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Student volunteers in the Luter School of Business won’t be able to prepare and e-file tax returns at no charge for local residents this year. The service depends on face-to-face meetings and those aren’t possible because the campus is closed to visitors.
The popular tax service is provided by Christopher Newport’s accounting majors, who are volunteer tax preparers for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program sponsored by the IRS. The student volunteers are trained and certified to prepare basic tax returns and more than 250 local residents have come to rely on the assistance.
Alternative free VITA locations in Newport News include:
13813 Warwick Blvd, Suite BC2
Family Investment Center
600 C. Ridley Circle
USW Region 8 Local 8888
4106 Huntington Ave.
HRCAP Mobile Site 2
Clark Multi-Purpose Center
392 Maple Ave.
More information on hours and dates and other locations is available through the Hampton Roads Community Action Program.