Elizabeth J Wood

McMurran Hall 301B
(757) 594-0200
- Ph D in U.S. History, The College of William and Mary
- MA in U.S. History, Middle Tennessee State University
- BA in History, The College of William and Mary
Early America
African American
Gender and Sexuality
U.S. South
My research centers on southern free people of color between the American Revolution and Civil War, focusing on the ways these individuals and families crafted meaningful experiences of freedom in a racist, patriarchal society.
My teaching career has spanned over 25 years at the middle school, high school, and college levels. I I joined the CNU faculty in 2018, teaching in the History Department and MAT Program. I teach the Early American History survey and upper division history courses centered on race and gender in the American South as well as Comparative Slavery. I also teach HIST 510: The American Historian as Teacher, HIST 570: Methods for Teaching Social Studies and Assessment, and supervise teaching interns during their student teaching period. I am currently revising my manuscript, entitled Substance from Shadow: Free Black Gender and Belonging in Antebellum Virginia.