Summer Arts at CNU - Christopher Newport University

Summer Arts at CNU

Summer Arts at CNU

June 19-July 1, 2022


The summer arts program is a unique opportunity for promising college-bound artists to combine hands-on creative activities in theater, music or visual art with university-level education. These intensive two-week courses culminate in a collaborative production experience.

Whether your creative talents lie in photography, sculpture, music technology or live theater, we will engage, encourage and challenge you to develop your gifts and prepare for your future in college arts programs and beyond.

You’ll learn, work and live with like-minded artists in an immersive environment, surrounded by creative energy and supportive colleagues, guided and instructed by Christopher Newport’s arts faculty, each an accomplished professional in their respective fields.

  • Explore a two-week intensive course in theater, music or visual art
  • Stay in one of our amazing residence halls
  • Get to know fellow creative students who love the arts
  • Earn three hours of college credit applicable at Christopher Newport (or transferable elsewhere)
  • Audition/portfolio/interview opportunities for admission and scholarships as a theater, music or studio art major at Christopher Newport
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