One-on-Ones: Participants will submit in advance up to 10 pages of their writing to be reviewed by an editor. Then they will meet with the editor for a 15-minute critique session to discuss their work.
$40 additional fee for conference registrants only.
Submissions must be received by Friday, August 30, 2024. Submissions may be emailed to or mailed or delivered to:
Christopher Newport University
LifeLong Learning Society
660 Hamilton Drive
Newport News, VA 23602
One-on-One Editor: Jason Ray Carney, author & editor
Pitch Sessions
Pitch Sessions: Here's your chance, "Tell me about your work" means 15 minutes of fame is yours to shine. Participants will meet with an agent and pitch their work for about five minutes, introducing and promoting the concept and trying to grab the agent's attention. Then they'll have 10 minutes for further discussion.
$40 additional fee for conference registrants only.
Pitch Sessions: Kerry D'Agostino, agent; John Hartness, editor/publisher
CNU Writer's Conference is Sponsored by:
CNU's LifeLong Learning SocietyCNU's English Department
Writers Advisory Council
The Muse Writers Center
Warwick Forest