Above: University of Glasgow
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A new agreement with the University of Glasgow will enable students from majors within the College of Arts and Humanities to complete a bachelor's degree through in-person study at both institutions, then return to Scotland for graduate school at one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world.
Through the "3+1+1 program," students complete their core courses and the majority of their required major classes in their first three years at Christopher Newport. Students then study abroad at the University of Glasgow for their senior year to complete their major courses.
Students who meet all requirements will earn their bachelor's degree from Christopher Newport, and then return to Glasgow to complete a one-year master's program that aligns with their undergraduate major.
“This program provides students with an intensive international experience during their undergraduate studies,” said Dr. Lori Underwood, dean of the College of Arts and Humanities. “It also presents an opportunity for students in the arts and humanities to complete a master’s degree from one of the top universities in the world, laying the groundwork for a broader spectrum of employment opportunities and admission to prestigious doctoral and professional programs.”
The program will be available to students majoring in English, history, art history, philosophy, religion, classics or theater, as well as those who minor in museum studies.
For more information, email cahdeansoffice@cnu.edu.