
Program at a Glance
Bachelor of Arts
College of Arts and HumanitiesDepartment(s)
Philosophy and ReligionIn our Philosophy program, you'll explore the profound inquiries that shape our understanding of the world and our lives. You will develop critical thinking skills as you examine religious institutions, doctrines, and practices, broaden your perspectives and enhance your communication abilities. Engage with philosophical concepts from ancient to contemporary times, and embrace the pursuit of wisdom. Unleash your analytical thinking, challenge assumptions, and navigate life's complexities with clarity and depth. Join us in the pursuit of intellectual exploration and self-discovery in the realm of philosophy. At CNU, you can focus your studies even further in the following subject areas:
- Pre-Seminary Studies
- Studies in Religion
Program Requirements
Students majoring in Philosophy who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Philosophy.
- PHIL 101 - Critical Thinking I
- PHIL 205 - The Anatomy of Thought
- PHIL 451 - The Great Philosophers
- PHIL 490W - Senior Seminar
- PHIL 201 - Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- PHIL 202 - Modern Philosophy
Electives (18 credits)
- Select one:
- PHIL 304 - Ethics and Current Value Questions
- PHIL 315 - Philosophy of Gender
- PHIL 319 - Philosophy of Love and Sexuality
- PHIL 337 - Radical Evil and the Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 376 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 384 - Medical Ethics
- Select one:
- PHIL 305 - The Quest for Truth
- PHIL 317 - Existentialism
- PHIL 320 - Scientific Reasoning
- PHIL 308 - Philosophy of Religion
- Select four:
- PHIL 304 - Ethics and Current Value Questions
- PHIL 305 - The Quest for Truth
- PHIL 306 - Search for Beauty
- PHIL 307 - Current Trends in Modern Thought
- PHIL 308 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 312 - American Philosophy
- PHIL 315 - Philosophy of Gender
- PHIL 317 - Existentialism
- PHIL 319 - Philosophy of Love and Sexuality
- PHIL 320 - Scientific Reasoning
- PHIL 321W - Legal Reasoning
- PHIL 326W - Philosophy in the Movies
- PHIL 337 - Radical Evil and the Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 344 - Yoga: Philosophy and Practice
- PHIL 348 - Asian Philosophy
- PHIL 349 - Islamic Philosophy
- PHIL 370 - Philosophy Seminar Abroad
- PHIL 376 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 379 - Philosophy of Language
- PHIL 384 - Medical Ethics
- PHIL 386 - Values and Postmodernity
- PHIL 395 - Special Topics
- PHIL 425 - The Constitutional Theory
- PHIL 451 - The Great Philosophers
- PHIL 490W - Senior Seminar
- PHIL 491 - Practicum
- PHIL 495 - Special Topics
- PHIL 499 - Independent Study
- RSTD 310 - Myth, Symbol, and Ritual
- RSTD 312 - Religion and the Arts
- RSTD 318 - Interfaith Studies
- RSTD 319 - Religion and American Identity
- RSTD 321 - The Church and the State
- RSTD 326W - Religion in the Movies
- RSTD 330 - Christian Prayer and Spirituality
- RSTD 335 - Primal Religions: Myth, Ritual, and Oral Expression
- RSTD 337 - Religion and Ecology
- RSTD 338 - Pilgrimage on the Appalachian Trail
- RSTD 340 - Mindfulness, Meditation and Happiness
- RSTD 345 - Scriptures of the World
- RSTD 350 - Thinking About God
- RSTD 361 - Hebrew Bible
- RSTD 362 - New Testament
- RSTD 366 - Bhagavad Gita and Sacred Hindu Texts
- RSTD 370 - Religious Studies Seminar Abroad
- RSTD 395 - Special Topics
- RSTD 491 - Practicum/Internship
- RSTD 495 - Special Topics
- RSTD 499 - Independent Research
Students majoring in Philosophy with a concentration in Pre-Seminary Studies who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Philosophy.
- PHIL 101 - Critical Thinking I
- PHIL 205 - The Anatomy of Thought
- PHIL 451 - The Great Philosophers
- PHIL 490W - Senior Seminar
- RSTD 361 - Hebrew Bible
- RSTD 362 - New Testament
- RSTD 491 - Practicum/Internship
Electives (18 credits)
- Select one:
- RSTD 220 - The Vision of Hinduism
- RSTD 232 - Visions of Christianity
- RSTD 260 - The Vision of Buddhism
- RSTD 265 - The Vision of Judaism
- RTSD 270
- Select one:
- RSTD 319 - Religion and American Identity
- RSTD 335 - Primal Religions: Myth, Ritual, and Oral Expression
- RSTD 350 - Thinking About God
- PHIL 317 - Existentialism
- PHIL 348 - Asian Philosophy
- PHIL 349 - Islamic Philosophy
- Select one:
- RSTD 312 - Religion and the Arts
- RSTD 326W - Religion in the Movies
- RSTD 337 - Religion and Ecology
- RSTD 338 - Pilgrimage on the Appalachian Trail
- PHIL 304 - Ethics and Current Value Questions
- PHIL 306 - Search for Beauty
- PHIL 308 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 315 - Philosophy of Gender
- PHIL 319 - Philosophy of Love and Sexuality
- PHIL 337 - Radical Evil and the Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 376 - Environmental Ethics
- Select one:
- RSTD 236 - Sacred Communication, Sacred Journeys
- RSTD 310 - Myth, Symbol, and Ritual
- RSTD 318 - Interfaith Studies
- RSTD 330 - Christian Prayer and Spirituality
- RSTD 340 - Mindfulness, Meditation and Happiness
- RSTD 345 - Scriptures of the World
- Select two:
- PHIL 101 - Critical Thinking I
- PHIL 195 - Special Topics
- PHIL 201 - Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- PHIL 202 - Modern Philosophy
- PHIL 205 - The Anatomy of Thought
- PHIL 207 - Ethical Issues in Business: A Critical Thinking Approach
- PHIL 215 - Philosophy and Literature
- PHIL 252 - African Philosophy
- PHIL 295 - Special Topics
- PHIL 304 - Ethics and Current Value Questions
- PHIL 305 - The Quest for Truth
- PHIL 306 - Search for Beauty
- PHIL 307 - Current Trends in Modern Thought
- PHIL 308 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 312 - American Philosophy
- PHIL 315 - Philosophy of Gender
- PHIL 317 - Existentialism
- PHIL 319 - Philosophy of Love and Sexuality
- PHIL 320 - Scientific Reasoning
- PHIL 321W - Legal Reasoning
- PHIL 326W - Philosophy in the Movies
- PHIL 337 - Radical Evil and the Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 344 - Yoga: Philosophy and Practice
- PHIL 348 - Asian Philosophy
- PHIL 349 - Islamic Philosophy
- PHIL 370 - Philosophy Seminar Abroad
- PHIL 376 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 379 - Philosophy of Language
- PHIL 384 - Medical Ethics
- PHIL 386 - Values and Postmodernity
- PHIL 395 - Special Topics
- PHIL 425 - The Constitutional Theory
- PHIL 451 - The Great Philosophers
- PHIL 490W - Senior Seminar
- PHIL 491 - Practicum
- PHIL 495 - Special Topics
- PHIL 499 - Independent Study
- RSTD 195 - Special Topics
- RSTD 211 - Religions of the East
- RSTD 212 - Religions of the West
- RSTD 218 - The Qur’an
- RSTD 220 - The Vision of Hinduism
- RSTD 232 - Visions of Christianity
- RSTD 236 - Sacred Communication, Sacred Journeys
- RSTD 260 - The Vision of Buddhism
- RSTD 265 - The Vision of Judaism
- RSTD 265 - Visions of Judaism
- RSTD 270 - The Vision of Islam
- RSTD 295 - Special Topics
- RSTD 310 - Myth, Symbol, and Ritual
- RSTD 312 - Religion and the Arts
- RSTD 318 - Interfaith Studies
- RSTD 319 - Religion and American Identity
- RSTD 321 - The Church and the State
- RSTD 326W - Religion in the Movies
- RSTD 330 - Christian Prayer and Spirituality
- RSTD 335 - Primal Religions: Myth, Ritual, and Oral Expression
- RSTD 337 - Religion and Ecology
- RSTD 338 - Pilgrimage on the Appalachian Trail
- RSTD 340 - Mindfulness, Meditation and Happiness
- RSTD 345 - Scriptures of the World
- RSTD 350 - Thinking About God
- RSTD 361 - Hebrew Bible
- RSTD 362 - New Testament
- RSTD 366 - Bhagavad Gita and Sacred Hindu Texts
- RSTD 370 - Religious Studies Seminar Abroad
- RSTD 395 - Special Topics
- RSTD 491 - Practicum/Internship
- RSTD 495 - Special Topics
- RSTD 499 - Independent Research
Students majoring in Philosophy with a concentration in Religious Studies who complete all requirements earn the degree of BA, Philosophy.
- PHIL 101 - Critical Thinking I
- PHIL 205 - The Anatomy of Thought
- PHIL 451 - The Great Philosophers
- PHIL 490W - Senior Seminar
- RSTD 211 - Religions of the East
- RSTD 212 - Religions of the West
Electives (18 credits)
- Select three:
- RSTD 220 - The Vision of Hinduism
- RSTD 232 - Visions of Christianity
- RSTD 260 - The Vision of Buddhism
- RSTD 256
- RSTD 270 - The Vision of Islam
- RSTD 318 - Interfaith Studies
- RSTD 319 - Religion and American Identity
- RSTD 330 - Christian Prayer and Spirituality
- RSTD 335 - Primal Religions: Myth, Ritual, and Oral Expression
- RSTD 340 - Mindfulness, Meditation and Happiness
- RSTD 350 - Thinking About God
- Select three:
- PHIL 304 - Ethics and Current Value Questions
- PHIL 305 - The Quest for Truth
- PHIL 306 - Search for Beauty
- PHIL 307 - Current Trends in Modern Thought
- PHIL 308 - Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 312 - American Philosophy
- PHIL 315 - Philosophy of Gender
- PHIL 317 - Existentialism
- PHIL 319 - Philosophy of Love and Sexuality
- PHIL 320 - Scientific Reasoning
- PHIL 321 - WI - Legal Reasoning
- PHIL 326 - WI - Philosophy in the Movies
- PHIL 337 - Radical Evil and the Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 344 - Yoga: Philosophy and Practice
- PHIL 348 - Asian Philosophy
- PHIL 349 - Islamic Philosophy
- PHIL 370 - Philosophy Seminar Abroad
- PHIL 376 - Environmental Ethics
- PHIL 379 - Philosophy of Language
- PHIL 384 - Medical Ethics
- PHIL 386 - Values and Postmodernity
- PHIL 395 - Special Topics
- PHIL 425 - The Constitutional Theory
- PHIL 451 - The Great Philosophers
- PHIL 490 - WI - Senior Seminar
- PHIL 491 - Practicum
- PHIL 495 - Special Topics
- PHIL 499 - Independent Study
- RSTD 310 - Myth, Symbol, and Ritual
- RSTD 312 - Religion and the Arts
- RSTD 318 - Interfaith Studies
- RSTD 319 - Religion and American Identity
- RSTD 321 - The Church and the State
- RSTD 326 - WI - Religion in the Movies
- RSTD 330 - Christian Prayer and Spirituality
- RSTD 335 - Primal Religions: Myth, Ritual, and Oral Expression
- RSTD 337 - Religion and Ecology
- RSTD 338 - Pilgrimage on the Appalachian Trail
- RSTD 340 - Mindfulness, Meditation and Happiness
- RSTD 345 - Scriptures of the World
- RSTD 350 - Thinking About God
- RSTD 361 - Hebrew Bible
- RSTD 362 - New Testament
- RSTD 366 - Bhagavad Gita and Sacred Hindu Texts
- RSTD 370 - Religious Studies Seminar Abroad
- RSTD 395 - Special Topics
- RSTD 491 - Practicum/Internship
- RSTD 495 - Special Topics
- RSTD 499 - Independent ResearchC
Career Options
- College/University Professor
- Ethicist
- Writer/Author
- Legal Professional
- Policy Analyst