Frequently Asked Questions - Christopher Newport University
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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on Policies and Statements concerning Expressive Activities

We are here to help you have a successful event. Do you have questions about coordinating with the University on a protest or demonstration? Then, start here.

Yes, if the demonstration is organized. You should meet with the University and reserve the space. University policy permits the “informal, spontaneous” enjoyment of the Great Lawn and other outdoor spaces by members of the University community and visitors. But if a demonstration is scheduled and promoted, the organizers must coordinate with the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conferences and it is best to start that process at least 24 hours in advance. There are time, place, and manner constraints connected with any demonstration, regardless of the viewpoint being expressed. We want your event to be a success.

No. The Great Lawn is available to be scheduled only as a whole, and only for university-wide events, such as graduation, fall festival, admitted freshman day and similar occasions. Other outdoor and indoor spaces are available to full time students for expressive activities subject to conditions described here.  

University Police may be present to ensure the safety of all students, including those engaging in the demonstration. The officers are responsible for ensuring a safe campus and may be present at a demonstration to mitigate any potential conflict so that a demonstration can go forward as planned.

Yes, as outlined in the Student Handbook: The University does not permit expression that is not protected by law. Such expression includes, but is not limited to, defamation, incitement to unlawful conduct, imminent threats of actual violence or harm, obscenity, fighting words, copyright or trademark violation, illegal harassment and false advertising.

Yes but under specific conditions outlined here.

Yes, but only if they comply with state law and the University policy on facial coverings. The law and the policy require people wearing masks to be willing to identify themselves with a Captains Card or other official identification document.
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