Sherman Aclaracion Lee

Associate Professor
Forbes Hall 2077
(757) 594-7648
- Ph D in Educational Psychology, University of Kentucky
- Ed S in Counseling Psychology, University of Kentucky
- BA in Psychology, University of Hawaii
- MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Emporia State University
Personality Psychology
Psychology of Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Psychology of the Human-Animal Bond
Pet Loss
Negative Religious Coping
Scale Development (Psychometrics)
Sherman Aclaracion Lee, PhD, is an associate professor of psychology at Christopher Newport University where he teaches courses in the psychology of personality and the psychology of death, dying, and bereavement. He has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters on the topics of grief, anxiety, personality, and scale development. His writings have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, such as Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, and Psychiatry Research, as well as in edited books, such as the International Handbook of Behavioral Health Assessment (Springer) and Techniques of Grief Therapy (Routledge). He also authored the most read and second most cited paper in the thanatology journal, Death Studies. Many of Dr. Lee’s work is co-authored with his students, who play an active role in his research lab.
Ranked among the top 2% of the most influential scientists in the ResearchGate community, Dr. Lee is on the American Psychological Association’s expert advisory list for the subject of grief and sits on the editorial boards for the Journal of Clinical and Basic Psychosomatics and Death Studies. Dr. Lee is the creator of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale, Pandemic Grief Scale, Islamophobia Scale, Trait Sympathy Scales, Grief Impairment Scale, and the recently created Mass Shootings Anxiety Scale. He has also been cited or interviewed by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Scientific American, The Virginian-Pilot, and the American Psychological Association's Monitor of Psychology. Dr. Lee has also appeared on Animal Planet’s show Fatal Attractions and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's National Radio show, All in the Mind.
Selected Accomplishments
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
(2023). Pandemic Grief Scale (PGS): A clinical screening tool. Springer Nature. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2023). Mass Shootings Anxiety Scale: A preliminary psychometric study. Death Studies. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2022). Grief Impairment Scale: A biopsychosocial measure of grief-related functional impairment.. Death Studies. Volume, 45. Issue, 5. Pages, 519-530. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2021). Risk factors for dysfunctional grief and functional impairment for all causes of death during the COVID-19 pandemic: The mediating role of meaning. Death Studies. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2020). Fear and psychopathology during the COVID-19 crisis: Neuroticism, hypochondriasis, reassurance-seeking, and coronaphobia as fear factors.. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2020). Social isolation as a means of reducing dysfunctional coronavirus anxiety and increasing psychoneuroimmunity.. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2020). Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: A brief mental health screener for COVID-19 related anxiety.. Death Studies. -
Journal Article, Academic Journal
(2019). The Dark Tetrad and callous reactions to mourner grief: Patterns of annoyance, boredom, entitlement, schadenfreude, and humor.. Personality and Individual Differences. Volume, 137. Pages, 97-100.