Global Commerce and Culture

Program at a Glance
Our interdisciplinary Global Commerce and Culture major prepares you for success in the global business arena. Gain the skills and perspectives needed to navigate the complexities of international commerce, understanding the influence of social, political, and cultural factors. Immerse yourself in a diverse range of courses that blend business, social sciences, and cultural studies. Enhance your educational experience through enriching study abroad opportunities. In our dynamic academic community you'll develop a global mindset, critical thinking abilities, and the readiness to excel in the ever-evolving global marketplace. Uncover a world of possibilities and become a leader in global commerce and culture.
Program Requirements
Students majoring in Global Commerce and Culture who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Global Commerce and Culture.
- ACCT 200 or 201
- CPSC 215
- ECON 201
- MATH 125
- PHIL 207
- BUSN 231 or POLS 352
- BUSN 303
- BUSN 317
- BUSN 448
- ENGL 350W or 353W or 454W
- FINC 300
- IDST 480
- MLAN 308 or LDSP 330
- One 202-level foreign language course
- ANTH 203 Cultural Anthropology
- COMM 201 Public Speaking
- COMM 340 Intercultural Communication
- ECON 372W Economic Development
- GEOG 210 Introduction to Human Geography
- HIST 336 American Foreign Relations
- POLS 215 Comparative and International Politics
- POLS 327 International Law and International Organizations
- POLS 381 Internaional Political Economy
- POLS 391 International Environmental Politics
- SPAN 301 or FREN 301 or GERM 301 Grammar and composition
- SPAN 314 or FREN 314 or GERM 314 Business Spanish / French / German
- Study abroad (maximum of 3 credit hours)
Career Options
- International Business Manager
- Cross-Cultural Consultant
- Global Marketing Manager
- International Trade Specialist
- Cultural Attaché/Diplomat