
Student and professor with law books

Top law schools value applicants with a comprehensive undergraduate education, like a liberal arts and sciences curriculum. Our pre-law advising program is designed to equip you for success in law school, regardless of your major. While there are no specific course requirements for law school admission, having a background in subjects like constitutional law, logic, and legal reasoning can be advantageous for both the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and the demands of legal education.

Program Requirements

While no specific courses are required for law school admission, courses that require you to write extensively, think critically, and analyze information from multiple disciplines are helpful toward preparing for the rigors of law school.

Students who wish to have coursework that focuses on legal issues should consider taking some of the following courses:

  • AMST 120 Encounters with the Constitution
  • AMST 330 Treason in America
  • AMST 335 Moot Court
  • AMST 350 Sex, Law, and Society
  • BUSN 251 Business Law I
  • COMM 239 Argumentation
  • COMM 305 The First Amendment, Culture, and Communication
  • COMM 325 Persuasion
  • CRIM 208 Crime in America
  • CRIM 335 Crime and Inequality
  • CRIM 365 Social Change and Policy
  • ENGL 353 WI: Writing for the Professions
  • HIST 121 Early America to the Civil War
  • HIST 217 Social History of American Law
  • HIST 341 The Long Civil Rights Movement
  • HIST 342 American Environmental History
  • HIST 354 The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1775-1820
  • HONR 323 Civil Liberties in Wartime
  • PHIL 205* The Anatomy of Thought
  • PHIL 207 Ethical Issues in Business
  • PHIL 321 WI: Legal Reasoning
  • PHIL 337 Radical Evil and the Philosophy of Law
  • PHIL 425 Constitutional Theory
  • POLS 204 Hate Crimes and Reality
  • POLS 240 The Supreme Court in American Politics
  • POLS 307 Civil Liberties
  • POLS 316 Constitutional Law
  • POLS 327 International Law and International Organizations
  • POLS 363 The Judicial Process
  • POLS 375 Labor, Law and Politics
  • RSTD 321 The Church and the State

*Students preparing for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) should consider taking PHIL 205 as part of their preparation.

Career Options

  • Lawyer (Attorney)
  • Paralegal
  • Legal Analyst
  • Compliance Officer
  • Mediator or Arbitrator
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