CNH and Library at sunset

Information Technology Services

We offer a wide range of services for students, faculty and staff, including recommendations for computer purchases; support for enterprise applications; or assisting with desktops, laptops, printers, mobile devices or other related technologies.

Our ITS Campus Knowledge Base is the repository of IT Services documentation designed to help you look up the answer to a wide variety of questions about the technology services available on campus.


Use of DeepSeek on Campus-Restrictions and Exemptions

Page edited by David Edgar

As defined by Governor Youngkin's Executive Order 46 (2025) the Commonwealth of Virginia has prohibited the download and use of DeepSeek, the artificial intelligence application and web site, on state-owned networks and devices. In accordance with this executive order, DeepSeek is banned on Christopher Newport University networks and client devices.

To fulfill this directive, Information Technology Services has instituted blocks and restrictions of DeepSeek via:

  • The university’s campus network

  • Web browser applications

  • Downloadable apps on university devices

Christopher Newport has been granted a limited exemption to the executive order in the following circumstances:

  1. To conduct research into the DeepSeek AI product to better understand its capabilities and operations, and

  2. To conduct or assist with security research regarding DeepSeek AI for governmental clients.

These exemptions are permitted, subject to the following conditions and restrictions:

  • Use must take place in a secure environment, meaning that appropriate cybersecurity safeguards are in place (including system and network isolation or containment) to separate DeepSeek AI research from any other university work and to ensure that the permitted, exceptional use of DeepSeek AI does not create any possibility of access to Commonwealth data or systems (including both governmental data and personal data of Virginians).

  • The cybersecurity safeguards employed in regard to the DeepSeek AI environment should be in accordance with NIST SP 800-53 rev.5, SEC530, or an equivalent established standard.

To request DeepSeek access for research purposes, please submit a ticket to or ITS approval is required to ensure compliance with the exemption's conditions and restrictions.


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CNU ITS at Spring Open Houses!

Page edited by David Edgar

CNU’s Information Technology Services team is excited to be part of the upcoming Spring Open House events! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be on hand during scheduled 1-hour time slots to chat with prospective students and their families about all things tech at CNU.

Whether you’re curious about Wi-Fi on campus, what kind of computer to bring, how students get tech support or even student employment opportunities within IT—we’ve got you covered.

We love connecting with future Captains and look forward to answering your questions, sharing helpful info, and helping you feel right at home with the tech side of CNU.

See you soon!

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More Announcements

Wireless Network

Christopher Newport is now part of the eduroam WiFi network. eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, worldwide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community, available at thousands of institutions worldwide. Christopher Newport provides eduroam network access across the entire campus.

Click below for instructions on connecting to eduroam.

Connect to eduroam

If you plan to travel and would like to know if the eduroam network is available where you are going, please click below.

eduroam map

Once you have successfully connected to eduroam on campus, your device will automatically connect to the eduroam network off campus at participating institutions.

Visitors from institutions participating in eduroam should use the credentials provided by their home university or research institution. Please be aware, if you experience issues authenticating to the eduroam network, you must refer to your home institution's support desk for assistance.

Connect to eduroam

Visitors to Christopher Newport have access to free guest wireless access while on campus. Access to our guest wireless network is available in most buildings and outside on the Great Lawn. Click the link below for directions on how to connect to WiFi-CNU-Guest.

Connect to WiFi-CNU-Guest


ITS Campus Knowledge Base

ITS related How To articles and information.

IT Services Helpdesk (Helpspot)

Submit an IT help ticket.

Request assistance — from password resets to maintenance tickets and more!

Student Laptop Requirements

Information on computer specifications for students.

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