Data Analytics in the Social Sciences

Students work on mapping data on their laptops

The Certificate program provides excellent educational opportunities that benefit CNU students, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the nation. Students have the opportunity to expand their research skills, and apply these skills to answer significant social and civic questions. These skills will give them greater opportunities when they apply to graduate school or jobs in the private and public sectors. The Certificate also benefits the Commonwealth of Virginia and our nation by preparing students for jobs in a sector with increasing demand: data analytics.

Program Requirements

6 credit hours

  • DTAN 200 - Introduction to Data Analytics for the Social Sciences
  • DTAN 300 - Data Science for Social Scientists
    or ECON 381 - Data Science for Social Scientists

Select two courses (6 credit hours) from the approved elective list. Each course must be picked from a different discipline.

  • COMM 404 - Quantitative Research Methods in Communication
  • COMM 405 - Qualitative Research Methodsin Communication
  • ECON 361 - Labor Economics
  • ECON 485 - Applied Econometrics
  • GEOG 349 - Mapping and Geovisualization
  • GEOG 350 - GIS for the Social Sciences
  • POLS 352 - Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis
  • SOCL 340 - Statistics for Social Research
  • SOCL 470W - Methods of Inquiry
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