
Program at a Glance
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Science
College of Natural and Behavioral SciencesDepartment(s)
MathematicsIn our Mathematics program, you'll explore a broad range of disciplines as you dive into traditional mathematics courses, as well as physics, number theory, and modeling and simulation. You'll have the opportunity to specialize in computational and applied mathematics to apply mathematical principles to real-world problems. Join our academic community to develop advanced problem-solving skills, and gain a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts that underpin various fields. Embrace the power of mathematics to unlock mysteries, shape understanding, and drive innovation in our ever-evolving world.
Program Requirements
Students majoring in Mathematics who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Mathematics.
- Select one:
- MATH 140 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry
- MATH 148 - Accelerated Calculus
- MATH 240 - Intermediate Calculus
- MATH 128 - Introduction to Mathematical Programming or a computer science course numbered 150 or higher
- MATH 245 - Proofs and Discrete Mathematics [Formerly MATH 310, equivalent]
- MATH 247 - Introduction to Differential Equations
- MATH 250 - Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 260 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 360 - Real Analysis I
- MATH 370 - Modern Algebra I
- Select one:
- MATH 451 - Independent Learning Experience
- MATH 499 - Independent Research
Electives (18 credits)
- 12 MATH credits at the 300-400 level; at least 3 credits must be at the 400 level
- Six credits at the 300-400 level in MATH or in one of the following disciplines: PHYS, CHEM, CPSC, CPEN, ECON, NEUR, BIOL or BCHM.
- MATH 330 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- MATH 335 - Applied Probability
- MATH 345 - Number Theory
- MATH 347 - Intermediate Differential Equations
- MATH 350 - Vector Calculus
- MATH 355 - Complex Variables
- MATH 365 - Topology
- MATH 373 - Coding and Information
- MATH 375 - Linear Algebra and its Applications
- MATH 378 - Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint
- MATH 380 - Numerical Analysis I
- MATH 390 - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research I
- MATH 395 - Special Topics
- MATH 420 - Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 435 - Mathematical Statistics
- MATH 440 - Mathematical Modeling
- MATH 447 - Advanced Differential Equations
- MATH 460 - Real Analysis II
- MATH 470 - Modern Algebra II
- MATH 490 - Internship in Mathematics
- MATH 495 - Special Topics
Students majoring in Mathematics who complete all requirements earn the degree of BS, Mathematics.
- Select one:
- MATH 140 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry
- MATH 148 - Accelerated Calculus and MATH 240 - Intermediate Calculus
- CPSC 150/150L - Computers & Programming I and Laboratory
- PHYS 201/201L and 202/202L - General Physics and Laboratory
- MATH 245 - Proofs and Discrete Mathematics [Formerly MATH 310, equivalent]
- MATH 250 - Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 260 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 360 - Real Analysis I
- MATH 370 - Modern Algebra I
- MATH 375 - Linear Algebra and its Applications
- Select one:
- MATH 460 - Real Analysis II
- MATH 470 - Modern Algebra II
- Select one:
- MATH 451 - Independent Learning Experience
- MATH 499 - Independent Research
- 15 MATH credits satisfying the following requirements:
- Six credits must form a sequence, chosen from the following list of options:
- MATH 320 - Ordinary Differential Equations and either MATH 410 - Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH 420 - Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 335 - Applied Probability and MATH 435 - Mathematical Statistics
- MATH 330 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics and MATH 345 - Number Theory
- MATH 350 - Vector Calculus and MATH 355 - Complex Variables
- MATH 380 - Numerical Analysis I and MATH 440 - Mathematical Modeling
- MATH 390 - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research I and MATH 400 - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research II
- Nine MATH credits at the 300-400 level
- Six credits must form a sequence, chosen from the following list of options:
- MATH 301W - Writing in Mathematics I
- MATH 320 - Ordinary Differential Equations
- MATH 330 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- MATH 335 - Applied Probability
- MATH 345 - Number Theory
- MATH 350 - Vector Calculus
- MATH 355 - Complex Variables
- MATH 360 - Real Analysis I
- MATH 370 - Modern Algebra I
- MATH 375 - Linear Algebra and its Applications
- MATH 380 - Numerical Analysis I
- MATH 390 - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research I
- MATH 395 - Special Topics
- MATH 400 - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research II
- MATH 410 - Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations
- MATH 420 - Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 435 - Mathematical Statistics
- MATH 440 - Mathematical Modeling
- MATH 451 - Independent Learning Experience
- MATH 460 - Real Analysis II
- MATH 470 - Modern Algebra II
- MATH 490 - Internship in Mathematics
- MATH 495 - Special Topics
- MATH 499 - Independent Research
- Select one:
- MATH 140 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry
- MATH 148 - Accelerated Calculus
- MATH 240 - Intermediate Calculus
- MATH 260 - Linear Algebra
- Select one:
- MATH 245 - Proofs and Discrete Mathematics [Formerly MATH 310, equivalent]
- MATH 250 - Multivariable Calculus
Electives (6 credits)
- MATH 330 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- MATH 335 - Applied Probability
- MATH 345 - Number Theory
- MATH 347 – Intermediate Differential Equations
- MATH 350 - Vector Calculus
- MATH 355 - Complex Variables
- MATH 360 - Real Analysis I
- MATH 365 – Topology
- MATH 370 - Modern Algebra I
- MATH 373 – Coding and Information
- MATH 375 - Linear Algebra and its Applications
- MATH 380 - Numerical Analysis I
- MATH 390 - Mathematical Methods of Operations Research I
- MATH 395 - Special Topics
- MATH 420 - Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 435 - Mathematical Statistics
- MATH 440 - Mathematical Modeling
- MATH 447 - Advanced Differential Equations
- MATH 451 - Independent Learning Experience
- MATH 460 - Real Analysis II
- MATH 470 - Modern Algebra II
- MATH 490 - Internship in Mathematics
- MATH 495 - Special Topics
- MATH 499 - Independent Research
- MATH 140 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry
- MATH 245 - Proofs and Discrete Mathematics [Formerly MATH 310, equivalent]
Select one:
- MATH 235 - Applied Matrix Techniques
- MATH 260 - Linear Algebra
Electives (9 credits)
- MATH 330 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics
- MATH 345 - Number Theory
- MATH 370 - Modern Algebra I
- MATH 373 - Coding and Information
- MATH 375 - Linear Algebra and its Applications
- MATH 390 - Operations Research
- MATH 470 - Modern Algebra II
Career Options
- Data Scientist
- Actuary
- Quantitative Analyst
- Operations Research Analyst
- Mathematics Teacher/Professor