U.S. National Security Studies

Program at a Glance
In our U.S. National Security Studies minor, you can study the complex and evolving landscape of U.S. diplomatic and national security policies. Trace the historical trajectory from the nation's founding to the present, examining key principles, pivotal events, and the challenges faced in the Cold War and Post-Cold War eras. Gain a nuanced understanding of U.S. national security decision-making, exploring its constitutional roots and the geopolitical forces that shape it. Engage in critical analysis, research, and discussions to deepen your knowledge and prepare for careers in government, international relations, or security-related fields.
Program Requirements
- AMST 100 - The American Experiment: Formation of Democratic Life
- POLS 215 - Comparative and International Politics
- AMST 300 - The American Experiment: Global Influence
- AMST 330 - Treason in America
- GEOG 202 - Introduction to Geography II
- HIST 325 - Cold War Politics and Culture
- HIST 336 - Modern American Diplomatic History
- HIST 340 - America and the Second World War
- HIST 351 - American Military History
- HIST 480 - The United States as a World Power
- POLS 323 - American Foreign Policy
- POLS 327 - International Law
- POLS 338 - Politics of Weapons Proliferation
- POLS 340 - Might and Right Among Nations
- POLS 380 - Terrorism
- POLS 402 - International Relations Theory and World Issues
- ARAB 202
- CHIN 202 - Intermediate Chinese II
- FREN 202 - Intermediate French II
- GERM 202 - Intermediate German II
- ITAL 202 - Intermediate Italian II
- LATN 202 - Intermediate Latin II
- SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II
Career Options
- Intelligence Analyst
- Diplomat/Foreign Service Officer
- Defense Analyst
- Homeland Security Specialist
- Policy Advisor