketing |
Matthew | Sundquist | Political Science |
Michael | Suppa | Accounting |
Nicole | Suscello | Computer Science |
Eric | Svendsen | History |
Veronica | Svinicki | Information Science |
Zachary | Swanson | Psychology |
Ryan | Swanson | Philosophy |
Kathryn | Sweeten | Communication Studies |
Samuel | Swenson-Reinhold | Philosophy |
Miranda | Swinson | Political Science |
Briahna | Switzer | Marketing |
Madison | Tabler | Psychology |
Sophia | Taddeo | Sociology |
Tori | Talbert | Social Work |
Dominic | Tasselli | Social Work |
Madelyn | Tatum | Psychology |
Madison | Taylor | Communication Studies |
Cassidy | Taylor | Communication Studies |
Colleen | Taylor | Psychology |
Anne | Taylor | Environmental Studies |
Jordan | Taylor | Political Science |
Grace | Taylor | Psychology |
Katelyn | Taylor | Marketing |
Brian | Teller | History |
Isabella | Terrono | Political Science |
Samantha | Terry | Mathematics |
Brennan | Thaler | Management |
Elizabeth | Thibodeau | Biology |
Megan | Thode | Economics-BA |
Anna | Thomas | Communication Studies |
Stuart | Thomas | Psychology |
Emily | Thomas | Sociology |
Austin | Thomasson | Accounting |
Grace | Thome | Biology |
Daniel | Thompson | Computer Engineering |
Caleb | Thompson | Computer Science |
Benjamin | Thompson | Marketing |
Helen | Thompson | Biology |
Hannah | Thompson | Finance |
Stephanie | Thompson | English |
Remy | Thompson | Theater |
Charity | Thompson | Marketing |
Benjamin | Thompson | Business-Undeclared |
Stephanie | Thompson | Sociology |
Mackenzie | Thorne | Classical Studies |
Sarah | Thornhill | Psychology |
Anna | Thornsberry | History |
Irene | Thornton | Political Science |
Peter | Tillen | Communication Studies |
Katherine | Tillen | Political Science |
Rosalia | Tilmont | Neuroscience |
Kelly | Timlen | Psychology |
Camryn | Tinsley | Accounting |
Nicholas | Tipmongkol | Communication Studies |
Anna | Tippett | English |
Mayce | Tipton | Psychology |
Mary | Titus | Communication Studies |
Jessica | Todaro | Psychology |
Hana | Todhunter | Undeclared |
Marcel | Tokhi | Political Science |
Nicholas | Tolarchyk | History |
Mallory | Tompkins | Psychology |
Davis | Topping | Information Science |
Drew | Torbett | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Rebecca | Toskey | Communication Studies |
Joshua | Toth | Music |
Caleb | Townsend | Economics-BA |
Peyton | Townsend | Theater |
Colleen | Tozier | Management |
Sarah | Trachtenberg | Psychology |
Lauren | Tracy | Political Science |
Zachary | Tracy | Electrical Engineering |
Amber | Tran Ha | Neuroscience |
Abbigail | Traylor | Undeclared |
Madison | Treiber | English |
Maximilian | Triesch | Communication Studies |
Briana | Triglia | Psychology |
Tyler | Trimble | Computer Science |
Griffin | Tritaik | Computer Engineering |
Kylie | Tritaik | Communication Studies |
Samantha | Tritt | Electrical Engineering |
Noah | Trone | Finance |
Anna | Trotter | Psychology |
Amy | Trueschler | Accounting |
Whitney | Truitt | Fine Arts |
Reed | Truxell | Business-Undeclared |
Caroline | Tsui | Integrative Biology |
Caroline | Tucker | Theater |
Fiona | Tucker | Theater |
Robert | Tucker | Undeclared |
Caleb | Tullous | Computer Engineering |
Reese | Tunstall | Music |
Jordyn | Turner | Communication Studies |
Ashley | Turner | Music |
Samuel | Tyler | Biochemistry |
Lyon | Tyler | Business-Undeclared |
Charles | Tyson | Computer Science |
Lillian | Tyson | Social Work |
Alexis | Ullrich | English |
Esteban | Umana Chaves | Sociology |
Austin | Urch | Communication Studies |
Jordan | Usselman | History |
Santiago | Vallejo Orozco | Computer Science |
Angela | Vallejos | Sociology |
Rachael | Vallespir | History |
Alexandra | Van Orden | Communication Studies |
Giles | Vanhuss | Political Science |
Katherine | Vanik | Organismal Biology |
Anna | Vanlandingham | Political Science |
Nicholas | Varcadipane | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
William | Vaughn | Philosophy |
Walker | Venable | Management |
Jacob | Venti | Computational & Applied Math |
Jordan | Verbeck | Finance |
Thomas | Verry | Business-Undeclared |
Delaney | Vest | English |
Anthony | Veuhoff | Marketing |
Landri | Vickers | Biology |
Taylor | Vigil | Sociology |
Christopher | Vincent | Electrical Engineering |
Allison | Vinis | Music |
Grace | Vivirito | English |
Noa | Vizzaccaro | Business-Undeclared |
Anhlong | Vo | Computer Science |
Benjamin | Vogan | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicholas | Volles | Neuroscience |
Daniel | Vorona | Political Science |
Abigale | Waclo | Sociology |
Taylor | Waddy | Psychology |
Gresham | Wagner | Management |
Alessia | Waitt | English |
Brenna | Walch | English |
Jack | Waldman | Economics-BA |
Hannah | Walker | Management |
Taylor | Walker | Economics-BA |
Kendall | Walker | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Noah | Wallace | Biochemistry |
Brooke | Wallace | Psychology |
Meghan | Walters | Psychology |
Lauren | Walters | Neuroscience |
Justine | Walton | Political Science |
Olivia | Ward | Communication Studies |
Laura | Ward | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
LeTerra | Ward | Political Science |
Sophia | Warkentin | Sociology |
Walker | Warren | Undeclared |
Katherine | Washburn | Psychology |
Zachary | Washburn | Economics-BA |
Lauren | Washburn | History |
Landon | Waterfield | History |
Eric | Waterman | Psychology |
Jamison | Waters | Computer Science |
Abigail | Wathen | Psychology |
Kasey | Watkins | Music |
Valerie | Watson | Communication Studies |
Abigail | Watson | Theater |
Marc | Watters | Neuroscience |
Sydney | Watts | Business-Undeclared |
Cassandra | Watts | Psychology |
Abigail | Wax | Political Science |
Maxwell | Wayne | Computer Engineering |
Tucker | Wayne | Organismal Biology |
Emily | Weatherholtz | Social Work |
Abigail | Weatherington | Political Science |
Hope | Webb | Electrical Engineering |
Trish | Webb | Communication Studies |
Christina | Webb | Biology |
Linnea | Webster | Psychology |
Juliana | Webster | Social Work |
Samantha | Weddle | Management |
Rachel | Weeks | Psychology |
Jared | Wegrzyn | Finance |
Madison | Weikle | Theater |
Adin | Weingast | Music |
Emery | Weist | Computer Engineering |
Tyler | Weldy | History |
Madeleine | Wellman | Psychology |
Thomas | Wells | Finance |
Kyle | Werntz | Computer Science |
Connor | Werrlein | Communication Studies |
Claire | Werrlein | Psychology |
Emma | Wertz | Psychology |
Jaret | West | Management |
Alyssa | West | Psychology |
Davis | West | Business-Undeclared |
Trenton | Wetsel | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Samantha | Wettengel | History |
Alexandra | Wettengel | Environmental Studies |
Carly | Wever | Applied Physics |
Claire | Wewerka | Social Work |
Corinne | Whalen | Social Work |
Aidan | Wheeler | Finance |
Natalie | Wheeler | Undeclared |
Aidan | Wheeler | Business-Undeclared |
Karen | Whisler | Fine Arts |
Ashlyn | Whitacre | Psychology |
Garrett | Whitaker | Organismal Biology |
Edwin | White | Management |
Shakia | White | Economics-BA |
Nathan | White | Neuroscience |
Audrey | White | Biology |
Zachary | White | Business-Undeclared |
Kali | White | Mathematics |
Philip | White | Integrative Biology |
Zachary | Whitener | Finance |
Taylor | Whitescarver | Psychology |
Matthew | Whitlock | Psychology |
Harrison | Whittleton | Economics-BA |
Olivia | Wilbur | Theater |
Grant | Wiley | Computer Science |
Ryan | Wilhelm | Accounting |
Gariel | Wilkerson | Communication Studies |
Sean | Wilkinson | Management |
Brooke | Wilkinson | Psychology |
Elicia | Williams | Communication Studies |
Tamera | Williams | Accounting |
Elijah | Williams | Communication Studies |
Kayl | Williams | Theater |
Christopher | Williams | Electrical Engineering |
Jadaciss | Williams | Finance |
Aubriana | Williams | Psychology |
Taylor | Williamson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lauren | Willsey | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Michael | Wilson | Fine Arts |
Karen | Wilson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Karrington | Wilson | Economics-BA |
Henry | Wilson | Computer Engineering |
Brianna | Wilson | Marketing |
Morgan | Wilson | Management |
Grace | Wilson | Psychology |
Brianna | Wilson | English |
Max | Wilson | Management |
Cana | Wilson | English |
Candis | Wimberly | Communication Studies |
Victoria | Windt | English |
Jordan | Winnett | Political Science |
Parker | Wintink | History |
Anissa | Wise | History |
Katherine | Witmer | Sociology |
Austin | Witt | Biochemistry |
Victoria | Wolan | Fine Arts |
Reese | Wolf | Finance |
Makenzie | Wolf | Communication Studies |
Kendra | Womack | Computer Engineering |
Henry | Womble | Finance |
Robert | Wong | Political Science |
Angelica | Wood | Environmental Biology |
Matthew | Wood | Psychology |
Noah | Wood | Management |
Jenna | Woodburn | Sociology |
Sarah | Woodring | Finance |
Hannah | Woolard | Neuroscience |
Kaden | Woodward | Management |
Elizabeth | Woodward | Computer Science |
Allison | Wooller | Political Science |
Timothy | Woollum | Finance |
Adam | Wosahla | Integrative Biology |
Alyssa | Wright | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lily | Wright | Neuroscience |
Andrew | Wright | Applied Physics |
Daniel | Wright | Computational & Applied Math |
Kendall | Wrigley | History |
Kayla | Wrigley | History |
Kimberly | Wrobel | Psychology |
Emma | Wynn | Marketing |
Andrew | Yang | Psychology |
Tatyana | Yates | Communication Studies |
Casey | Yenyo | Environmental Biology |
Amanda | Yermal | Neuroscience |
Hannah | Yetter | Undeclared |
Sophanit | Yohannes | Music-BA |
Aubrey | Yokum | Management |
Taylor | Yokum | Undeclared |
Emily | York | Organismal Biology |
Abigail | Yost | Communication Studies |
Seth | Young | Computational & Applied Math |
Carter | Young | Environmental Biology |
Benjamin | Yung | Economics-BA |
Benjamin | Zagurski | Fine Arts |
Kaitlyn | Zalar | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Aria | Zand | Accounting |
Eva | Zawodny | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kirsten | Zeigler | Communication Studies |
Kristen | Ziccarelli | Political Science |
Kyra | Ziegler | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
James | Ziegler | Marketing |
Nathan | Zimmerman | Business-Undeclared |
Tyler | Zimmermann | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sienna | Zimmermann | Psychology |
Jessica | Zimmermann | Neuroscience |
Sarah | Ziolkowski | Psychology |
Allison | Zoldork | Mathematics |
Jared | Zupan | Electrical Engineering |
Joshua | Zutell | Computer Engineering |
Lexie | Zwanziger | Communication Studies |