Philosophy of Law

Program at a Glance
College of Arts and HumanitiesDepartment(s)
Philosophy and ReligionThe Philosophy of Law program provides excellent multidisciplinary preparation for careers in law, government, and politics. Students will examine law from multiple perspectives: global and comparative, classical, modern, and postmodern.
Program Requirements
- PHIL 205 - Anatomy of Thought
- PHIL 321W - Legal Reasoning
- PHIL 425 - Constitutional Theory
- POLS 316 - Constitutional Law
Select one:
- PHIL 337 - Radical Evil and the Philosophy of Law
- RSTD 321 - The Church and the State
Select one:
- AMST 350 - Sex, Law, and Society
- POLS 240 - The Supreme Court in American Politics
- PHIL 304 - Ethics and Current Value Questions
Career Options
- College/University Professor
- Ethicist
- Writer/Author
- Legal Professional
- Policy Analyst