All parking lots and garages are open for parking during the Commencement activities except Lot M by the the Gregory P. Klich Alumni House.
Handicap permit parking is available in all of the lots surrounding campus. There will be golf cart shuttles circling each lot adjacent to the Great Lawn throughout the entire day. Golf cart shuttles are not able to enter the Great Lawn area.
If arriving prior to 8:00 a.m., we encourage you to park in lot C2 in front of the Ferguson Center.
At 8:00 a.m., the main entrance to campus by the Trible Library will be closed to vehicular traffic.
If arriving after 8:00 a.m., please park in one of the following places:
- Lot A (Ferguson Center parking garage)
- Lots accessible via Moore's Lane and Prince Drew Rd.
- Lots B, C, D or E (enter campus on University Place across from Panera and Starbucks)
Please visit for a map of all the parking lots on campus.
Questions? Please contact the Office of University Events at