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Congratulations to the students below for being named to the Dean's List for the spring 2021 semester. These students were enrolled in at least 12 credit hours, earned no final grade below C and earned a grade point average of at least 3.50 on a 4.0 scale.
First Name | Last Name | Major |
Alexandra | Abbott | Marketing |
Lucas | Aberg | Computational & Applied Math |
Addison | Abrams | Management |
Jill | Adams | Information Science |
Robert | Adams | Management |
Sabrina | Adleson | Integrative Biology |
Lillian | Ahenkorah | Psychology |
Ayesha | Ahmed | Political Science |
Tyler | Alberico | Marketing |
Cooper | Albright | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Melanie | Aldhizer | Music |
Michael | Alexander | Finance |
Zoe | Alhanati | Psychology |
Sarah | Allbrandt | Theater |
Julia | Allen | Political Science |
Ryann | Allen | Psychology |
Lucius | Allen | Computer Engineering |
Emily | Allen | Undeclared |
Rakan | Alzarqa | History |
Rayan | Alzarqa | Computer Science |
Elijah | Anderson | Information Science |
Virginia | Anderson | Accounting |
Taylor | Anderson | Marketing |
Jared | Ankersen | Finance |
Nana | Ankrah | Business-Undeclared |
Amer | Anouti | Environmental Studies |
Emily | Anstett | Political Science |
Sarah | Anstice | Biochemistry |
Autumn | Anthony | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicole | Apai | Management |
Christopher | Applewhite | Business-Undeclared |
Dominique | Ardis | English |
Kelli | Arduini | Psychology |
Alex | Arena | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Elliott | Armstrong | Electrical Engineering |
Andrew | Armstrong | Finance |
Matthew | Arthur | American Studies |
Morgan | Arthur | Biochemistry |
Ryan | Aruanno | Computer Science |
Hannah-Noel | Arze | Communication Studies |
Luke | Asby | Psychology |
Nicholas | Ascolese | Environmental Biology |
Ariana | Asefi | Political Science |
Jamie | Ashkar | Communication Studies |
Abigail | Asuncion | Psychology |
Casey | Attallah | Environmental Biology |
Coby | Auslander | Management |
Natalie | Avila | Management |
Kagen | Axsom | Management |
John | Backo | Information Science |
Sarah | Badertscher | Political Science |
Christopher | Baer | Political Science |
Olyvia | Bailey | Sociology |
Elizabeth | Bailey | Business-Undeclared |
Erin | Bailey | Sociology |
Morgan | Baines | Psychology |
Charles | Baird | Communication Studies |
Cody | Baker | Computer Engineering |
Chloe | Baker | American Studies |
Grace | Baker | English |
Tyler | Baldwin | Computer Science |
Abbey | Ballance | Communication Studies |
Emma | Ballantyne | Communication Studies |
Amanda | Ballou | English |
Christopher | Balog | Chemistry |
Robert | Bandy | History |
Amanda | Banks | Sociology |
Holly | Banta | Psychology |
Kyndal | Barber | Mathematics |
Mildred | Barcalow | Environmental Biology |
Brooke | Bare | Management |
Jacob-Joshua | Barnes | Theater |
James | Baron | Computer Science |
Paul | Baron | Computer Science |
Peter | Barrett | Political Science |
Kathryn | Barthelmes | Communication Studies |
Joseph | Bartoo | Business-Undeclared |
Julia | Basauri | Social Work |
Jordan | Bass | Communication Studies |
Elijah | Basu | English |
Killian | Bateman | Theater |
Gretchen | Bates | Neuroscience |
Olivia | Baugham | Marketing |
Courtney | Bauserman | English |
Blake | Bauserman | Philosophy |
Steven | Baxley | Computational & Applied Math |
Sophia | Baxter | Management |
Alexus | Baxter | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Brooke | Beach | Psychology |
Logan | Beal | Psychology |
Bronwyn | Beardsley | Theater |
Kimberly | Beasley | Philosophy |
Hana | Beatty | Marketing |
Elizabeth | Beaver | Biology |
Joshua | Beck | Computer Science |
Courtney | Becker | Computational & Applied Math |
Gabrielle | Beddard | Electrical Engineering |
Andrew | Bell | Computer Science |
Tyler | Bell | Management |
Sequoia | Benhart | Social Work |
Tatianna | Benjamin | Computer Engineering |
Natalie | Bennett | Political Science |
Kaylee | Bennett | Neuroscience |
Katelyn | Bennett | Political Science |
Sarah | Benton | Computer Science |
Margaret | Benton | Music-BA |
Elizabeth | Bergman | Sociology |
Kylee | Berry | Biology |
Nazareth | Bertrand | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Davis | Bethke | Political Science |
Julianne | Bieron | English |
Erika | Bilokon | Applied Physics |
Robert | Birch | Communication Studies |
Callie | Birk | Neuroscience |
Molly | Birken | Management |
Matthew | Birken | Business-Undeclared |
Isabela | Bittenbender | Communication Studies |
Benjamin | Black | Neuroscience |
Natalie | Blackburn | Biochemistry |
Rory | Blaha | Psychology |
Caroline | Blair | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Peyton | Blanding | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Skyla | Blansett | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Emily | Blanton | Neuroscience |
Devynn | Bledsoe | Computer Engineering |
Peter | Bleicken | History |
Riley | Block | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Miah | Blockhus-Tortajada | American Studies |
Clara | Bloedorn | Philosophy |
Michael | Bloom | History |
Eric | Blosser | Philosophy |
Madelyn | Blount | Music |
Luke | Blundin | Undeclared |
Jennifer | Blyler | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Alea | Boden | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alyson | Boehling | Organismal Biology |
Shannon | Boerner | Interdisciplinary Studies |
William | Bogan | Computer Science |
Blake | Boggess | English |
Ethan | Boldy | Management |
Claire | Bolejack | Environmental Studies |
Lauren | Bollier | Psychology |
Gabrielle | Bollinger | Political Science |
Leslie | Bond | English |
Madeline | Bonifas | Psychology |
Johana | Bonilla | Biology |
Tatum | Booker | Accounting |
Anna | Bookstaver | Undeclared |
Tongase | Booth | Neuroscience |
Ashley | Booth-shoulders | Psychology |
Ana | Borga | Management |
Christina | Bosco | Communication Studies |
Jaclyn | Bosse | Political Science |
Madeline | Bounds | Marketing |
Cristina | Bournigal | Psychology |
Katelyn | Bowersox | Neuroscience |
Christine | Bowser | Music |
Sierra | Boyce | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katherine | Bracken | Sociology |
Adam | Bradie | Mathematics |
Molly | Bradish-Mulhearn | Chemistry |
Hannah | Bradley | Political Science |
Samuel | Brady | Music |
Aidan | Brady | Neuroscience |
Lindsay | Bragaw | Fine Arts |
Haley | Bragg | Mathematics |
Jackson | Braley | Business-Undeclared |
Georgia | Bransford | Social Work |
Jaidan | Brass | Environmental Studies |
Alexander | Brendes | Marketing |
Jared | Brennan | Management |
Eva | Brennan | Psychology |
Kevin | Brent | Marketing |
Hannah | Brett | Communication Studies |
Maygan | Brewer | Computer Engineering |
Alex | Brewer | Organismal Biology |
Kathleen | Brewster | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Hannah | Brinckley | Fine Arts |
Colin | Brinkley | History |
Hannah | Bristow | Management |
Jordan | Brittle | Marketing |
Hope | Britton | Undeclared |
Asa | Britton-Jenkins | Biochemistry |
Logan | Brocklehurst | Communication Studies |
Robert | Brockmeier | History |
Elizabeth | Brockwell | Communication Studies |
Jakob | Brooks | Information Science |
Haleigh | Brooks | Communication Studies |
Alexandria | Brooks | Political Science |
Allyson | Brown | Sociology |
Alexander | Brown | Information Science |
Isaiah | Brown | Theater |
Hannah | Brown | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tyler | Brown | English |
West | Brownlee | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lindsey | Brubaker | Accounting |
Olivia | Brubaker | Undeclared |
Nina | Brundle | Biology |
Alexis | Bruno | Communication Studies |
Marlise | Brunson | Biology |
Leka | Bucaj | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kayla | Buchanan | Neuroscience |
Jacob | Buchanan | Applied Physics |
Aimee | Buchanan | Psychology |
Walter | Buck | Finance |
Sydney | Buckner | Management |
Emily | Budhai | Biology |
Allison | Burbach | Environmental Biology |
Margaret | Burch | Communication Studies |
Scott | Burden | Neuroscience |
Ashley | Burgess | Political Science |
Matthew | Burgess | Theater |
Alison | Burgess | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Macy | Burk | Psychology |
Kayla | Burke | Organismal Biology |
Lauren | Burkholder | Spanish |
Alexandra | Burklew | English |
Josephine | Burns | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Julia | Burns | Finance |
Elizabeth | Burns | Classical Studies |
Caroline | Burrows | Social Work |
John | Byrd | Theater |
Gillian | Byrnes | History |
Cristin | Cade | Integrative Biology |
Andrew | Cagle | Finance |
Haley | Caldwell | Mathematics |
Daniel | Calvano | Neuroscience |
Margaret | Cameron | Marketing |
Elizabeth | Campbell | Psychology |
Cody | Camper | Undeclared |
Payton | Campfield | Political Science |
Lucas | Campillo | Undeclared |
Kalli | Cannistraro | Business-Undeclared |
Jamie | Canty | Biology |
Lauren | Capozzi | Psychology |
John | Capriotti | Finance |
Jordan | Caravas | Biology |
Eliza | Carlson | Criminology |
Jennifer | Carnahan | Political Science |
Drew | Caroline | Marketing |
Raymond | Carothers | Chemistry |
Francis | Carrow | Accounting |
Claire | Carter | History |
Carlie | Carter | Psychology |
William | Cashwell | English |
Lana | Casingal | Undeclared |
Maysie | Casper | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
John | Cassady | Business-Undeclared |
Ryan | Castle | Communication Studies |
Alexandra | Chalkley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Olivia | Chan | Psychology |
Ashley | Chan | Political Science |
Emily | Chandler | Fine Arts |
Kiersten | Chang | Biology |
Gregory | Chapman | Electrical Engineering |
Madelyn | Chapman | Environmental Studies |
Phyu | Chaw | Neuroscience |
Jasleen | Chawla | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kevin | Chesson | Psychology |
Kayla | Childers | Marketing |
Jackson | Childress | Finance |
Brooke | Childress | Management |
Samith | Chowdhury | Electrical Engineering |
Nicolette | Christensen | Biochemistry |
Sophia | Christian | Psychology |
Zachary | Chung | Marketing |
Zoe | Churchill | Organismal Biology |
Nicole | Cico | Integrative Biology |
Elyssa | Cirillo | Mathematics |
Conner | Clark | Accounting |
Madeline | Clark | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Mazie | Clark | History |
Kendall | Clark | Psychology |
Scott | Clark | Finance |
Ann-Marie | Clark | Psychology |
Annie | Clarke | Accounting |
Sydney | Claud | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Max | Clemente | Political Science |
Shane | Clements | Psychology |
Victoria | Cline | Accounting |
Matthew | Coats | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madison | Cochran | Marketing |
Kristin | Cody | Biology |
Carson | Cofer | Computer Science |
Trevor | Cogan | American Studies |
Vincent | Cohee | Management |
Lauren | Colarossi | History |
Emma | Colby | Finance |
Christiana | Cole | Biochemistry |
Lance | Coleman | Management |
William | Collins | Finance |
Eleanor | Collins | Undeclared |
Zachary | Collins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Bailee | Comer | Political Science |
Lindsay | Connell | Communication Studies |
Reagan | Connelly | Political Science |
Abigail | Contreras | Information Science |
Courtney | Conway | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sean | Conway | Marketing |
Grace | Cook | Management |
Savannah | Cook | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sarah | Cooke | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kelly | Cooke | Information Science |
Sarah | Coon | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Avery | Cooper | Organismal Biology |
Carson | Cooper | Management |
Claira | Cooper | Political Science |
Georgia | Cope | Psychology |
Fabio | Corbera Moya | Sociology |
Jessica | Cornett | Sociology |
Lyndsay | Corrigan | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Eleanor | Costic | Communication Studies |
Zoe | Costley | Finance |
Ciara | Coward | History |
Shelby | Cox | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Geoffrey | Coyne | Business-Undeclared |
Sydney | Crafton | Finance |
Shelby | Crahan | Political Science |
Nathanial | Craner | Accounting |
Abby | Crawford | Biology |
Hannah | Crawley | Psychology |
Regan | Craze | Music |
Adam | Creason | History |
Brianna | Creger | Fine Arts |
Keely | Crittenden | Biology |
Logan | Croley | Computer Science |
Peyton | Cromley | Psychology |
Raahkema | Cropper | Psychology |
Emme | Crosen | Marketing |
Elizabeth | Crosson | Communication Studies |
Molly | Croushore | Psychology |
Ryan | Croushore | Psychology |
Emma | Cumashot | Neuroscience |
Faith | Cummings | Biochemistry |
Sara | Currin | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ieasa | Custer | Theater |
Isabella | da Cunha | Neuroscience |
Tanner | Dail | Finance |
Rachael | Dailey | Psychology |
Andrew | Daisey | Political Science |
Vicky | Dam | Biology |
Anna | D'Amato | Management |
Caroline | Daniels | Psychology |
Isabel | Danstrom | Neuroscience |
Charles | Darling | Management |
David | Davenport | Music |
Evelyn | Davidson | English |
Rachel | Davis | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Brandon | Davis | Marketing |
Charlotte | Davis | Marketing |
Alex | Davis | Information Science |
Lucy | Davis | Psychology |
Taylor | Davis | Management |
Katelyn | Davis | Neuroscience |
Lela | Davis | Undeclared |
Kyndal | Dawson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kayelon | Dean | Fine Arts |
Anna | Dean | Communication Studies |
Catherine | Deane | Communication Studies |
Grant | DeCastillia | Computational & Applied Math |
Kaitlyn | DeHarde | Psychology |
Natalie | DeHart | Sociology |
Nicholas | DeHoust | Philosophy |
Julia | Delcoco | Communication Studies |
Ali | Deloye | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Reagan | Delp | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katarina | Demcheshen | History |
Max | Dennard | Finance |
Alexis | Denson | Psychology |
Wyatt | DeProspero | Management |
Owen | DeRaps | Psychology |
Adrianna | DeSantis | Neuroscience |
Anthony | DeTrane | Undeclared |
Alese | Devin | Neuroscience |
Alyssa | Dickerson | Spanish |
Samuel | Dickinson | Environmental Biology |
Caitlin | Diehl | Marketing |
Caroline | Dillard | Biology |
Kaylin | Dinsmore | English |
Michael | DiRoberto | Finance |
Carter | Disque | Computer Science |
Viviane | Doan | Sociology |
Blake | Doeren | Mathematics |
Mark | Doherty | Management |
Reagan | Dolak | Psychology |
Connor | Dolan | Computer Engineering |
Amy | Doody | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ian | Doty | Political Science |
Doris | Dougherty | Psychology |
Lauren | Douglas | Psychology |
Sarah | Dowell | Psychology |
Madison | Dozier | Psychology |
Jacob | Drayer | Management |
Thomas | Driscoll | Accounting |
Timothy | Dronfield | Organismal Biology |
Brian | Drummond | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Isabelle | D'Souza | Psychology |
Rebecca | D'Souza | Management |
Matthew | Dubuque | Accounting |
Nicole | Duenke | Sociology |
Bethany | Duffer | Music |
James | Duffy | Political Science |
Regan | DuHadway | Environmental Biology |
Sofia | Duque | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hannah | Duston | Psychology |
Ashley | DuVall | Social Work |
Keelin | Dvorak | Undeclared |
William | Dzubak | Information Science |
Daniel | Eads | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jamie | Eagle | Fine Arts |
Ryan | Eakins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Owen | Early | Management |
Alexis | Eddinger | Political Science |
Grace | Eddleton | Psychology |
John | Edmunds | Management |
Paul | Edmunds | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Megan | Ednie | Marketing |
Taylor | Edwards | Applied Physics |
Haley | Eiser | Mathematics |
Hannah | Elford | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tatiana | Elizarova | Biochemistry |
Adalynn | Eller | Music |
Sophia | Ellia | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Daniel | Elliott | Business-Undeclared |
Samantha | Ellis | Psychology |
William | Elvgren | Finance |
Ahmed | Elzamzami | Biochemistry |
Lillemor | Eng | English |
Madison | Erb | Finance |
Caroline | Ernst | English |
Diana | Eshun | Neuroscience |
Alexander | Esin | Political Science |
Thompson | Eskew | Political Science |
Rebecca | Eskow | Social Work |
Emmaline | Eskridge | Undeclared |
Enjhalika | Esmena | Integrative Biology |
Haley | Eubank | Psychology |
Madeline | Evans | Marketing |
Emily | Evans | Psychology |
Sophia | Evans | Communication Studies |
Stephen | Everard | Psychology |
Elizabeth | Fabiano | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lauren | Fallon | Marketing |
Ashlynn | Falls | English |
Sondra | Fan | Finance |
Asia | Farmer | Psychology |
Phoebe | Farmer | Marketing |
Ryan | Farr | Political Science |
Emma | Farrar | Fine Arts |
Braelin | Fauber | Psychology |
Liana | Favale | Psychology |
Ian | Fein | History |
Luke | Ferguson | Political Science |
Caiden | Ferguson | History |
Haley | Ferguson | Fine Arts |
Luke | Fernandez | Biochemistry |
Kara | Ferner | Applied Physics |
Nathanael | Ferrante | Computer Science |
Daniel | Ferrante | Computer Science |
Lauren | Ferrell | Communication Studies |
Madison | Ferris | Theater |
Gabriela | Ferrone | Management |
Scott | Fiedor | Neuroscience |
Payton | Fiel | Criminology |
Mason | Field | Business-Undeclared |
Courtney | Fiest | Communication Studies |
Stephen | Fike | History |
Julia | Filacchione | Psychology |
Caroline | Filegar | Psychology |
Emily | Firewicz | Psychology |
Eric | Fisher | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sarah | Fistner | Management |
Aidan | FitzGerald | History |
Caitlin | Fitzpatrick | Communication Studies |
Allison | Fitzwater | Psychology |
Alexandra | Fiul | Sociology |
Lyric | Flamm | Sociology |
Kayla | Flanagan | Psychology |
Margaret | Flanagan | English |
Melody | Fleming | Psychology |
Elena | Flester | Neuroscience |
Alexandra | Fletcher | Psychology |
Regan | Flieg | Philosophy |
Sarah | Flinn | Biochemistry |
Madison | Flinn | Sociology |
Andrew | Flora | Finance |
Angelica | Florendo | Neuroscience |
Mitchell | Flores- Kaplan | Undeclared |
Emma | Flye | English |
Emily | Flynn | History |
Remy | Fontaine | Psychology |
Carlon | Ford | English |
Elizabeth | Forget | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kaitlyn | Foster | Organismal Biology |
Jessica | Foster | Marketing |
Elijah | Fox | American Studies |
Gabrielle | Fox | Accounting |
Abigail | Frame | Psychology |
Natalie | Frampton | Psychology |
Ashley | Francis | Psychology |
Lilleen Rochelle | Franck | Biochemistry |
Isabel | Franks | Accounting |
Gabriel | Freckmann | Psychology |
Kyndall | Freedman | English |
Sawyer | Freeland | Finance |
Alexander | Freeman | Finance |
Danielle | Freeman | Management |
Ahmad | Frej | Management |
Rebecca | Frey | Psychology |
Stephanie | Friedman | Marketing |
Emma | Friedmann | Psychology |
Hunter | Frields | Computer Science |
Hannah | Fulk | Communication Studies |
Mitchell | Fuller | Business-Undeclared |
Logan | Funk | Finance |
Derek | Furr | Biology |
Anna | Gaegler | Communication Studies |
James | Gaita | History |
Anna | Galanides | Theater |
Christina | Galbraith | Psychology |
Breeana | Gant | Information Science |
Shreya | Ganta | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alexis | Gaouette | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Benjamin | Garbarini | Management |
Susannah | Garber | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Maya | Garcia | Chemistry |
Whitney | Garrett | Spanish |
Rachel | Garrett | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Claire | Garster | Psychology |
Charles | Gartner | History |
Jordan | Garza | Psychology |
J'Keyah | Gaskins | Social Work |
Gwendolyn | Gattermeir | Chemistry |
Davis | Gee | Political Science |
William | Geisler | Neuroscience |
Caylie | Gendreau | English |
Charlotte | George | Psychology |
Tyler | Giarratana | Marketing |
Daniel | Gibson | American Studies |
Abbigail | Gibson | Biology |
Sabrina | Gillis | Fine Arts |
Noah | Gillispie | Accounting |
Daniel | Gittelman | English |
Kara | Giuliani | Psychology |
Katie | Glemzu | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Peter | Glenn | Computer Science |
Leah | Glicker | Psychology |
Jenell | Glover | Integrative Biology |
Katie | Glover | Political Science |
Emily | Goddin | Chemistry |
Anna | Goehner | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jillian | Goff | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Molly | Goldberg | Psychology |
Mia | Goldberg | Undeclared |
Sarah | Goldsmith | Neuroscience |
Caleb | Gondek | Computer Science |
Jacob | Good | Management |
Grace | Goode | Marketing |
Grace | Goodley | Communication Studies |
Colin | Goodpasture | English |
Mary | Goodrich | English |
Bently | Goodwin | Accounting |
Eli | Goossens | Philosophy |
Srinidhi | Gopal | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Arianna | Gordon | Marketing |
Makena | Gormley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Maya | Gosain | Undeclared |
David | Grace | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ramon | Graham | Fine Arts |
Mahri | Grant | English |
Caroline | Grass | Theater |
Havana | Grau | Psychology |
Gabriel | Gravini | Music |
Gabriella | Gray | Criminology |
Molly | Gray | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kirsten | Gray | Biology |
Kelsey | Gray | Undeclared |
Kyle | Greber | Management |
Kiana | Green | Theater |
Theresa | Green | Social Work |
Alyssa | Gregory | Psychology |
Patrick | Griffin | Management |
Evan | Grimsley | Management |
Courtlan | Grinder | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Victoria | Grissom | Communication Studies |
Hayley | Groover | Neuroscience |
Hunter | Grubb | Accounting |
Jillian | Gruta | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Elizabeth | Guare | American Studies |
Brynna | Gyuricsko | Organismal Biology |
Marguerite | Haas | Psychology |
Angela | Haggard | History |
Cuyler | Hair | History |
Emilia | Hajec | Theater |
Katie | Hall | Political Science |
Catherine | Hall | Neuroscience |
Alma | Hall | Psychology |
Anna | Hall | Social Work |
Anja | Hall | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kristin | Halter | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Joseph | Hamel | Undeclared |
Mariam | Hammad | Neuroscience |
Raleigh | Hampson | English |
Noah | Haney | Applied Physics |
Charlotte | Haney | Undeclared |
Makayla | Hanna | Neuroscience |
Edvard | Hansen | Business-Undeclared |
Jasmine | Hanson | Accounting |
Zachary | Hanway | Finance |
Jessica | Haravay | Psychology |
Rebecca | Hardesty | Integrative Biology |
Ashley | Hardin | Psychology |
Mikaela | Hardy | Political Science |
Katelyn | Hark | Psychology |
Kelsey | Hark | Communication Studies |
Emery | Harlan | Neuroscience |
Abigail | Harrigan | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kaylee | Harris | Psychology |
Henry | Harris | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Anna | Harrison | Social Work |
Talia | Harrison | Psychology |
Kayli | Harshbarger | Spanish |
Emily | Hart | Psychology |
Lauren | Hart | English |
Mary | Hartnett | Communication Studies |
Avanda | Harvey-Butler | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Kaitlyn | Hasty | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alondra | Hausic | Social Work |
Sydney | Hawk | Psychology |
Danielle | Hawkins | Psychology |
Charles | Haworth | Neuroscience |
Tyler | Hawthorne | Management |
Harry | Hayden | History |
Taylor | Hayes | Theater |
Caroline | Hayes | Mathematics |
Helen | Hazard | Music |
Jessica | Hazlett | Integrative Biology |
Kelly | Hazzard | Political Science |
Kayla | Hearl | Psychology |
Courtney | Hearld | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Maria | Hedspeth | Communication Studies |
Riley | Heerbrandt | Neuroscience |
Elizabeth | Heier | Social Work |
Abigail | Heimbach | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lauren | Heine | Sociology |
Marylee | Helbling | Marketing |
Isabella | Heller | Sociology |
Michael | Hemmer | Neuroscience |
Kyra | Hemrich | English |
Abigail | Henderson | Political Science |
Ryan | Henderson | Computer Science |
Scott | Hendricks | Management |
Shane | Hendricks | Electrical Engineering |
Shaun | Henry | Philosophy |
Mary | Hensley | Theater |
Ashley | Herbig | Mathematics |
Amanda | Herget | Psychology |
Ryan | Hermosilla | Electrical Engineering |
Dairina | Hernandez Ortega | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
David | Herold | Communication Studies |
Jake | Herzog | Sociology |
Anna | Hester | Social Work |
Virginia | Hester | Psychology |
Emily | Hewett | Social Work |
Katherine | Hicks | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madison | Hill | Finance |
Craig | Himko | Political Science |
Carson | Hines | Management |
Alexandra | Hinkey | Mathematics |
Emily | Hinkson | Psychology |
Sabrina | Ho | Neuroscience |
Kody | Ho | Business-Undeclared |
Micaelah | Hodge | Sociology |
Bailey | Hodges | Marketing |
Katherine | Hodges | Management |
Madison | Hodges | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Brayden | Hodges | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Whitney | Hodges | Environmental Studies |
Madison | Hoecker | Computational & Applied Math |
Rachel | Hoefner | Mathematics |
Hannah | Hogan | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Isabel | Hogg | Political Science |
Lauren | Hogge | Political Science |
Madeline | Holladay | Psychology |
Alexis | Holland | Theater |
Benjamin | Hollar | History |
Beverly | Hollberg | Philosophy |
Lillian | Holley | Neuroscience |
Jack | Holmes | Finance |
Madison | Holt | Computer Science |
Madison | Hool | Communication Studies |
Mary | Hoppenjans | Biochemistry |
Nicole | Hora | Biology |
Madeline | Horstman | Fine Arts |
Julia | Horton | Accounting |
Kyan | HoSang | Psychology |
Nathan | Hotes | Political Science |
Brandi | Houck | Psychology |
Ethan | Houff | Biology |
Nathan | Hubinger | Mathematics |
Anne | Hudgins | Business-Undeclared |
Jordan | Hudson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Parker | Huffman | Business-Undeclared |
Daniel | Hulett | Finance |
Hannah | Humphries | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tyler | Huneycutt | Political Science |
Hope | Hunter | Political Science |
Joseph | Hunter | Psychology |
Earl | Hurley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Joshua | Husby | Political Science |
Cynthia | Huynh | Psychology |
Kellie | Hyde | Management |
Tyler | Hyun | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tony | Ibanez-Macias | History |
Amanda | Imthurn | Management |
James | Ingersoll | Political Science |
Emily | Ingledue | Fine Arts |
Evealee | Ingram | Environmental Studies |
Samuel | Irvin | Psychology |
Riley | Isom | Psychology |
Alyssa | Itinger | Undeclared |
Katherine | Iwanski | Environmental Studies |
Devin | Jackson | Management |
Zatyra | Jackson | Communication Studies |
Luke | Jackson | Communication Studies |
Emma | Jackson | Undeclared |
Jordan | Jackson | Biology |
Infinite | Jacobs | Business-Undeclared |
Veronika | Jacobson | Psychology |
Kyle | Jacoby | Cybersecurity |
Natalee | Jamerson | Psychology |
Jordan | James | Criminology |
Laura | James | Neuroscience |
Janetta | Jatczak | Communication Studies |
Alexander | Jedlick | Management |
Keyshawn | Jefferson | Communication Studies |
Sheena | Jegar | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Celine | Jelinski | Psychology |
Rachel | Jenkins | Organismal Biology |
Kyla | Jenkins | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Eric | Jennings | Computer Science |
Timothy | Jennings | Management |
Rachel | Jett | Marketing |
Madelyn | Jeuick | Biology |
Cooper | Johnson | Finance |
Bryan | Johnson | Management |
Anna | Johnson | Social Work |
Madison | Johnson | Computer Engineering |
Tracy | Johnson | Criminology |
Antwan | Johnson | Psychology |
Matthew | Johnson | History |
Josephine | Johnstin | Management |
Angelina | Johnstin | Management |
Mackenzi | Jones | Psychology |
Colin | Jones | English |
Grace | Jones | Psychology |
Kelsie | Jones | Psychology |
Madison | Jones | Marketing |
John | Jordan | Computer Engineering |
Kimberly | Jordan | Communication Studies |
Caitlyn | Joseph | Social Work |
Michael | Josephson | Finance |
Faith | Jovene | Psychology |
Ryan | Joye | Environmental Studies |
Kaile | Judge | Business-Undeclared |
Emily | Judson | Environmental Studies |
Liam | Jungles | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Anna | Junkins | Social Work |
Alexa | Jury | Fine Arts |
Camille | Kaiser | English |
Gabrielle | Kaiser | Neuroscience |
Dahria | Kalmbach | Environmental Biology |
Kayla | Kamper | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lauren | Kane | Psychology |
Hannah | Kane | Management |
Yuhka | Kaneda | Management |
Kateri | Kapp | Accounting |
Lin | Karam | Economics-BA |
Emily | Karn | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tessa | Karr | Psychology |
Melanie | Kasch | Music |
Laura | Kastberg | Accounting |
Jonathan | Kaufman | Cybersecurity |
Nathan | Kaw-uh | Management |
Gabriella | Kayal | Neuroscience |
Christiane | Kayal | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Shane | Kearney | Management |
Evan | Kearney | Management |
Kaiya | Keckler | Music |
Grace | Keene | Psychology |
Tucker | Keener | Political Science |
Lyndsey | Kegley | Biochemistry |
Zackary | Kelly | Finance |
Madeline | Kelsey | Psychology |
Morgan | Kelso | Music |
Zachary | Kempf | History |
Ian | Kendrick | Accounting |
Kaitlyn | Kenney | Psychology |
Graciela | Keppler | Biochemistry |
Benjamin | Kerns | Management |
Sarah | Kerr-Applewhite | Fine Arts |
William | Kessler | Music |
Emily | Key | Communication Studies |
Alexis | Keys | Fine Arts |
Inayah | Khurshid | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Abigael | Khuu | Psychology |
Matthew | Kidd | Psychology |
Kinsey | Kidder | Social Work |
Alyse | Kiersey | Communication Studies |
Michael | Kilcoyne | History |
Judiclaire | Kinerney | History |
Sydney | King | Philosophy |
Max | King | Marketing |
Malcolm | King | Communication Studies |
Sarah | Kinka | Social Work |
Kolby | Kinnaman | Psychology |
Robert | Kirby | Marketing |
Margaret | Kirkpatrick | Sociology |
Amanda | Kirkpatrick | Management |
Kaitlyn | Kitchen | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ja'Cori | Kittrell | Finance |
Adin | Klassen | Business-Undeclared |
Madeline | Kleinschuster | Communication Studies |
Erin | Kline | Mathematics |
Jamie | Knight | Fine Arts |
Julia | Knight | Marketing |
Jason | Knott | Biology |
Olivia | Koerner | Biology |
Spencer | Koger | Communication Studies |
Emma | Kohl | Neuroscience |
Joshua | Kolba | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nathan | Kolkmeyer | Computer Science |
Madison | Koller | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nathan | Kolling | Mathematics |
Mason | Kolls | Finance |
Caroline | Koon | Neuroscience |
Ariana | Kopf | Spanish |
Kyleigh | Koster | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jacqueline | Kotoriy | Psychology |
Lily | Kowalski | Undeclared |
Lauren | Kratzer | Psychology |
Kendall | Krause | Marketing |
Benjamin | Kropff | Biology |
Brett | Kropinski | Information Science |
Zachary | Krygiel | Political Science |
Corinne | Kulik | Business-Undeclared |
Robert | Kurtz | Undeclared |
Caden | La Duke | Political Science |
Katherine | La Mar | History |
Jayna | Labella | Undeclared |
Panagiotis | Lagos | Finance |
Alexandra | Lagos | Theater |
Samantha | Lambiase | Sociology |
Savannah | Lambie | Communication Studies |
Easton | Lanclos | Business-Undeclared |
Allison | Landergan | Political Science |
MaryElizabeth | Lannon | Undeclared |
Javonna | Lansdown | Psychology |
Amelia | LaRock | Psychology |
James | Larsen | Finance |
Arianna | Larson | Management |
Ethan | Larson | History |
Reuben | Laryea | Neuroscience |
Paula | Latham | Mathematics |
Jake | Latta | Management |
Emily | Laughery | Sociology |
Madison | Laughlin | Marketing |
Brenna | Lawrence | Finance |
Zachary | Lawrence | Computer Science |
Logan | Lawson | Computational & Applied Math |
Audrey | Lawton | Computer Science |
Leah | Laycock | Fine Arts |
Lamson | Le | Biochemistry |
Samantha | Le | Psychology |
Nathan | Leas | Economics-BA |
Hannah | Leckemby | Political Science |
Emily | LeCount | Marketing |
Justin | Lee | Management |
Michelle | Legan | Psychology |
Gretchen | Leich | Spanish |
Sophia | Leichtentritt | Management |
Jonathon | Leiding | Mathematics |
Nathaniel | Leigh | Electrical Engineering |
Catherine | Leighty | Communication Studies |
Joan | Leist | Management |
Adam | LeKang | Theater |
David | Lembersky | Biology |
Lauren | Lemelin | Communication Studies |
Stephen | Lengel | Psychology |
Cole | Lepler | Political Science |
Oliver | Lesjak | Finance |
Madison | Lester | Chemistry |
Crosby | Lester | Computer Science |
Michael | Lesznar | Computer Engineering |
Katrina | Letter | Management |
Clark | Levine | History |
Nyla | Lewis | American Studies |
Rebecca | Lewis | Psychology |
Tanner | Lewis | Finance |
Sarah | Lewis | Accounting |
Kirsten | Lewis | Undeclared |
Sarah | Lima | Undeclared |
Evelyn | Lindeman | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Destiny | Lindsay | Sociology |
Clay | Lineman | History |
Mackenzie | Linton | Management |
Jack | Little | Theater |
Reese | Livesay | Undeclared |
Jackson | Livingstone | Biology |
Christina | Lobosco | Communication Studies |
Rachel | Locke | History |
Nafeesa | Lodi | Neuroscience |
Avery | Logue | Information Science |
Bianca | Londres | Philosophy |
Noah | Long | Theater |
Benjamin | Long | Theater |
Chloe | Long | Environmental Biology |
Mitchell | Longerbeam | Political Science |
Leah | Longo | Marketing |
Madeleine | Lorenger | Biochemistry |
John | Louis | Undeclared |
Amanda | Lovelace | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jessica | Lowe | Sociology |
Anna | Lowery | History |
Colin | Lowrance | Marketing |
Michael | Lowry | Computer Science |
Corinne | Lucas | Psychology |
Willis | Lucas | History |
Adam | Luncher | Finance |
Harper | Lurie | Management |
Rylea | Lutz | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Roger | Lutz | Mathematics |
Zachary | Luyo | Neuroscience |
Jack | Lynam | Computer Science |
Allison | Lyne | English |
Nicole | Lynskey | Management |
Samantha | Lyon | Communication Studies |
Emily | Lyon | Applied Physics |
Brendan | Lyons | Finance |
Justin | Mabry | Marketing |
John | MacEwen | Environmental Biology |
Ryan | Macy | Accounting |
Shaelin | Madigan | Organismal Biology |
Dawson | Madison | Undeclared |
Conor | Maguire | Theater |
Jane | Mahler | Biochemistry |
Erin | Mahoney | History |
Todd | Mahood | Computer Science |
Jessica | Maltbie | Psychology |
Pramod | Mamillapalli | Computer Science |
Nicholas | Mangano | Management |
Olivia | Manning | Criminology |
Mya | Manson | Accounting |
Rachel | Many | Neuroscience |
Quinn | Mara | Biology |
Jody | Marchiando | Business-Undeclared |
Elaina | Marcucci | Neuroscience |
Ashley | Marino | Marketing |
Sofia | Marino | Environmental Biology |
Isabelle | Marinoble | Criminology |
Parker | Markell | Management |
Margret | Markley | Psychology |
Aidan | Markley | Psychology |
Austin | Marks | Electrical Engineering |
Kirsten | Marsell | Management |
Carson | Marshall | Finance |
Jillian | Marsteller | Management |
Marissa | Martin | Management |
Eleanor | Martin | Accounting |
Irene | Martin | English |
Keith | Martin | Psychology |
Mikaela | Martinez Dettinger | Philosophy |
Michael | Martorano | Marketing |
Amanda | Maskell | History |
Amaya | Mason | English |
Anna | Matias | Criminology |
Marie | Maton | Biology |
Teagan | Mauck | Communication Studies |
Alyssa | May | Marketing |
Hayley | Mayette | Communication Studies |
Hannah | Mayr | Social Work |
Elizabeth | Mazzello | Psychology |
Serena | Mazzurco | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Robyn | McArthur | Psychology |
Laura | McAuliffe | Psychology |
Laura | McAvoy | Psychology |
Tiaralyn | McBride | Sociology |
William | McCain | Finance |
Erin | McCarthy | Psychology |
David | McClaugherty | Finance |
Sean-Patrick | McClure | Business-Undeclared |
Daniel | McCollum | English |
Megan | McCoy | Theater |
Bryson | McDaniel | Finance |
Sloane | McDonald | Undeclared |
Ryan | McDonnell | Business-Undeclared |
Mara | McFadden | Psychology |
Ellie | McFall | Undeclared |
Emily | McGinness | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alexis | McGrail | Finance |
Makayla | McGuire | Sociology |
Grace | McKane | Management |
Mitchell | McKeon | Political Science |
Thomas | McLaughlin | Business-Undeclared |
Colleen | McLean | English |
Ashley | McMillan | Communication Studies |
Joshua | McMillan | Communication Studies |
Chance | McQuaid | Electrical Engineering |
Ella | McQuillan | Sociology |
Lillian | McVey | Marketing |
Emily | Meaden | Communication Studies |
Julianne | Meader | Computational & Applied Math |
Sean | Meehan | Marketing |
Elissa | Mena | Information Science |
Joshua | Menichetti | Marketing |
Ashley | Mentz | Marketing |
Lily | Merrigan | Communication Studies |
Julia | Merritt | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Noah | Mertes | Management |
Maura | Meservey | Political Science |
Joy | Messina | Sociology |
Carol | Metten | Accounting |
Abby | Metzger | Management |
Ella | Metzger | Integrative Biology |
Meredith | Meyer | Psychology |
Alyssa | Meyer | Accounting |
Savanna | Meyers | Management |
Jessica | Michaels | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Andrew | Michak | History |
Madison | Michalec | Psychology |
Jonathan | Middleton | Political Science |
Johnathan | Middleton | Computer Science |
Jenna | Miladin | Environmental Biology |
Elizabeth | Milausnic | Studio Art |
Rachael | Milburn | Organismal Biology |
Samantha | Milchenski | Psychology |
Elizabeth | Miles | Political Science |
Eleanor | Miley | Information Science |
Emily | Miller | Social Work |
Emma | Miller | Social Work |
Jackson | Miller | Computational & Applied Math |
Jonathan | Miller | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Anna | Miller | Biochemistry |
Sara | Miller | Art History |
Erica | Miller | Management |
Morgan | Miller | Theater |
Maxwell | Miller | Business-Undeclared |
Danielle | Miller | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Leslie | Mills | Psychology |
Olivia | Minnick | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Dillyn | Minson | English |
Nicole | Miranda Montoya | Psychology |
Venkat | Miriyala | Finance |
Audrey | Mishler | Psychology |
Uriya | Mishor-Ziv | Management |
Ava | Mister | American Studies |
Charley | Mitchell | Biochemistry |
Caroline | Mitchell | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lara | Mitchell | Sociology |
Amari | Mitchell | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Bethany | Mizelle | Environmental Biology |
Ashleigh | Mock | Integrative Biology |
Ricardo | Monge Mendez | Finance |
Lindsay | Montgomery | Finance |
Meghan | Moon | Communication Studies |
Jace | Moore | Marketing |
Jack | Moore | Political Science |
Kiera | Moore | Biochemistry |
Nicole | Moore | Psychology |
Sydney | Moore | Psychology |
Emery | Moore | Neuroscience |
Marielena | Moran | Neuroscience |
Emily | Morejon | Spanish |
Molly | Morgan | Theater |
Melanie | Morgan | Psychology |
Matthew | Morhiser | English |
Sophie | Morley | Political Science |
Caroline | Morley | Theater |
Julia | Morris | Marketing |
Shannon | Morris | Music |
Madeleine | Morris | Communication Studies |
Taylor | Morris | Communication Studies |
Bradshaw | Morrison | Criminology |
Ingrid | Morse | Finance |
Blaine | Morse | Computer Science |
Wren | Moss | Psychology |
David | Mottley | Computer Science |
Abigail | Muller | Psychology |
Noah | Mulligan | History |
Charlotte | Mullins | Psychology |
Camryn | Munroe | Management |
Ryo | Murasaki | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Keenan | Murphy | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Wyatt | Murphy | Undeclared |
Avery | Naperala | Environmental Biology |
Rose | Napolitano | Organismal Biology |
Kimberly | Nardi | Neuroscience |
Luke | Nardone | Business-Undeclared |
Lindsey | Narney | Communication Studies |
Jessica | Nash | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Luke | Nassar | Management |
Hannah | Nathanson | Criminology |
Chloe | Naughton | Accounting |
Colleen | Neff | Neuroscience |
Lindsay | Neher | Biochemistry |
Saiarjun | Nekkanti | Neuroscience |
Charles | Nelson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Grace | Nelson | Mathematics |
Lillian | Nelson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Cassandra | Nelson | English |
Cecelia | Nerantzis | Marketing |
Katelyn | Newell | Management |
Samuel | Newfield | Cybersecurity |
Rebecca | Newman | Music |
Austin | Newman | Political Science |
Jennifer | Newton | Psychology |
Julia | Ng | Finance |
Zenith | Nguon | Marketing |
Millen | Nguyen | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tracy | Nguyen | Sociology |
Thao | Nguyen | Information Science |
Haley | Nicholson | Psychology |
Andrew | Nicolaus | Communication Studies |
Andrew | Niklason | American Studies |
Dejah | Niles-Bogger | Psychology |
Nicolette | Nitis | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Anna | Nix | Political Science |
Brooke | Nixon | Information Science |
Adelyn | Noble | Mathematics |
Molly | Nolan | Psychology |
Zoe | Nonnemacker | Psychology |
Stephen | Noone | Management |
Taylor | Nordike | English |
Jasmine | Norman | Psychology |
Kiara | Nunn | Psychology |
Alexander | Nyikos | English |
Coleman | O'Connor | Electrical Engineering |
Conor | O'Dea | Political Science |
Alexa | O'Donnell Jones | Political Science |
Jordan | Oglesby | Marketing |
Madison | O'Hara | Communication Studies |
Emily | Ohrmund | Accounting |
Shannon | O'Keefe | Psychology |
Nicole | Oliashirazi | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Hayden | Olsen | Finance |
William | Olson-Litherland | Undeclared |
Madden | O'Neill | Marketing |
Keeli | O'Neill | History |
McKayla | Opstrup | Biology |
Kiya | Opstrup | Environmental Studies |
Abigail | Oren | Accounting |
Marina | Organt | Environmental Biology |
Nathan | Ormsby | Applied Physics |
Liam | Orr | Political Science |
Morgan | Orr | Social Work |
Jordan | Ortigosa | Environmental Studies |
Sydney | Osborne | Psychology |
Anna | Osenkowsky | Communication Studies |
Katherine | O'Shields | Theater |
Jamie | Oulton | Information Science |
Kathryn | Owen | Neuroscience |
Elizabeth | Ozark | Business-Undeclared |
Joshua | Pace | Management |
Andrea | Padilla-Crisostomo | Neuroscience |
Zoe | Page | Accounting |
Madeline | Painter | Marketing |
Carly | Palmer | English |
Nicole | Palmieri | American Studies |
Matilah | Pamie-George | Neuroscience |
Emily | Pappalardo | Psychology |
Adam | Paquette | Communication Studies |
Enzo | Paradiso | Psychology |
Thomas | Parisi | Finance |
Riley | Park | Spanish |
Emma | Parker | Communication Studies |
Austin | Parker | Sociology |
Ariel | Parks | Neuroscience |
Nicolaus | Parks | Neuroscience |
Taylor | Parks | Management |
Victoria-Jessica | Partin | Neuroscience |
Charlotte | Patterson | Social Work |
Alexandria | Patterson | Mathematics |
Kayla | Pauley | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Schyler | Pauley | Communication Studies |
Katherine | Paulikonis | Social Work |
Kristine | Paulikonis | Neuroscience |
Rachel | Pavel | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Max | Pawlak | Environmental Studies |
Adam | Paymer | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madison | Payne | Sociology |
Mariah | Payne | History |
Harrison | Pearson | Marketing |
Nicholas | Pearson | Business-Undeclared |
Colleen | Pechin | Theater |
Allan | Pedin | Computer Science |
Noah | Peizer | Sociology |
Logan | Penland | English |
Kaia | Pennington | Chemistry |
Ruslan | Pererva | Computer Science |
Jonah | Peters | Fine Arts |
Emily | Peterson | Psychology |
Hunter | Petrakis | Marketing |
Gabrielle | Petrone | Economics-BA |
Zachary | Petruso | Marketing |
Maria | Pham | Sociology |
Nicklas | Phillips | Neuroscience |
Zachary | Phillips | History |
Casey | Picard | Psychology |
Elaina | Pigue | Social Work |
Davis | Pillow | Finance |
Laila | Pirnazar | Management |
Scott | Pisarcik | Information Science |
Anna | Plaia | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Samantha | Plesce | Electrical Engineering |
Trevor | Plesko | Undeclared |
Shea | Plocharczyk | Information Science |
Alicia | Plumlee | Psychology |
Lily | Poff | Communication Studies |
Abigail | Pogreba | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicolas | Pol | Political Science |
Thomas | Pollack | Neuroscience |
Marianna | Ponce | Business-Undeclared |
Julia | Pond | Psychology |
Sarah | Poole | Theater |
Caroline | Pope | Biology |
Nathan | Poretz | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lauren | Porter | Biochemistry |
Shane | Potters | Biology |
Zachary | Potts | Computer Engineering |
Katie | Powell | History |
Joshua | Powers | Undeclared |
Campbell | Pozin | Finance |
Madison | Pozner | Social Work |
Ja'miyah | Price | English |
Kelsey | Priestaf | Mathematics |
Sarah | Prince | Marketing |
Mary | Pritchard | Psychology |
Sarah | Proctor | Communication Studies |
Nicholas | Prokos | History |
Chadwick | Prosper | History |
Lauren | Proulx | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Dylan | Pruitt | Computer Science |
Natalie | Prye | Psychology |
Abigail | Puckett | Political Science |
Evan | Pugh | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jordyn | Pugh | Biochemistry |
Ngan | Quach | Chemistry |
Faith | Quel | Social Work |
Logan | Quinn | Marketing |
Brian | Rademacher | Management |
Christopher | Rademacher | Organismal Biology |
Naomi | Rader | Psychology |
Kathryn | Rader | Mathematics |
Riley | Rafterry-Lee | Political Science |
Magdalena | Ralston | Psychology |
Andrew | Ramseur | American Studies |
Elizabeth | Raney | Spanish |
Rachel | Rangel | Psychology |
Sophia | Ransom | Organismal Biology |
Emily | Ransone | Fine Arts |
Jonathan | Rapp | Computer Science |
Brisa | Rasmussen | Neuroscience |
William | Reames | Computer Science |
Anna | Reddel | Business-Undeclared |
Krista | Reed | Environmental Biology |
Samson | Reed | Neuroscience |
Jackson | Reed | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Chloe | Reid | Communication Studies |
Joseph | Rekus | Mathematics |
Sadie | Renner | Marketing |
Brenin | Renzette | English |
Julia | Rest | Social Work |
Megan | Reynolds | Psychology |
Taylor | Rhame | Organismal Biology |
Sarah | Rhiel | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Rachel | Ricard | Political Science |
Dylan | Rice | Finance |
Benjamin | Rice | Computer Engineering |
Noelle | Riddle | English |
Kali | Riggleman | Marketing |
Liam | Riley | Theater |
Julianna | Riley | Biology |
Morgan | Rinaldi | Marketing |
Victoria | Rines | Psychology |
Alexander | Risko | Finance |
Kailey | Ritchie | American Studies |
Skylor | Ritchie | Marketing |
Madelyn | Ritter | Communication Studies |
Cecilia | Rivera | Political Science |
Maria | Rivera | Psychology |
Jessica | Roberson | Psychology |
Ethan | Robertson | Sociology |
Samantha | Robertson | Undeclared |
Kathryn | Robins | Sociology |
Elijah | Robinson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Simon | Robson | Communication Studies |
Jessica | Roby | Communication Studies |
Travis | Rocha | Communication Studies |
Gabriela | Rocha | Psychology |
Abigail | Rochette | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Christopher | Rockey | Psychology |
Bryce | Rodeman | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Jacob | Rodgers | Information Science |
Samantha | Rodgerson | English |
Benjamin | Roger | Management |
Nicholas | Rogers | Chemistry |
Abigail | Rogers | Psychology |
Carleigh | Rollins | Psychology |
Valerie | Rondi | Accounting |
Celine | Rosario | Management |
Neyshmarie | Rosario Cabrera | Political Science |
Emily | Rosa-Wood | Marketing |
Jack | Rosenberg | Finance |
Christian | Ross | Computer Science |
Gabriel | Ross | Cybersecurity |
Daniel | Ross | History |
Angelo | Rosso | Applied Physics |
Neelie | Rosson | Psychology |
Jourdan | Rothbart | Communication Studies |
Carlena | Routzon | Organismal Biology |
Liam | Rowell | Computational & Applied Math |
Katharine | Rowzie | Undeclared |
Amaya | Royster | Music-BA |
Christine | Rubeiz | Sociology |
Aidan | Rucker | Biology |
Rachel | Ruhl | Biology |
Corinne | Ruocco | Psychology |
Caitlyn | Russ | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Madison | Russell | Psychology |
Charles | Russell | Finance |
Lauren | Russell | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Taiylor | Russell | Psychology |
Theodore | Russell | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Margaret | Russo | Undeclared |
Erin | Rutan | Computer Science |
Ryan | Saal | Biochemistry |
Opal | Sadler | Sociology |
Tara | Sadler | Computer Science |
Madelyn | Sager | Psychology |
Roberto | Salazar | Psychology |
Clara | Salazar | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ellen | Sammons | Computer Science |
Erin | Sample | Psychology |
Victoria | Sampson | Social Work |
Abigail | Sams | Political Science |
Ariana | Samuel | Psychology |
Gabriella | San Diego | Psychology |
Jordan | Sanchez | Neuroscience |
Ashley | Sanfacon | History |
Brandon | Sanger | Psychology |
Lauren | Sanger | Communication Studies |
Erin | Sanza | English |
Aarya | Sapre | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicholas | Sarvella | Biochemistry |
William | Saunders | Political Science |
Nyah | Savage | Accounting |
Brennen | Savi | Psychology |
Maegan | Savoie | Biochemistry |
Brenon | Sawdy | Information Science |
Marissa | Sawh | Social Work |
Felicity | Saylor | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Isabella | Schaub | Theater |
Peri | Schiavone | Communication Studies |
Gia | Schiavone | Criminology |
Nikole | Schlevensky | Studio Art |
Jillian | Schmid | Psychology |
Emily | Schneider | Political Science |
Christopher | Schnizer | English |
Kyle | Schofield | Psychology |
Christopher | Schram | Marketing |
John | Schunder | Undeclared |
Allison | Schurr | Social Work |
Daniel | Scofield | Mathematics |
Jessica | Scott | Communication Studies |
Sean | Scraba | Social Work |
Alexander | Sebold | Finance |
Emily | Sedgwick | Political Science |
Emma | Seguin | Spanish |
Ian | Senz | Undeclared |
Henry | Sergent | Psychology |
Cody | Sessions | Neuroscience |
Joseph | Shaffer | Information Science |
Anna | Shapiro | Communication Studies |
Ashley | Sharabi | Sociology |
Grace | Sharlun | Political Science |
Alyson | Sharp | Marketing |
Alora | Sharron | Marketing |
Alexa | Sharron | Business-Undeclared |
Abbey | Shaw | Sociology |
Samuel | Shear | Communication Studies |
Lydia | Shearin | Theater |
Kelsey | Shearon | Neuroscience |
Jessica | Shelton | Psychology |
Hannah | Shelton | Management |
Daniel | Shelton | Political Science |
Kenneth | Sheppard | Computer Science |
Stephen | Sherrange | Computer Science |
Ella | Shields | Undeclared |
Katelyn | Shinault | Management |
Emily | Shirai | Psychology |
Amanda | Short | Communication Studies |
Anna | Shortt | Communication Studies |
Lydia | Showalter | Communication Studies |
Kendall | Shumate | Finance |
Jonathan | Sicher | History |
Benjamin | Siebert | Accounting |
Micah | Sieck | Biology |
Jakira | Silas | Sociology |
Ann | Silva | Political Science |
Lauren | Sims | Management |
Micah | Singer | Finance |
Kayla | Singleton | Anthropology |
Ke'alani | Sison | Environmental Biology |
Rebecca | Sitrin | Undeclared |
Ryan | Sivak | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Elizabeth | Six | Social Work |
Christian | Skrypski | Computer Engineering |
Malcolm | Slaughter | Cybersecurity |
Katelyn | Sloan | Sociology |
Erin | Slupe | Communication Studies |
Monica | Smallwood | English |
Sydney | Smith | English |
Kelsie | Smith | Integrative Biology |
Alexis | Smith | English |
Christopher | Smith | Applied Physics |
Samuel | Smith | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Patricia | Smith | Music |
Kobe | Smith | Finance |
Jackson | Smith | History |
Hannah | Smith | Neuroscience |
Margaret | Smith | Social Work |
Aidan | Smith | Music |
Calvin | Smith | Undeclared |
Taylor | Smith | Neuroscience |
Quinn | Smith-Perry | Psychology |
Talley | Snider | Marketing |
Katherine | Snidow | Political Science |
Jack | Snowdon | History |
Sean | Snyder | Philosophy |
Julia | Sola | Undeclared |
Erin | Solloway | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Edward | Sonnie | Communication Studies |
William | Soos | Finance |
Cooper | Sorvig | Marketing |
Michael | Sparks | Economics-BA |
Rebecca | Spear | Sociology |
Lucas | Spelsberg | Environmental Studies |
Margaret | Spencer-Pick | Environmental Studies |
Joao | Splett | Finance |
Nyasia | Spriggs | Economics-BA |
Leanne | Spring | Marketing |
Hannah | Stadelmyer | Music-BA |
Emily | Stanisha | Electrical Engineering |
Kayla | Stanley | Environmental Biology |
Kirsten | Starr | Fine Arts |
Naomi | Starr | Environmental Biology |
Theodore | Stathopoulos | Chemistry |
Zoe | Stauffer | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Julia | Steele | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Leah | Steele | Management |
Hannah | Steelman | Social Work |
Ethan | Stein | Communication Studies |
Rachel | Stephens | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicholas | Stern | Finance |
Benjamin | Sties | Psychology |
Adam | Stillabower | Computer Science |
Haley | Stimeling | Communication Studies |
Kaitlyn | Stine | English |
Erin | Stitt | Psychology |
Sydni | Stock | Biochemistry |
Ella | Stolz | History |
Kaitlyn | Stone | Organismal Biology |
Chloe | Stone | Communication Studies |
Megan | Stone | Criminology |
Ethan | Stowe | Accounting |
Carter | Strain | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Carley | Strausser | Communication Studies |
Joshua | Striano | Applied Physics |
Robert | Stribling | Finance |
Jordan | Strickland | Organismal Biology |
Kellum | Stripling | Marketing |
Olivia | Strittmatter | Organismal Biology |
Bradley | Strobel | Political Science |
Collin | Stubbs | Management |
Miriam | Stump | Social Work |
Emma | Sturgeon | Political Science |
Luke | Sturgeon | Business-Undeclared |
Maria | Sturges | Management |
Natalie | Sullivan | Communication Studies |
Chloe | Sullivan | History |
Matthew | Sundquist | Political Science |
Chloe | Susens | Psychology |
Annaliese | Sutton | Psychology |
Shelby | Svilich | History |
Tatiane | Swap | Computational & Applied Math |
Natalie | Swarm | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Andrew | Swartz | Business-Undeclared |
Samuel | Swenson-Reinhold | Philosophy |
Miranda | Swinson | Political Science |
Briahna | Switzer | Marketing |
Danae | Szuba | Fine Arts |
Sophia | Taddeo | Sociology |
Faith | Tanous | Psychology |
Dominic | Tasselli | Social Work |
Madelyn | Tatum | Psychology |
Madison | Taylor | Communication Studies |
Colleen | Taylor | Psychology |
Cassidy | Taylor | Communication Studies |
Eric | Taylor | Philosophy |
Grace | Taylor | Sociology |
Katelyn | Taylor | Communication Studies |
Matthew | Taylor | Management |
Christian | Teddy | Computer Science |
Ahmei | Thevoz | Marketing |
Anna | Thomas | Communication Studies |
Kathryn | Thome | Neuroscience |
Grace | Thome | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Helen | Thompson | Biology |
Stephanie | Thompson | English |
Remy | Thompson | Theater |
Thalya | Thompson | Computer Science |
Rachel | Thornton | Sociology |
Peter | Tillen | Communication Studies |
Katherine | Tillen | Political Science |
Rosalia | Tilmont | Neuroscience |
Kelly | Timlen | Psychology |
Kally | Timm | Psychology |
Camryn | Tinsley | Accounting |
Nicholas | Tipmongkol | Communication Studies |
Anna | Tippett | English |
Marcel | Tokhi | Political Science |
Isabella | Toma | Psychology |
Lane | Tomlinson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Mallory | Tompkins | Psychology |
Alfonso | Torres | Information Systems |
Alyson | Toth | Music-BA |
Peyton | Townsend | Theater |
Devin | Townsend | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sarah | Trachtenberg | Psychology |
Tessa | Trate | Psychology |
Abbigail | Traylor | Psychology |
James | Tredinnick | Political Science |
Madison | Treiber | English |
Kylie | Tritaik | Communication Studies |
Samantha | Tritt | Electrical Engineering |
Thomas | Trott | Organismal Biology |
Kathryn | Troyer | Music |
Caroline | Tucker | Theater |
Megan | Tucker | Neuroscience |
Robert | Tucker | Accounting |
Matthew | Tully | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sarah | Turner | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Ashley | Turner | Music |
Jordyn | Turner | Communication Studies |
Maya | Turner | Communication Studies |
Samuel | Tyler | Biochemistry |
Jordan | Usselman | Psychology |
Steven | Utley | Computer Engineering |
Santiago | Vallejo Orozco | Computer Science |
Angela | Vallejos | Criminology |
Mollie | Valorose | Psychology |
Alexandra | Van Orden | Communication Studies |
Katherine | VanderVennet | Psychology |
Victoria | VanHout | Theater |
Katherine | Vanik | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicholas | Varcadipane | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Katherine | Vaughan | Sociology |
Walker | Venable | Management |
Jacob | Venti | Computational & Applied Math |
Thomas | Verry | Marketing |
Landri | Vickers | Biology |
Taylor | Vigil | Sociology |
Allison | Vinis | Music |
Evelyn | Vioral | Psychology |
Elizabeth | Virts | Biology |
Noa | Vizzaccaro | Management |
Daniel | Vobrak | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Benjamin | Vogan | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Nicholas | Volles | Neuroscience |
Daniel | Vorona | Political Science |
Summer | Vu | Accounting |
Abigale | Waclo | Sociology |
Ryan | Wagner | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Christian | Wagner | Computer Science |
Alessia | Waitt | English |
Jared | Wal | Computer Science |
Jack | Waldman | Economics-BA |
Kendall | Walker | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Noah | Walker | Electrical Engineering |
Mary-Kathryn | Walker | Psychology |
Brooke | Wallace | Psychology |
Meghan | Walters | Psychology |
Lauren | Walters | Neuroscience |
Justine | Walton | Political Science |
Laura | Ward | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
William | Ward | Biochemistry |
Sophia | Warkentin | Anthropology |
Jack | Wartell | Computer Science |
Tasneem | Wasfy | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Landon | Waterfield | History |
Eric | Waterman | Psychology |
Jamison | Waters | Computer Science |
Abigail | Wathen | Psychology |
Kasey | Watkins | Music |
Valerie | Watson | Communication Studies |
Sydney | Watts | Management |
Abigail | Wax | Political Science |
Christina | Webb | Organismal Biology |
Dylan | Weber | Marketing |
Juliana | Webster | Criminology |
Rachel | Weeks | Psychology |
Shayne | Weierbach | Chemistry |
Emery | Weist | Computer Engineering |
Tyler | Weldy | History |
Kyle | Werntz | Computer Science |
Connor | Werrlein | Communication Studies |
Claire | Werrlein | Psychology |
Emma | Wertz | Psychology |
Alyssa | West | Psychology |
Davis | West | Finance |
Madison | West | Biology |
Trenton | Wetsel | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Alexandra | Wettengel | Biology |
Nicholas | Wheatley | History |
Aidan | Wheeler | Finance |
Natalie | Wheeler | English |
Garrett | Whitaker | Organismal Biology |
McKenzie | White | Social Work |
Jennafer | White | English |
Nathan | White | Neuroscience |
Audrey | White | Environmental Biology |
Ryan | Whitehead | Information Science |
Tiyana | Whitehead | Undeclared |
Zachary | Whitener | Finance |
Taylor | Whitescarver | Psychology |
Matthew | Whitlock | Psychology |
Caroline | Whitsed | Psychology |
Savannah | Whitten | Psychology |
Harrison | Whittleton | Economics-BA |
Grant | Wiley | Philosophy |
Amanda | Wilfong | Marketing |
Brooke | Wilkinson | Psychology |
Alyssa | Wilkinson | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Tamera | Williams | Accounting |
Kayl | Williams | Theater |
Christopher | Williams | Electrical Engineering |
Paige | Williams | Psychology |
Emma | Williams | Social Work |
Jasmine | Williams | Biology |
Lauren | Willsey | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Henry | Wilson | Computer Engineering |
Brianna | Wilson | Marketing |
Morgan | Wilson | Management |
Grace | Wilson | Psychology |
Karrington | Wilson | Economics-BA |
Rachel | Wingfield | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jovia | Winkey | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Jordan | Winnett | American Studies |
Parker | Wintink | History |
Hans | Wirkkala Burkholder | Undeclared |
Anissa | Wise | History |
Mark | Witkowski | Communication Studies |
Katherine | Witmer | Sociology |
Bradford | Wolf | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Olivia | Wong | Organismal & Environ Biology |
Matthew | Wood | Mathematics |
Noah | Wood | Management |
Olivia | Wood | Psychology |
Jenna | Woodburn | Sociology |
Sarah | Woodring | Finance |
Elizabeth | Woodward | Computer Science |
Allison | Wooller | Marketing |
Timothy | Woollum | Management |
Adam | Wosahla | Integrative Biology |
Alyssa | Wright | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Lily | Wright | Neuroscience |
Rebekah | Wright | Psychology |
Patrick | Wright | Environmental Biology |
Daniel | Wright | Computational & Applied Math |
James | Wright | Psychology |
Benjamin | Wright | Computer Science |
Emily | Wright | Undeclared |
Andrew | Wujick | Chemistry |
Tatyana | Yates | Communication Studies |
Jake | Yeager | Psychology |
Casey | Yenyo | Social Work |
Amanda | Yermal | Neuroscience |
Meaghan | Yesford | Theater |
Hannah | Yetter | French |
Sophanit | Yohannes | Music-BA |
Aubrey | Yokum | Management |
Taylor | Yokum | Psychology |
Chloe | Younce | Psychology |
Carter | Young | Social Work |
Sadie | Young | Communication Studies |
Alexander | Zannelli | Biology |
Kirsten | Zeigler | Marketing |
Adam | Zemp | History |
Kyra | Ziegler | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
James | Ziegler | Marketing |
Brooke | Zimmerman | Psychology |
Zachary | Zimmerman | History |
Tyler | Zimmermann | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Sienna | Zimmermann | Sociology |
Jessica | Zimmermann | Neuroscience |
Haylee | Zornow | Cell, Molecular & Phys Biology |
Matthew | Zorumski | Computer Engineering |
Jared | Zupan | Electrical Engineering |
Joshua | Zutell | Computer Engineering |
Nicholas | Zywicki | Business-Undeclared |