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Christopher Newport University will reopen campus in phases with face-to-face learning beginning August 17.
In a communication to the university community, President Paul Trible said employees would begin returning to campus on August 3. That will be followed by freshmen moving into residence halls over several days, beginning August 7, and with most returning students moving in the following weekend. In-person classes will begin August 17.
The last day of fall semester classes will be November 20 with final exams administered online after Thanksgiving. There will be no fall break.
“I am so happy to be able to say that we are now headed home,” Trible said. “While we’re making adjustments in everything we do, we will hold tight to what makes Christopher Newport precious: small classes, personal relationships, and a culture of kindness and compassion.”
The changes to the schedule are designed to reduce the number of times students and employees leave and return to campus during the semester. The adjustments will also allow for the completion of the semester before a possible second round of the virus or the flu season intensifies.
Students, faculty, staff and visitors will be asked to take steps to protect their own health and the health of those around them. Significant measures based on federal, state and regional/local regulations will guide adjustments to on-campus life, athletic and academic activities. Housing, dining, recreation, student programs and the way we all work will be conducted with a goal of reducing risks.
Appropriate measures will be in place or available through the Virginia Department of Health and health providers such as Riverside Health System for the detection of the virus and contact tracing. The university will be prepared to isolate or quarantine students.
The university announced its plan after hearing guidance from Governor Ralph Northam and the State Council on Higher Education for Virginia.
More information on the plan, including any updates, is available at cnu.edu/relaunch.