Judeo-Christian Studies

Program at a Glance
College of Arts and HumanitiesDepartment(s)
Philosophy and ReligionOur Judeo-Christian Studies minor explores the religious heritage that has shaped our culture. Delve into the Jewish faith and Christian religion, examining the social, historical, and political contexts. Gain a deeper understanding of prevailing spiritual forces and sacred texts. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, and cultivate interfaith dialogue. Embrace the richness of faith, history, and culture, and appreciate the profound impact of Judeo-Christian traditions on our world.
Program Requirements
- RSTD 232 - Visions of Christianity
- RSTD 265 - Visions of Judaism
- one semester of Greek may be presented:
- GREK 101 - Beginning Ancient Greek I
- GREK 102 - Beginning Ancient Greek II
- GREK 201 - Intermediate Ancient Greek I
- GREK 295 - Special Topics
- HIST 310 - The Reformation Era
- PHIL 308 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 451 - The Great Philosophers
- POLS 320 - Religion and Politics in America
- RSTD 319 - Religion and American Identity
- RSTD 321 - The Church and the State
- RSTD 361 - Hebrew Bible
- RSTD 362 - New Testament
- SOCL 313 - Sociology of Religion
Career Options
- Religious Educator
- Interfaith Dialogue Coordinator
- Chaplain/Minister/Church/Synagogue Leader
- Non-profit or Advocacy Work
- Research and Writing